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Selling First Website To allow you to add Comment/Reactions/Voting to your Instagram & Snapchat Stories

Discussion in 'Sites' started by Joopaa, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. #1
    Why are you selling this site?
    My father got hospitalised for cancer and I’m unable to pay the Hospital & Medical bills to keep his treatment going, i wouldn’t sell this unique idea if its not to save my father and continue his treatment.

    My last deadline to pay the bills its 2th october 2017.

    How is it monetized?
    the website hasn't yet generated any revenue , but the business model could be :

    -Admob banners

    -Pro Monthly membership " Custom Comment page background color & no branding ...etc. "

    Does this site come with any social media accounts?
    @SwippeCo Twitter

    How much time does this site take to run?
    in No time

    What challenges are there with running this site?
    Marketing and Promoting the website

    a Video about how the site work from a popular youtube :

    Joopaa, Sep 27, 2017 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    This appears to be a low tech version of kwickie but the video talks about a site called taplab. Is your site a clone?
    sarahk, Sep 27, 2017 IP
  3. Joopaa

    Joopaa Active Member

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    No , TapLab is the youtube Channel name, no and the site is not a clone is the original one !
    Joopaa, Sep 27, 2017 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  4. Lordo

    Lordo Well-Known Member

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    What problem does this service solve?/
    Lordo, Oct 18, 2017 IP