1. Advertising
    y u no do it?

    Advertising (learn more)

    Advertise virtually anything here, with CPM banner ads, CPM email ads and CPC contextual links. You can target relevant areas of the site and show ads based on geographical location of the user if you wish.

    Starts at just $1 per CPM or $0.10 per CPC.

Your Google AdSense account has been disabled (they're talking about mine!)

Discussion in 'AdSense' started by JamesColin, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. #1
    Yes, finally after 9 profitable years with adsense, they finally banned my account, today, without warning, the reason is because one or several of my sites are crap, which ones I don't know.. If you ask me, all my sites are crap, but not more crap than most of the sites out there still enjoying their active adsense account.. So really I'll never know :)

    Of course they made sure to ban it right before payment, so they'll keep the money from june and from july.. They won't refund any advertizers because the reason they gave is not about invalid clicks..

    Anyway, I made an appeal even though they didn't give me any link to an appeal form in their email and they didn't hint that I could appeal to their decision, but I still wrote them a nice email to ask them to tell me more about it so that I can comply to whatever they wish if they re-activate my account. I don't have much hope at all, don't worry :)

    Well, I'll let you all know how it goes, if I receive a reply from them I'll paste it there: http://www.best-reviewer.com/your-google-adsense-account-has-been-disabled-9142.htm

    I'm going to china in a few days for 4 weeks, if the great firewall of china let me work on my sites I'll start to put in hours in order to increase earnings from other sources and surely try new ones, and perhaps after 6 months or 1 year I'll be one more person to tell you that adsense is crap and that I'm earning much more without it, who knows? :)
    JamesColin, Jul 24, 2012 IP
  2. Ender330

    Ender330 Member

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    Sorry to hear that bro. It has to suck! And it is sad to see them do this to people
    especially since you been with them since like day one.

    For sure I will keep an eye on you to find out what you are doing this time next year.
    I am making decent income still with GA but making 3x as much selling my service
    and traffic program to others looking to generate income form GA. That keeps growing
    while GA is in decline.

    Wish you success in whatever you do...keep ya head up!
    Ender330, Jul 24, 2012 IP
  3. webmaster1189

    webmaster1189 Well-Known Member

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    well thats sad to hear, you had your site suspended couple of months ago i believe, and now they banned the acct, well its life, failure takes us to more successful resources. wish you good luck
    webmaster1189, Jul 24, 2012 IP
  4. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    Thank you for your nice words, don't worry I'm not sad about it, because I was aware since many years that I could lose my account at any day, just by receiving an email saying "your account poses risks to our advertizers, so we close it".. Well the surprise has been that they told me they close it because my sites are crap, I'm surprised they didn't realize that before, I haven't created any new site since 2011 :)

    I think it is a good opportunity to explore other ways of earning online, as I have read time and time again, some people are saying they don't want to use adsense, even though they are not banned, they simply are against the idea of being paid peanuts per click and would rather use their traffic to promote products, either their own or as an affiliate and make more money than with the same traffic using adsense.. Well I do believe them but my lazyness prevented me from putting the time to increase other sources of income, I was focused mainly on adsense.. because it was EASY to earn more than enough money for all I wanted to do, within reason, including being on holidays all the time.
    Well thanksfully I did put a little time (insignifiant in comparaison) into other sources of revenue so I'm not suddenly without income, but for sure my income now is not enough to support my lifetime (being on permanent holidays in a foreign country) so this ban is like cutting a bridge while you're crossing it, I have no other choice but to move forward and fast :)

    As a urgency measure and to test in real life, I've replaced my adsense ads on a couple of sites with significant traffic by 2 clickbank products.. So unlike in the past, now those clickbank products have the top spot on the page.. I'm afraid it will perform as bad as before since my traffic is not highly targeted for those products as it should be, but at least after a few days I'll have a real life proof that it isn't working this way.

    I also have been told in another unrelated thread about a site which combines CPA and contextual, I don't recall the name now but I'll find it back, I'll have to try that also.. I'll have many things to try, what I should have done years ago already :)

    @webmaster1189: what happened in march on best-reviewer.com was that they disabled the ads, but in the end (after 2 or 3 emails I've sent them and 3 weeks to get an answer) they recognized that it was their mistake at 100% and re-enabled the ads as I have documented it somewhere on my forum on best reviewer, and perhaps also on DP. This time it's another story since it's the first time I have my account banned and they don't talk about any appeal, so chances to get it re-instated are slim, like 1% maybe if I'm lucky :)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
    JamesColin, Jul 24, 2012 IP
  5. webmaster1189

    webmaster1189 Well-Known Member

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    well your are right on some points james, anyways you inspired me also for other opportunities, i also like affiliate market but i dont have any experience with this either, so i guess i will have to follow you on this as well, i have some sites which are all 80% targeted to its niche and niche is also having good conversations traffic, so lets see about your tries and than i will go for mine
    webmaster1189, Jul 24, 2012 IP
  6. Serverty

