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Must Read : Faq For New And Old Members: Answer Of Your Why? Where And How?

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by FreeFun4Every1, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. #1
    After this forum updated from vBulletin to XenForo there were also some policy changes that went in to place at the same time that caused confusion. I had done some research in forum and made this small FAQ about the questions which are very frequently asked here. Hopefully you will get answers to your "Why?", "Where?" and "How?" questions...

    Q-1) Why I am not able to post in Marketplace or Buy, Sell, Trade Section?
    A) Because you are not an established member. You need to become established first to get more privileges. Follow this link for more details: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/help/established

    Option #2 is you can purchase premium membership (all other restrictions of unestablished members still apply). You can find info here: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/help/premium

    Q-2) What is an Established Members?? How to become Established?
    A) An established member gets some extra privileges (for example access to special forums, ability to add a signature and links in their thread and many other benefits). More info here: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/help/established

    The way to become an established member is fairly simple. You must be a member for 48 hours AND get 3 different existing established members to "Like" something you wrote (asking users for "Likes" will get you banned).

    Q-3) Why can't I have a signature?
    A) Same reason (because you are not an established member). Follow this link for more details: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/help/established

    Q-4) Why I am not able to see "Like" button?
    A) Again the answer is the same, because you are not established member. once yo become established you will able to see like button at bottom-right corner of each post.

    Q-5) How to purchase Premium Membership? After purchasing premium membership will I become established??
    A) Premium membership is different from being an established member (both have different benefits). You can read about premium membership benefits over here. (Established + Premium member is much better to access forum)

    Q-6) How many people have 100 to 1000+ Likes already??
    A) They all are old reputed members of DP they had helped many people in the old Digital Point. Likes were imported from the old reputation system.

    Q-7) How to get Likes quickly? Why i am not getting Likes?
    A) This is the main problem all people think they will never get likes and they want them too quickly. There are many threads about people complaining about this 3 Likes rule, but it was created to reduce spam and seems to be very effective.

    It is not difficult to get 3 Likes from 3 different people, you just need to help people new or old members. There are many section in forum like this Suggestion and Feedback where you can post and help people e.g. Payment process, Programming, General Business and many more so just use your knowledge to help people and make quality post in forum so you will get your 3 Likes very quickly.

    Don't expect likes on your 2-3 word answer or any type of dumb reply.
    Don't expect likes for the spun version of answer. If many people had already given answer to thread OP in brief and you are giving just spun version then there is no chance to get like on your post.
    Don't expect likes on your number of post. People are complaining that they had made over 100 post but didn't received likes yet. If you look at your 100 posts, ask yourself if you created quality or helpful posts. There are over 16,000+ Established members who can like your content.
    See this person and take some inspiration that like doesn't matter with post count: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/members/mr-helpful.735742/

    Q-8) I have more than 3 Likes but still not established?
    A) First check if your likes are from three different users... If they are, it's most likely because this is your first visit to Digital Point since the new system was put in place. The system checks hourly for permission upgrades. So keep patience & let system complete it's cron jobs.

    I hope Established Member and Like topic is clear for you now let's talk about other questions. :p

    Q-9) How can I Bump my old thread? How to edit it after bumping?
    A) Just below the first post of your thread you can find the option Bump/Relist/Edit you can use it to bump it and after bumping the thread you can see separate edit button at same place to edit your thread.
    Note:- Normal member must wait 30 days between bumps and premium members must wait 7 days.

    Q-10) How to send PM (conversation)?
    A) Many people are searching for the option or private message (PM) but now it is called Conversation in new forum. To start new Conversation just click on username of member below their avatar, it will open popup window where you have option to "Start a Conversation"

    Q-11) How to Delete/Leave conversation ?

    A) Open the conversation that you want to delete/leave and in top-right corner you will find the option "Leave Conversation"

    Q-12) Where is my old iTrader gone?
    A) As now iTraders are replaced by Instant Pay. iTraders are now only in read only format. That you can check in your Profile -> Marketplace tab, it is known as Legacy iTrader rating.

    Q-13) How can I link PayPal and other third party accounts here?
    A) You can add your accounts here: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/account/third-party-accounts

    Q-14) Is it safe to link my PayPal account?
    A) Yes It is safe. Digital Point can't read your transaction history or take money from your account even if they wanted to. Site now is SSL-only for added security. You can read these post for more info:

    If you still have fear then you can turn on Two-Factor Authentication (Also called 2-Step verification), that will add and extra layer of security for login into account.

    You will need the Google Authenticator app, which you can download from the follow page:

    Q-15) Can I link my personal PayPal account?
    A) No sorry but you can link only Business or Premier PayPal accounts. The limitation is imposed by PayPal because Personal accounts are not able to use the PayPal APIs.

    Q-16) How to Leave feedback in new system?
    A) You can leave feedback here: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/marketplace/feedback

    Q-17) How to check feedback of others in details?
    A) Go to their profile and check marketplace tab so you will get all details whatever you want.

