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Rules Allowed or Not - [Quick Reference]

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by mcfox, Nov 17, 2008.

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    Allowed or not. A quick reference.

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    mcfox, Nov 17, 2008 IP
  2. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    Shawn, here's a read for you.

    Well, it was a long run now. 78 digitalpoint warnings. All a big setup.
    Banned in 2010 for two years, banned for a year in 2013. came back and then banned for 5yrs. Fuck I lost track.
    It's March and I'm back just as I promised.

    A lot has happened. Working and living in a tiny little farm house then finally moving up to the suburbs. In 2013 I lost that house so you could earn another million shawn. Moved to a fucking trailerpark and of course the wife conveniently started to not like anything about me and I gave her the place and went back to my hometown with nothing thanks to you. Now I'm back in the ghetto. Back next to the crackhouses and bikers. For 3yrs I've been sitting here thinking about what I said before.

    Well, now I'm back(for a day probably) and I want you to know that I keep my word. I will get you back dude.
    When you die, I swear I will go to the gravestone and knock that fucking thing over. I will spend my entire life wishing I can go to San Diego or where ever the hell you live to knock you the fuck out dude 100 times in a row.
    You and your stupid army of pricks all together driving people underground. You and your friends think you do what you want then walk away from online business.
    You are responsible. You and your stupid as friends like sarahk and fuckface Rob.

    I know....... I know what you are going to say. You are going to pretend like you don't remember me. Nice try.

    I know... ban me for 5yrs, how about 10yrs? how about forever? I will NEVER forget and I will want to go after you until right is right. One day I'm going to be able to use this passport man.
    Dude, you have no clue. ALL I do is play video games, jam protein in my body, lift weights, and think about destroying you one day. I have absolutely nothing. I've had two visitors to my apartment in the 4yrs. I have no friends, no pleasurable company, no distractions.

    Laugh it up. You think you won. It's not over. I got another 15yrs left of my life yet.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
    Laceygirl, Mar 19, 2017 IP
    jaguar34 likes this.
  3. malky66

    malky66 Acclaimed Member

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    So you're not a girl anymore then, did you have a sex change??
    malky66, Mar 19, 2017 IP
    matt_62 likes this.
  4. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Wow, that's a ton of baggage you're carrying. I never knew one forum could be so powerful as to prevent you from obtaining employment across all industries.

    Do you think your lack of wife & friends might be because your bitterness turns them off? Maybe they fail to see how something that happened in 2010 in an online forum can have such an impact.

    I'm sorry for my part in it but I'm still trying to work out what I did that was so wrong. From a skim of your posts it appears that Google & Paypal may have harmed you more, that and pretending to be something you're not.

    Apart from the fact that Justin never was a girl there's nothing in the first post that outs him as male. Having a wife is not an exclusively male thing anymore.
    sarahk, Mar 19, 2017 IP
    matt_62 likes this.
  5. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Well if you didn't mention you were banned for 5 years, I wouldn't have remembered just from your username. Had to go read user notes and a couple old threads to refresh memory. I do remember people were confused about your gender, although I personally didn't care either way. None of my business if you are a boy, girl, girl trapped in a boy's body, etc. {shrug}

    Honestly, I don't recall why you were banned, but based on your last couple posts, I could see how you could have gotten yourself banned since you don't seem to get along well with others.

    I don't recall any promises made about anything, but cool... glad to see you keep your promises.

    I fail to see the correlation between you losing your home and me making another million. But if there is a correlation, I have not received the check yet from the loss of your home. The the plus side, your wife gave you her Digital Point account in the break up, so that's something I suppose.

    Also not sure what exactly you said before that you have been thinking about.

    You can dig up my body and have sex with it for all I care, I'd be dead and I don't covet "things" in life, I suspect I'm also not going to covet things in death (even my old body). Certainly not a gravestone. Truth be told, I probably won't have a gravestone or grave site. Not into that sort of thing. I'd rather just be cremated or buried in a secret place that is unmarked and no one knows about under a tree and forgotten. Still not sure what word it is that you are keeping, but okay.

