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Buying WTH Skilled Graphic Artist - For Band/Musician Logos, Posters and Album Covers

Discussion in 'Design' started by Young-P, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. #1
    My business provides independent bands with services including publicity, photography, graphic design and website design. I'm currently looking for a graphic designer.

    I'm currently offering 2 service packages that include graphic design. One includes a logo design. The other will include CD artwork, a logo and a gig poster. As there will be many different bands and artists, they will obviously have different ideas and vision for the designs, so it's hard to give you exact details at this stage.

    If you could send me your price range for single logos and then a price range for the full package (cd, logo and poster) that would be great.

    Also please send me examples of your work.

    Young-P, Mar 12, 2011 IP
  2. miyari78

    miyari78 Peon

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    Check your PM!
    miyari78, Mar 13, 2011 IP