I Started a website in 2010 and it has some good traffic everyday but no earnings at all. The website is all about DLL FILES i have put some dll software affiliate banners and adsense but no earning from them either. Can someone help me in making some decent amount this website and i am ready to share revenue with whom ever want to partner. Website Link: http://www.dllfiles.org/
To be completely honest with you and this is solely my opinion... You have tons of DLL files on your web site with very little content supporting the file. What are they? What do they do? Why do you need it? What potential problems do they correct? Why should I trust you?. There's no information on licenses or author info... There's not even a reason given as to why you should be trusted to deliver these files. I would be SCARED to download ANY DLL on your web site? Why? Because it looks like every other virus web site out there. You should look at your stats. Whats your bounce rate? How many pages are people clicking on? Do you get feedback from your traffic? Is there even a place to leave feedback? Personally.. I would add more content.. And also make it more interactive with comments/posts, forums etc. Turn it in to a community that people can trust. I have a feeling the majority of your traffic is not going far enough to download the file. Also, your traffic has a one track mind...they are looking for a file to download...not to click on a somewhat relevant ad/link.
Maybe look into offering more value on the website so people feel like they can trust the products you are selling. It's like opening a store that has no ratings, why the hell should people purchase from you instead of trusted sources?
200 -300 traffic is not enough for earning . its should be more than 5000 per day , then u can earn a handsome money. besides this ads placement also counts. i have website which traffic is only 120 visits per day and i earn 0.34cent daily with adsense.
If you mean no earnings with AdSense, well, that's a new reality now. Even sites with large traffic report low(er) earnings. As an example: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/thr...-000-visitors-month-but-very-low-ctr.2772162/
Here are some things that can help you with your endeavor. 1. Add some quality content and make your website more trustworthy, as others have mentioned, it seems to like you are trying to shove those ads and downloads really hard which creates friction and the potential traffic will not be wiling to click or download 2. Adsense is not a good source of monitization, stick with aff offers or sell adspace, sponsored articles on your website, it will pay better but make sure to increase the quality of your website before doing so 3. Verify that your traffic is not from bots and are from real people. Try to increase your traffic count with either PPC, social media etc, right now the traffic count is still too low Good Luck.
While I can agree (or relate to rather) with the theory that more traffic can lead to more money I don't think it's fair to say 200-300 a day is "not enough for earning". It actually is...and it also depends on how you are monetizing and what type of content you have. 200-300 hits = 200-300 opportunities or 200-300 PEOPLE who are in front of your product. Of course there's an opportunity to earn. I had a web site that would receive a few hundred unique visits a day and I was earning a couple hundred a month. Nothing crazy but..thinking back when I had the web site I bet I could have made much more with a little effort and intelligence put in to the site. Hell, I even received feedback from some of the visitors that suggested they would have bought a product on the site... I didn't use adsense but I bet if I did I'd still make at least a hundred a month. Again it depends on your content and how you monetize.
Where is the traffic coming from? Hopefully you have analytics installed because that will tell you. Also have your site listed with webmaster tools.
From where the traffic comes?? Is it organic traffic, paid traffic or coming from free traffic websites? Also try to confuse "Download" links with the advert links... So, almost half of the people click on Advert download link by mistake. Most websites do this... The real download links are shown very small, and the advert links are shown more prominent.
One more way is to sell backlinks for your site. Your gave more that 1k pages for sure it will bring money to you.
Well, for Adsense that amount of traffic is very low. I see people with ten times more traffic than you who are not earning nothing from Adsense. You should try affiliate marketing, but honestly, I don`t think your niche is any good for earning money through this method.
No the traffic is not low for earning money from AdSense. I think the traffic quality is low eg direct traffic or social media traffic. I too have a website where user only come to download APK file for android but I am getting $3 to $10 per day with the 300 visit.
That much from just 300 visits? What is your CPC? I`m finding it hard to believe, but I would be glad if you prove me wrong.
I see...those are some sick stats. Think what you could do if you could scale it up 10 times. You seem skilled in Adsense, maybe you could do a tutorial to help us improve our campaigns.
Thanks, but I think, I am still learning AdSense. What I said above is 250 to 300 visitor is not less for AdSense coz AdSense is not CPM network for you required more then 10k visitor per day to make money. it is CPC network, What you can do is test + test= High Earning. Test Your Ads Location Test Your Website Theme