    Q-18) Using Adblocker with this forum can effect on it's functionality?
    A) Yes, Sometimes adblocker not only block ads but it breaks site into parts so maybe you are not able to post in some section or some thread or see message from Forum.

    If you still didn't found your answer then you can read Help of the forum
    If it's not in help and you still have questions, feel free to post a thread in this section with your question.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2013
    FreeFun4Every1, Feb 18, 2013 IP
    Fergal, jim, hardip2057 and 24 others like this.
  2. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Although there are some grammatical errors (the English runs about 96-97% accurate) I do appreciate the effort and your thread will help many newbies and confused oldies.:)
    Spoiltdiva, Feb 18, 2013 IP
  3. FreeFun4Every1

    FreeFun4Every1 Prominent Member

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    Thanks..and English is not my first language so always happened with me..though tried my best.
    FreeFun4Every1, Feb 18, 2013 IP
    Fergal and seodetectors07 like this.
  4. Jennygomez

    Jennygomez Member

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    So, if I buy premium membership and don't have 3 likes, can I post a new thread in buy and sell section?
    Jennygomez, Feb 18, 2013 IP
  5. FreeFun4Every1

    FreeFun4Every1 Prominent Member

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    You can post new thread but can't post Clickable Links in your post
    FreeFun4Every1, Feb 18, 2013 IP
  6. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Cleaned up some of the grammar (I'm tired, so probably still not perfect though), fixed a couple things that was incorrect info. But for the most part it was right (and now it's definitely right)... thread has been stuck.
    digitalpoint, Feb 19, 2013 IP
  7. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    It will be interesting to see how many actually bother to read it before they post..:)
    malky66, Feb 19, 2013 IP
  8. FreeFun4Every1

    FreeFun4Every1 Prominent Member

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    Thanks Shawn to give some time for this thread now it looks much better :)

    Ya we can just hope that from "must read" title people bother to read it and try to understand forum.
    FreeFun4Every1, Feb 19, 2013 IP
  9. Colleen

    Colleen Illustrious Member

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    Wow, what a great post, FreeFun4Every1! Now when people ask the same questions over and over, we can just point them here instead of explaining all over again. Thanks!
    Colleen, Feb 19, 2013 IP
    robjones likes this.
  10. FreeFun4Every1

    FreeFun4Every1 Prominent Member

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    Ya with the same thought I had created this thread, and my request to all of you if I had missed any question then let me know so we can add it here..All suggestions welcome :)
    FreeFun4Every1, Feb 19, 2013 IP
  11. khan.anzer

    khan.anzer Well-Known Member

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    Hi, just wanted to know requesting someone to "Like" by sending a PM will invite any trouble?? I enjoy a good itrader (+71), however limited no of likes is not allowing me to seek more work in content creation section.
    khan.anzer, Feb 21, 2013 IP
  12. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Yep, it will get you banned.

    digitalpoint, Feb 21, 2013 IP
  13. Nicholas Pope

    Nicholas Pope Well-Known Member

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    Cheers for the FAQ, and thank you for clearing up the likes situation for me.
    Nicholas Pope, Feb 28, 2013 IP
  14. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    Dumb question: How do I "like" your post in this new setup? (sorry, truly don't see it.)
    Blogmaster, Mar 10, 2013 IP
  15. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    You should reread it (or just wait an hour). heh
    digitalpoint, Mar 10, 2013 IP
  16. pxgfx

    pxgfx Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! Understandable indeed, answered my questions. When did the switch from vBulletin to XenForo happened anyway?
    pxgfx, Mar 29, 2013 IP
  17. FreeFun4Every1

    FreeFun4Every1 Prominent Member

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    FreeFun4Every1, Mar 29, 2013 IP
  18. pxgfx

    pxgfx Well-Known Member

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    Thanks thanks!
    pxgfx, Mar 31, 2013 IP
  19. EGS

    EGS Notable Member

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    It was a huge mistake. Nothing beats vBulletin's interface.. If you felt they weren't stable, migrate to IPB, that's my SUGGESTION so don't be givin' me a spankin' BUBBA SHAWN. :mad:

    Also WHAT HAPPENED TO REVENUE SHARING!? The requests to link stuff up are all for the wrong reasons..

    ie, AdSense link up only shows sites revenue stats etc. I want the revenue sharing...!!
    && PayPal link up doesn't work with personal PayPal accounts, so I am an old man member here that looks like I have no feedback etc because of that.

    If you can at least at all merge XenForo with vBulletin, I've seen it done quite easily, make a vBulletin section linked to db for us old-timers here man, make it a Geezer Lounge where there's less criminal activity. Hmm that's on to something there.
    EGS, Mar 31, 2013 IP
  20. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    Did that really make you money when it was up there?
    Blogmaster, Mar 31, 2013 IP