    I feel like that would be boring after awhile. Knock someone out once and sitting around waiting for them to wake up so you can do it again.

    Random side question, are you obsessive/compulsive in your real life?

    While it's all a rather entertaining read, it all smells of troll to me. Not sure what you think anyone did to you to drive you underground. But yes, technically the owner of a site can do whatever they want on the site they own. As I suspect you realize you can do or run your website however you see fit/best.

    Nah I do (sorta), see above.

    Okay. :)

    Troll is troll... but welcome back? {shrug}
    digitalpoint, Mar 19, 2017 IP
  6. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    Could you please kill me instead ? I'm too weak for suicide.

    My latest ban from GTA V online is 8 months, after having been banned 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, etc.. This is too cruel I think for what I've done, it shouldn't even be a bannable offense in my opinion.
    JamesColin, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  7. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    I'm kinda curious how you get banned in an online game?
    dcristo, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  8. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    It's because I have a buzzard attack chopper with missiles and when you destroy someone who is in their own car (not one stolen) you have to pay the damage fees and it is considered bad sport by GTA. In fact it doesn't matter if the player is in his car or not, destroying someone's car means you pay the damage/insurance fees, but also you get bad sport points, and when you have too many bad sport points you get a ban, the duration depends on the duration of your latest ban period it seems to double each time, now I'm at 8 months (with over 5 months left)..
    Just because I like to take my chopper for a tour and to chase some players in the lobby...


    I don't mind having to pay the damage fees, but why consider it bad sport? When people destroy my chopper they don't pay damages and they don't get bad sport points.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
    JamesColin, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  9. dcristo

    dcristo Illustrious Member

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    First of all, that's a fine piece of machinery.

    Secondly, what's the point in having an attack chopper if you can't attack things in the game? Talk about being heavy handed that's ridiculous of them to ban you for so long for something like that. If you created a stir on social media I am sure they would reverse the decision.
    dcristo, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  10. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    There is the Shawn Hogan team I'm used to. Manipulative as ever and filled with riddles.
    Point 1: Express your opinion .......... then say some insult such as "overreacting" with such a ridiculous example to try to make me look bad.
    Point 2: Express your opinion again ........ then do that again.
    Point 3: Be apologetic for what you did .......... but then retract it and advert attention somewhere else.
    Point 4: Express your carelessness by jabbering on about random stuff with random idiots who reply.

    You can dance around fooling everyone all you want. I don't care about your online reputation. I'm not looking win an argument for others to see. Blah, blah, I guess we are not going to talk about anything for real here. I'm going to listen to the same pattern you always do. Then I'm going to watch your friends(if they are still around) and hogan do their stupid patterns.

    Yeah, I know. You always say the same thing and do the same thing. You ALWAYS say you don't remember. It's your little special plan to make yourself feel powerful and authoritative. I bet if I gave all of your family members diamorphine and a bunch of them got addicted you would still do the "Oh, I see people all of the time. everyone looks to me" role.
    And of COURSE you have your signature {shrug} phrase another point of carelessness you always use.

    You got your dance for the public figured out well too.

