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Selling 45 web sites from 2007 - big package

Discussion in 'Sites' started by Jim_Westergren, Oct 12, 2009.

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  1. #1
    The web sites below including domain names are being sold as a package. I bought most of them here on DP in 2006-2007 for using for link building to clients but the ones below were not included in the 40 or so web sites I sold in october 2007. I am not doing link building since then and I have no more use for the below web sites.

    • They should all have unique content.
    • All are created in 2007, 2006 or earlier so they all have some age.
    • Traffic and income is nothing really to speak of as they were never promoted.

    1. ActionDVD.info
    2. AllDiabetesSymptoms.com
    3. ArcheologyArticles.com
    4. BirdFluBits.com
    5. DinosaurFacts.info
    6. DirectPowerBelt.com
    7. DisplayTechnologies.info
    8. Document-Scanning-Solutions.info
    9. DogBreedHelp.com
    10. DogSkinDiseases.info
    11. Ellidix.com (broken but can probably be fixed)
    12. FindChinese.info
    13. FloristsNearby.com (bought for $250, more info)
    14. FruityNutrition.com (bought for $50, more info)
    15. GoldSportsNutrition.com (bought for $60, more info)
    16. HobbiesLand.com (bought for $60, more info)
    17. Interfaith-Marriage.com (bought for $50, more info)
    18. MarketingSmallBusiness.net
    19. MemCards.info
    20. MesotheliomaLearning.com
    21. MobileOverview.info
    22. ModernPentathlon.net (more info)
    23. My-Gardening.com (bought for $60, more info)
    24. MyInternetJobs.com
    25. My-Student-Loan.info (more info)
    26. PacuFish.info
    27. Paintball-Fun.info (more info)
    28. ParkinsonsDiseaseLifeCenter.com
    29. Pheromone-Perfumes.com
    30. PreserveOurParks.com
    31. Reachers.net (more info)
    32. SamuraiWarriors.info
    33. SellAccount.com
    34. ShenlOngonline.net (more info)
    35. SightingUFO.info (more info)
    36. SleepLifeCenter.com
    37. SupperRecipes.info
    38. Travel-Dublin.info
    39. Travel-Rome.info
    40. turtlcafe.net (PageRank 3)
    41. UnitedWAHMS.com
    42. WhiteWhales.info
    43. VitaminInfo.info
    44. WorkOutRoutine.info
    45. Zune-Player.biz

    1. digitalcameradetails.com (domain was lost but you get the site)
    2. fitness-tips.us (domain was lost but you get the site)
    3. ecollege-guide.com (domain was lost but you get the site)

    Payment is with paypal.

    14 days auction or Buy it now $1500 - winner takes it alll.

    PS: See my signature for a link to my blog for a full list of all web site and domain names I am selling. There is A LOT more.
    Jim_Westergren, Oct 12, 2009 IP
  2. jamesmith

    jamesmith Active Member

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    sellaccount.com - $10
    jamesmith, Oct 12, 2009 IP
  3. carolz_place

    carolz_place Peon

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    Will give you a bid of $100. Good luck. :0)

    carolz_place, Oct 12, 2009 IP
  4. cashwealth

    cashwealth Peon

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    supperrecipes.info - $ 5
    Travel-Rome.info - $10
    Travel-Dublin.info $10
    cashwealth, Oct 12, 2009 IP
  5. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    If you will consider selling them separately, then I offer:

    workoutroutine.info - $10
    dcristo, Oct 12, 2009 IP
  6. honey

    honey Prominent Member

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    Package Sold for BIN, Payment Sent. I could consider selling some of the sites individually, so PM me your offers and we can see if I can sell that particular site/sites or not.
    honey, Oct 13, 2009 IP
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