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Wordpress Site Setup - Premium Theme + Setup (How Long)

Discussion in 'Content Management' started by LindseyInteractive, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. #1
    Hello Guys,

    We are looking to conduct a bit of research from the IM community here. We are wanting to get some response on how long it takes you guys to setup a premium 5 page business website using wordpress and a premium theme from say Themeforest.net or somewhere similar.

    Now, we are not talking about content creation time, lets say the content is already for you. We are talking about from the time you install wordpress on your site, configure all your heads, footers, create the designs for the heads, graphics you want, create the graphics for each of the pages, get all the plugins installed that you want, setup the home page layout, etc.

    So make sure you include your designing time for designing graphics for any of the home page banners, home page graphics or inner page graphics.

    How long from start to finish do you normally spend setting up a premium business wordpress website?
    LindseyInteractive, Dec 22, 2015 IP
  2. CenTex Hosting

    CenTex Hosting Member

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    The longest part of the process is spending with the customer to understand that they are really wanting. Once we have an idea our graphic designer usually spends about a day doing mockups to send to the customer to approve. This is usually the longest part. Once the design is approved it Would take a day to really code it up right. If content was ready a day for that. So in all really about 3 days.

    That is idea and if you only worked on that once site. I don't know any designer or programmer that works only on 1 site at a time. Most normal quotes are going to be week to two weeks. But you will find a lot of places say a month if not more.

    each company builds time into the quoting as if you have been doing this for some time you will know customers are going to change mind on look and feel of the site a few times. They tell you they have content ready when it comes time for it they dont.

    We usually quote 2 weeks from when the design is approved by customer. We also do up a contract to let the customer know what is expected from their end as well. Time and time again you will find yourself design, and codeing is done but takes customer for every to get that to you.
    hope this helps you out.
    CenTex Hosting, Dec 22, 2015 IP
  3. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    Depends - if the customer already have a logo (in a reasonable format), and you don't really have to design anything, just input the data and make sure everything works, everything from a couple days to 5-6 days depending on what the customer wants on the site (note, this doesn't involve any custom coding, just tweaking existing code and plugins). If the customer wants a logo created, or specific banners, or specific modifications that can't be solved using a ready-made plugin, it may take up to 2-3 weeks depending on complexity. Everything has to do with WHAT the customer wants, and what the customer NEEDS - which might not always (very rarely, actually) be the same thing.
    PoPSiCLe, Dec 27, 2015 IP
  4. Stevie43

    Stevie43 Peon

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    It can take from 3 days to 3 weeks, depending on the requirements of the customer.
    Installing the theme, plugins, configuring home page and choosing preferences takes 1-2 days. The design part is what takes the most time. I usually hire more than one designer to do this. It takes on average 1 week. Then about 3-6 days are required for troubleshooting and modifications. So, i'd say 2 weeks on average.
    Stevie43, Jan 24, 2016 IP
  5. ArtificialIntelligence

    ArtificialIntelligence Greenhorn

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    It depends on customers how much they need customization! It can take from 3 days to 15 days. Configuration and designing part took 4-5 days this is always depending on the client's requirements. Other requirements like themes and plugin setup take no more than 2-3 days. Then need some more days for modification.
    ArtificialIntelligence, Jan 27, 2023 IP
  6. ms2134

    ms2134 Well-Known Member

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    The time it takes to set up a premium 5-page business website using WordPress and a premium theme, like one from ThemeForest, can vary widely depending on several factors, including the level of customization required, the complexity of the theme, the proficiency of the developer or designer, and the specific requirements of the project.

    1. Initial Setup and Configuration: Installing WordPress, setting up hosting, and configuring basic settings might take a few hours, assuming no complications. This includes installing the SSL certificate, setting up email accounts, and configuring basic WordPress settings.

    2. Theme Installation and Setup: Purchasing and installing a premium theme from ThemeForest can be relatively quick, often under an hour. However, customizing the theme to fit the specific branding and requirements of the business can take significantly longer. This involves adjusting the theme settings, configuring the headers, footers, and choosing a color scheme that matches the business' branding.

    3. Designing Graphics: Creating custom graphics for the homepage banners, inner page graphics, and other design elements is one of the most time-consuming parts. Depending on the complexity and number of custom graphics required, this could take anywhere from a few hours to several days. A skilled graphic designer might spend 1-2 days creating high-quality, custom graphics tailored to the business's needs.

    4. Page Layout and Content Integration: With the content already provided, laying out the pages and integrating the content with the chosen theme can take a couple of days. This includes formatting text, integrating images, setting up contact forms, and ensuring all pages are responsive and mobile-friendly.

    5. Plugin Installation and Configuration: Identifying, installing, and configuring the necessary plugins (e.g., SEO, security, performance, contact forms) can take several hours. Some plugins require detailed setup to ensure they work correctly with the chosen theme and meet the business's needs.

    6. Testing and Revisions: After the website is set up, thorough testing is essential. This includes checking for mobile responsiveness, browser compatibility, loading speeds, and user experience improvements. Testing and making necessary revisions can take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days.
    Estimated Total Time: For a premium 5-page business website, the total setup time can range from a few days to over a week. A rough estimate for a moderately complex project, with custom graphics and moderate customization, might be:

    • Quick Setup: 3-5 days for a skilled developer working efficiently with minimal custom graphic design work.
    • Standard Setup: 1-2 weeks for more customized designs, including custom graphics and thorough testing and revisions.
    These estimates are very general and can vary widely. Some professionals can work faster based on their experience and the tools they use, while others might take longer to ensure attention to detail and customization. Additionally, client feedback cycles, revisions, and any unforeseen technical challenges can extend the project timeline.

    For myself, It can be done within a day or two depending on how many hours you are willing to put into it, or whether you already have a technology stack that you can use as a blueprint so to speak.

    ms2134, Feb 2, 2024 IP
  7. webmastercatwoman

    webmastercatwoman Peon

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    Premium WordPress themes are available for access in GPL format via gplforever.com Rest assured, the GPL license is entirely legal and secure. Consider Utilizing Older Versions of WordPress Plugins: They Might Still Suit Your Project's Needs
    webmastercatwoman, Mar 3, 2024 IP
  8. GreenHost.Cloud

    GreenHost.Cloud Member

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    The average time to set up a premium business WordPress website is around 24-100 hours, including graphic design and plugin installation. However, experienced developers can complete the setup in as little as 24-48 hours. The key factors affecting setup time are familiarity with the theme, complexity of design elements, and number of customizations required.
    GreenHost.Cloud, Mar 14, 2024 IP