    Blah, blah. Yeah ...... you don't remember. Bullshit, you planned it with your friends. You and your friends waited until I was 12hrs away from a deal to save my life then you banned me so I'd lose the deal, you asshole. {Shrug} You and your goofball hellvetti robjones friends knew it was butterfly effect my life dude.
    And what happened after, does this ring a bell, asshole?
    the value of my site DUMPED a month later. I was selling it because I wouldn't be able to use the traffic and the new guy was going to turn it around.
    I sold as much crap as I could at the quicker sale I could get. everything went to hell dude and you guys laughed your asses of about it. I told you fucks my wife was pregnant, give us a break in the beginning. You are not suppose to screw around with that. You should know that. She got high blood pressure from the stress. Was stuck in the hospital for 2 with her blood pressure jumping then finally being forced to give birth to my son at 1lb 6ozs. He didn't even have developed lungs yet. He was hooked up to machines for 3 months in the hospital nearly dying 5 times. 6 surgeries dude. You and your friends were pretty pumped to see that. And all the while I was struggling with a business because you destroyed one and the other was just starting and losing my place while he had machines pumping his chest.
    Lost my place, got fined $9,000 for breaking mortgage. Moved to a trailerpark.
    And of course by miracle when my son comes homes it's only a matter of a month or two where my wife thinks I'm total dogshit because the chips were down.
    And fast forward now I have to live 900miles away from my son who is 5 now whom I seen once in past 3yrs while I live next to the damn loud ass biker gang, the damn crack dealer house, and that damn fucking mental health apartment building that they rent out to a bunch of drunks. Walking around bottle collecting and being stupid idiots.
    And for what reason. So you and your stupid fuck face friends can have a laugh.

    But we're not going to talk about any of that, are we? {shrug} You and your friends are going to just fuck around like this is some circus and talk about random stupid shit like this is a joke so you can look like a cool {shrug} operator with your stupid {shrug} phrase using stupid {shrug} odd brackets because it's some cool old dos internet thing to use those brackets and putting in "shrug" means you can be cocky in an internet way.

    It's an expression to determine my hate for you.
    That's the spirit. Continue being the leader of an online fuck face who is careless to the end running around E-bullying or whatever the fuck you and your little friend up there Sarah does.
    Laceygirl, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  11. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    There are close to a million users here, believe what you want, but no... my memory is not good enough to recall an individual member that isn't an active member in more than half a decade.

    And honestly I'm still not even sure what you are talking about with someone here ruining your life. Hellvetti is not a friend of mine, nor have I ever had any communication with him in any way other than if I responded to a post of his publicly here. In fact until your last post I thought you were talking about the old mod/admin here (Crazy_Rob): https://www.digitalpoint.com/members/crazy_rob.3285/ Like Hellvetti, I've never had any communication with robjones him other than what was posted publicly.

    If you lost a website sale because of something someone did to you on this site, okay I suppose that's plausible (although I don't know any details about it), but for that to ruin your life... that's just lol. Let's say a best case scenario is that someone bought your website for twice what you wanted to sell it for. Was that enough money for you to keep your life on track, pay your mortgage for the rest of your life. If your wife left you because she thought you were "dogshit" (your words, not mine, I don't know you), I suspect that would have been the case if you made the site sale or not. There are also other marketplaces to sell sites you know (Flippa for example). It sounds to me like your general outlook on life is more the culprit here. This website was not created with the intent to save or destroy anyone's life. If it's done either to you, just pretend it never existed and move on? {shrug}

    Either way, if anyone was in cahoots to "ruin your life", it wasn't something I was in on or had any knowledge of. I'm far too busy and have better things to do with my time than waste it on such a childish endeavor. The best advice I can give you if you if you want to actually turn your life around is to take responsibility for your actions and your life and stop projecting your life's problems onto other people. Additionally, you might want to just stop bringing your life's problems to public venues on the Internet (if you Google your name, it's full of all sorts of the same stuff... you want to beat someone up because of something someone did to you in the past and how you want to dedicate your life to destroying someone or some thing you don't like for whatever reason). Think about 20 years from now when your kid goes online and sees how you acted in public venues. If you Googled your dad's name and saw that he blamed everyone for his life problems, made a habit of threatening to murder people, cries about when someone online threatens to murder him, tries to impress people by telling them how much iron they pump or how their diet makes them a good fighter, etc. It's all so silly and you are going to look back when you have matured in the future and just wish you didn't go there.

    If your wife spent her life stewing about her problems and trying to find people online to blame for her problems you probably would have eventually left her too. It would have consumed her life and she wouldn't be very much fun to be around.

