Directory Editing - What's a Quality Web Directory?

Discussion in 'Directories' started by CReed, Jul 31, 2007.


Have you rejected other web directories submitted to your own?

Poll closed Aug 10, 2007.
  1. No, I have not

    7 vote(s)
  2. Yes, I have

    26 vote(s)
  3. I thought about it

    2 vote(s)
  4. I wished I had

    2 vote(s)
  1. #1
    Following Jeff's post about what is a quality PayDay Loan site and a MySpace Resource I'd like to pose this question to you:

    What makes for a quality general topic web directory submission?

    Does having a category structure in place and a functioning submission/payment interface qualify as a quality submission? Is the web directory complete if all of the subcategory links work and a webmaster can complete the submission process (free or paid) without error?

    Does having a few mods installed improve the quality of the directory? Custom template? Multiple listing options? Advertising options?

    Other directories hold certain standards when reviewing general web directories; Yahoo, botw, dmoz, stpt, but it seems it's really easy to have a brand new general web or bidding directory accepted in most of the directories even when it's on a free script, free template and with no content. Pay the "review" fee and you're in.

    Does an empty directory provide any value? Should a web directory at least have minimal content (listing/information) over a broad range of topics; or is one subtopic overloaded with listings considered sufficient content?

    What is a quality directory submission to you? What do you accept or not accept when reviewing other web directories? Do you have any minimum guidelines? Care to share your reasons why you accept or don't accept them? I'd like to know.
    CReed, Jul 31, 2007 IP
    smub likes this.
  2. mikey1090

    mikey1090 Moderator Staff

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    Digital Goods:
    quality directory give users and customers what they want

    those on avivas strongest list would qualify i reckon...
    mikey1090, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  3. aspidov

    aspidov Well-Known Member

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    Quality directory is a directory that avoids intruding ads in favor of a collection of unique websites and resources.
    aspidov, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  4. nONEq

    nONEq Active Member

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    Quality directory is the one which is mostly built for average Internet user searching for the information. Webmaster benefits will already show up themselves.
    nONEq, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  5. coolsitez

    coolsitez Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure about this. It's not about what people want would always make quality thing.

    It's true that if many agree something to be quality, then many other will tend to follow their perspectives. But of course I don't think there is absoluteness in this view.

    I think it will be always a matter of one's opinion and even belief. Some agree, but there are other folks always disagree when it comes to judge, evaluate, or rank something.

    But for the sake of giving my opinion, ;) I like to think of quality of a web directory based on the following factors:

    The directory itself is well recognized positively.

    Quality link listings (as to "content" of the directory) - sites are fairly recognized positively by many

    Functionality for visitors - link visibility (mods, search function)

    Value of link listing - (price, ROI)
    coolsitez, Jul 31, 2007 IP
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  6. biodev

    biodev Peon

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    i dont even consider accepting the ones that have almost no work on them, like almost empty, not changed template logo, flooded with ads .. those are red flags .. then i would go on considering the rest of factors and take a decision.
    biodev, Jul 31, 2007 IP
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  7. CReed

    CReed Prominent Member

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    What do users want? We know what "customers" want.

    I think it demonstrates that the directory's owner priority may be to monetize their directory?

    So it should have a broad range of topics covered, not just those of interest to webmasters or those engaged in web promotion?

    Quality link listings - so it should contain some easily recognized/popular sites?

    So a quality submission would be from a directory with some content over a wide range of topics and a little bit done to the template to associate it with the domain.
    CReed, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  8. aspidov

    aspidov Well-Known Member

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    the other way around, yes.
    aspidov, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  9. pctec

    pctec Well-Known Member

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    I think each dir owner will define what quality means for themselves... Take my dir for example... I know I will never be #1 but I'm ok with that. My submission rules stand for what I believe in and that my friends, is quality...
    pctec, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  10. biodev

    biodev Peon

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    I meant that would be the minimum for me .. I was more like answering your question about what makes me not accept a directory when reviewing: "What do you accept or not accept when reviewing other web directories?"
    biodev, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  11. vegabond

    vegabond Shabu Anower

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    Quality listing, I don't mean any listing that is PR6+. Good site can be PR0 too.
    Directory owner should add regular basis quality content/listing for user.

    Make your directory ads free!

    enough :p
    vegabond, Jul 31, 2007 IP
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  12. coolsitez

    coolsitez Well-Known Member

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    I think many people could wonder why a web directory is not listing well recognized/popular sites under a category, if it serves to navigate visitors.

    Of course, they may not need an "obvious" navigation if they know already those sites. For example, no one probably needs a web directory to tell you to go to eBay for online shopping.

    The concept is similar to wiki search engine I guess because in many cases, the majority would decide whether it's quality or not.
    Wikipedia Search Engine
    coolsitez, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  13. CReed

    CReed Prominent Member

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    Yes, and that's what I'd like to hear from some other directory owners - what do they consider a quality web directory submission? Are there any guidelines/basic requirements that they follow, or do they just accept all directory submissions?

    Ok, here's an example:

    A new directory is launched next week sometime, it offers free standard listings and paid featured listings. It's on a free version of a directory script, uses one of the popular free templates and has added a logo.

    As it's announced here in the directories section of DP, the majority of submissions are free listings for directories with a few featured listings from some of the larger directories looking for some exposure.

    There's a small handful of other sites submitted and sprinkled in other commercial/webmaster categoris, but we know the bulk of the accepted listings are directories, and the majority of categories are empty other than the subcategories listed.