    Serverty Active Member

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    Yes like Ender330 said keep your head up. Its not the end of times and things will start looking better. I hope you are able to find another network to replace google. I also dread the day I get my email. I have noticed that google is starting to go down the drain. Ask they start knowing more and more about you. I would not be suprised if 20 years from now google did not exist or was broken up.
    Serverty, Jul 24, 2012 IP
  7. Rupam Das

    Rupam Das Active Member

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    Hi James, it is shocking to hear the news. But should you really care? You are running some really high traffic sites which would get you some good income one way or the other. Though initially it might take a little to sink in, but I am sure you would be more than happy with the timing. You have time and age with you to jump shift and take a different approach.

    This is what I meant in my last week's post: " There are just too many factors that you can not control in AdSense".
    I would be following your posts to check out the alternative. An alternative suggested by you will find many takers.
    Rupam Das, Jul 26, 2012 IP
  8. dbxd

    dbxd Peon

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    Just switch to Chitika / Bidvertiser. I've heard plenty of these stories before, don't worry about it.
    dbxd, Jul 26, 2012 IP
  9. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    I haven't received any answer, but today I've sent another message, this time by simply replying to the disabled account email (which I wrongly assumed was sent from a noreply email)

    Don't know if it will help, but it makes more sense to send my message this way instead of through the appeal form for a notification email which issues, in my mind, have been resolved by changing ad placement and adding proper labeling of the ads.

    Who knows, maybe there's a chance to have my account re-enabled, I wouldn't mind, seriously.. :)
    JamesColin, Jul 29, 2012 IP
  10. lyrose

    lyrose Greenhorn

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    That truly is crap, i'm sorry to hear about that. I guess that's why it's important to have multiple streams of income, because if one shuts down you aren't just left with no source of money.
    lyrose, Jul 29, 2012 IP
  11. GuruCreation

    GuruCreation Notable Member

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    That really sux... Especially if that was your only BIGGEST source of income.

    I'm going to be following this thread as well to see what's going on with you and what kind of answers you get.

    GuruCreation, Jul 29, 2012 IP
  12. kyle.thomson.946

    kyle.thomson.946 Member

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    I lost my account with £52.37 i was unhappy at the time but when i found out ad dynamo pays out after £20 of earning i was pretty happy :) in one day i earn £6 with ad dynamo
    kyle.thomson.946, Jul 29, 2012 IP
  13. iTSFREE

    iTSFREE Member

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    what is the specific url for dynamo?
    iTSFREE, Jul 29, 2012 IP
  14. bfbiz.blogspot.com

    bfbiz.blogspot.com Banned

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    bfbiz.blogspot.com, Jul 29, 2012 IP
  15. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    Finally I got the email today, so that's it.
    JamesColin, Aug 2, 2012 IP
  16. John77777

    John77777 Peon

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    Why make crap sites in the first place?
    John77777, Aug 6, 2012 IP
  17. JamesColin

    JamesColin Prominent Member

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    Well, you'll see for yourself whenever your turn will come. I waited for mine 9 years.. My sites are not more crap than a lot of sites out there..
    Plus it is not sure they were even talking about one of my sites, for all I know they sent me a vague email saying one or more of my sites was crap, they wouldn't tell me which one, so it could be someone's else crap site on which he put my adsense publisher id in order to get me banned.. What do I know since adsense banned me without giving any hint as to which site URL was at fault..

    But I guess I have to say thank you :)
    JamesColin, Aug 6, 2012 IP
  18. baclicks

    baclicks Greenhorn

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    Bad luck for you but good image in your Avatar! lol
    baclicks, Aug 7, 2012 IP
  19. Noticed

    Noticed Active Member

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    I'm sorry to hear about this, Google seems to be doing this to a TON of people i'm waiting for Bing or someone to come out with something to compete with them since they are deleting so many people (meaning deleted publishers can have a chance with another PPC site that pays well). Also I see you have buysellads that should be bringing you a good profit also though right?

    Sorry again about Google deleting you! :(
    Noticed, Aug 7, 2012 IP
  20. Titing Kabayo

    Titing Kabayo Peon

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    This is the reason why I do not focus on adsense and do Clickbank and CPA.. no rick of banning and income is more bigger..
    Titing Kabayo, Aug 7, 2012 IP