    Sorry your life sucks, but that has nothing to do with me. Make a sale or don't on this site or any other. Doesn't matter to me either way.
    digitalpoint, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  12. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    yeah....... it's actually BOTH.

    You and your friends.
    Yes. I was running a 4yr mortgag at when I lost it I was at 3 1/2 at the time. If I were to get $50K or something like that then I would have been able to hold the place for 6 more payments then when the morgage is up I could pump say $40,000 into the principle of the house. When a morgage is up you are allowed to pay into the house. When I redid the morgage then the payments would have been cut down by 1/3 of what I was paying. ON top of that I was running a business with a rental lease at $1,600/month which was to signed to lower on the 2nd year to $1,200, then finally hit $1K on the third and say that way. If I would have had the cash then I could hold the retail store together. Because I had to try to hold onto the house by taking cash from the business I didn't have to capital to get the business out of struggling. Because I didn't have the inventory in the store it struggled to pay anything. By the time I lost the house the business was fucked too.
    Yes, you fucked over my life.

    Let me explain something about humans. In order for relationships to work there has to be a dominent individual and then a submissive individual. thus why relationships with two subs or doms try it out, it turns to dogshit.
    This can also be clearly seen in gay people. With gays there is always a masculine female with a girly female. If you ever see two sexy women together then you know it's just a show or they are just doing a trend. On top of that, I'm sure you've seen a couple that fits the description "she wears the pants in the family". That basically means that the guy is submissive and the woman is dominant. They can go on happy with their life.
    99.9% of men are dominant and 99.9% women are submissive.

    So now that you know this, the last educative fact is that the moment a person becomes emotional or submissive or shows weakness anything submissive the other person is "FORCED" to take on that role. thus losing respect for that person.

    the reason women leave guys when the chips are down is because they are suppose to be winners and providers. When I lost the place, etc, etc, the respect level went so low that she didn't like me.
    This is all your fault and this is how life works dude.

    Yeah, if google doesn't work then use the phonebook right? I was in the middle of a deal. You knew that.

    Don't play that I'm too important horsecrap with me. I thought the very same thing. I actually SAID that to you in the beginning but you do have the time to waste and you did it.
    No, it's actually your fault completely. You created the butterfly effect. You did it intentionally on purpose. you fucked everything up. I'm not responsible for it. I didn't fuck myself over. You did it. You together with your online gang.

    Oh right. We're not going to talk about my sons surgeries because of you and how he almost died because you are "far too busy in life and have better things to do" but you have the time to research about the murder hit on me and how I drove them underground.
    That was not an online dispute. The main guy lives two blocks away from me right now. He's a the leader of the the cities' aryan brotherhood.
    I hardly think the word "silly" is suitable. You are way out of your league to be jabbering about this from an outside opinion.

    Easy riddle this time. Basically you are telling me I made everything up so it's all my fault.
    No, nice try. It's actually all your fault. 100%, you targeted me, you waited for the right moment and you fucked me over on purpose for what? some entertainment with your friends. You can spew whatever lines you want for everyone to hear. I didn't come here to convince dcristo or whoever the hell comes around here.

    I don't care if you don't care about all that you've done. And honestly, I don't care if you don't take responsibility for one single thing.
    I just want you to know that I will never ever forget and I will spend my entire life waiting to get you back.

    And I don't give a flying fuck if my son finds out what I did and what I do. there is absolutely nothing I can do to get him to not hate my guts in 20yrs because of you. I can't do shit for him where I am sitting right now between the angels and the fucking crackhouses.
    Laceygirl, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  13. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Of all of this, it's this that is the saddest. You've chosen to live somewhere that makes shared custody impossible. You've chosen not to have a relationship with him.
    sarahk, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  14. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    Sounds to me like you believe tall that, and I don't know what to tell you. Just seems to me like you have fabricated some elaborate conspiracy and you have repeated it back to yourself enough times that you started to believe it.