    After a few days of clicking the accept icon in the control panel, the launch is considered a success and it's time to move on to promotion so they begin submitting this directory around. Are you likely to consider this as a quality submission and accept it in your free directory or pocket the review fee and add it to your paid directory? Does it meet your minimum standards for inclusion?

    The average number of new directories launched every month is around 200. They pretty much fit the description above, so would these be considered as a quality submission in your own directory?

    <added> have you ever not accepted another web directory submitted to your own?</added>
    CReed, Jul 31, 2007 IP
    vegabond likes this.
  14. pctec

    pctec Well-Known Member

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    Quality is simply any submission that fits my guidelines...
    You are correct however that most submissions are directories. When I opened mine I offer some free links to get a little boost and I honestly believed there would be a fair mix of site types. Once I stooped free submissions it started to even out. I now have a fairly diverse range even though the dir cat is half full.

    The lesson learned was simple...
    Don't offer free links if you are serious about promotion.
    Maybe I'm just a newbie but I don't ever recall aviva or alive offering freebies... But then again, I've only been around for a short while. ;)
    pctec, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  15. CReed

    CReed Prominent Member

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    If anybody would care to participate, I've added a simple poll. Thanks :D
    CReed, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  16. pctec

    pctec Well-Known Member

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    I voted yes...
    I had a dir submitted that have porn links on it...
    pctec, Jul 31, 2007 IP
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  17. nONEq

    nONEq Active Member

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    I also voted yes. Once I rejected a directory with a poor design, nearly a hundred OBLs on the homepage and very very little content.

    When N1Q was free I was rejecting more and more, after becoming paid crap websites have started to submit less.
    nONEq, Jul 31, 2007 IP
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  18. smub

    smub Notable Member

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    hmm if i understand the question right of the poll

    are you asking whether i have submitted to a directory and than once they submitted rejected their site ??

    No because i dont submit to pointless dirs.

    Second, if you are asking whether i have rejected webdirectories submission to idk.

    Yes !! I have...

    if the question was the first one you asked than i was the only one to say No I have not.... and thats because i understood the question wrong depending on your answer :)

    Now what is a quality web directory

    A webdirectory which is not made on a qbc domain (meaning pr 6 home domain) and 0 pr inner pages.... and the domain is

    now thts a absolute reject.

    Secondly, I think a quality web-directory contains a good design (Doesn't have to be custom) but good looking. Very minimum adsense (Preferred None)

    I do let new sites in so PR is not my only judgement for the directory. Also the owner matters because if the site is in ... they are not getting accepted.
    smub, Jul 31, 2007 IP
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  19. CReed

    CReed Prominent Member

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    That was the question. :)
    CReed, Jul 31, 2007 IP
  20. popotalk

    popotalk Notable Member

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    Thanks for bringing this up. First of all I would like to apologize in advance if I may hurt others unintentionally. I speak only in my opinion and should not be taken as insult to anyone. I know everyone works hard but there is a difference between quality and monetary.
    So far few owners as I would say knows what a quality web directory is. Some are striving the best of what they can be and is not enough but they are in the right direction and that includes me. Many are hopeless since they dont think of long term and instead spamming the forum daily promoting their sites and letting everyone know how they are doing. As editors of your own directory you are obliged to keep pace to adding content. Content makes us grow and growing is part of what a web directory is supposed to be. So I say in this question is content and have time for adding instead of blabbering. So you think you ally to some or kiss the behind would do no good. In the end it will be you and you alone would take your own directory to the next level each and everyone is doing their own.

    It is in our best to check all the time our directory/directories functionalities. As an example a week ago there were submissions that did not went thru payment but we sent them an email and had converted it to positive 10 submissions as a result telling them that we fixed the problem and we even gave them some free featured on our other network. Also they brought in refferals as a result.
    Yes these are what makes us standout. MODS are for now is 20% Custom Template is 30% Multiple Listing Options is 20% and Advertising as the remainder of the bulk to complete the 100. Most REGULAR submitters now dont care about deeplinks. Its only a few of us who knows but in the outside world they dont know and dont even care. Advertising is great part of the strategy and lately we advertise on the local newspapers in our state and brought some positive results but not quite that many. I will give you a tip. A few months back I listed a big company and added it into my site as a regular listing. After a few months maybe the webmaster of a competing company checked the results and saw the listing in my directory and voila I had a featured submission from this other company.
    Its good that you brought this in again. Crap web directories are popping out daily even in bid. In my directory after this update I will upgrade the standard of accepting sites. Otoh I checked some directory owners listed in Authority sites such as Skaffe, JoeAnt, and found quite a lot of good directories included. Special mention to smub and jhrang and their individual directory. It really is growing and saw it in most authority sites because of the content they add.
    Would you be happy opening a can of tuna finding out that there is no tuna ?
    As I have said before, After this update we will re-evaluate our standards and will be more on the content side of the submission. We will send the the individual owners of past free submissions notices that if they fail to improve their sites we would discontinue the listing. Its a long hard work but it will pay off. For directories we would be looking for listings in the less popular categories and sub categories.

    Lastly, I would encourage directory owners to keep pace in adding content. It would be on your benefit. Linking to high PR sites is not the answer anymore for those who are stable enough.

    And my apologies in advance. :)
    popotalk, Jul 31, 2007 IP
    CReed, onlinedude, Mong and 2 others like this.