    Bottom line is that I don't know Hellvetti or robjones. Have never communicated with them in any way, shape or form outside of public posts (if that). No one has ever targeted you for anything that I'm aware of (if anyone did, I had no knowledge or insight of it).

    I still don't even know what you were trying to sell, how much you were trying to sell it for or why you didn't sell it (stuff is just supply and demand, if someone didn't want to buy it I would think they didn't want to pay the asking price). All I can gather is you listed something for sale, it didn't sell and you losing your house and business and family is somehow my fault because you didn't sell something on this site. If you would like me to right that wrong, I can refund you the listing fee for whatever it was... except it would have been $0.00, so wanna just call it even?

    I don't know much about you, but maybe it's time for some life reflection. Remove yourself out of the ghetto, go live with you mom if you have to and turn your life around. You don't seem like a very happy person to me so whatever you are doing doesn't seem to be working for you.
    digitalpoint, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  15. Rokis

    Rokis Member

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    After reading all of I just had to reply because I cannot understand how getting banned on a forum can turn your business downhill completely without being able to get back on your feet. If you had a well established business with good income you had to take action yourself and move it elsewhere if this forum was making you the only way of income then this is your fault for not planning ahead. If circus stayed in the same place for years it would close down eventually because the income would be too low to maintain it so you allowed yourself to become a circus.

    Your story is sad but only because you seem to be blaming someone else and not taking the wheel of your life in your hands.

    Rokis, Mar 20, 2017 IP
    matt_62 likes this.
  16. Zoti Media Group

    Zoti Media Group Notable Member

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    I can see that you are pissed off but to be honest, putting your future and your family future into a website is not the way I will do.
    If you was once successful you can be always!
    Btw, Shawn is ignoring you so do not try to refresh his memory, wont work :)
    Zoti Media Group, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  17. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Shawn replied 36 minutes ago, and Justin hasn't replied since then so how is Shawn ignoring Justin?
    sarahk, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  18. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    Wow... I think we have a new contender for "dimwit of the month" here. We should make it a Trophy Point achievement or something... Granted, usually they get banned before they get the throphy, but still...
    PoPSiCLe, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  19. Rokis

    Rokis Member

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    Dedication and black magic is strong with this one. Even if you add all this time up he still manages to post while being banned... Unless it's 2019 now.
    Rokis, Mar 20, 2017 IP
  20. matt_62

    matt_62 Prominent Member

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    I do not know what you personally experienced, and went through, both in real life, or via life on this forum. If you were in Sydney, I would offer to shout you a beer.

    In the grand scheme of things, this forum is nothing. There are many other forums, and webmaster related sites -> some may be more effective for selling different services. In fact, when I list sites here, I typically ask for half what I would if i listed somewhere else. I am not joking, I have had better sales elsewhere for sites. I know you said you were in the middle of a deal, but again, if that was going to go through, it would have. Its easy not hard for either side to contact privately, use escrow to secure payment, etc. I am serious, if I am going to buy a website from someone, and they get banned, as long as they use escrow, I can still contact them, and proceed with the deal.

    If digitalpoint closed tomorrow, everyone here earning an income, would simply need to move on. If you had a site or service listed here, there are a multitude of other places to list them on.

    But holding it in, will see your life forever miserable. Holding it in, and everyone you talk to, will move away from you. Even if someone loves you, the bitterness you have, will drive them away. There has to be a way forward, and that starts with letting it go.
    Right now, you cannot change what happened yesterday. But what can you change for tomorrow? You are not dead yet, you still have a life to live. You have a son, who wants a hero, not a "sad larry". Your life starts with you letting it go.

    My son was born 1.62 kg and 2 months premature, and I really believed that he was going to die. His little fingers were soo tiny I did not hold him for the first few weeks. He was just soo tiny and frail and I was scared I would break him. Now he is nearly 10, and designed his first T shirt the other day.
    You and me are both lucky. Our sons were premature, and lived.

    If you look hard enough, you will find that you have alot to be grateful for.
    matt_62, Mar 20, 2017 IP
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