Buying Wordpress CSS Help - $5

Discussion in 'Services' started by Gomar, May 23, 2017.

  1. #1
    Hi there,

    Rather simple. I need someone to help me modify a wordpress theme a bit so that it's more readable. Basically change the background from default light gray to white or make the fonts a bit darker. Might be wysiwyg there or maybe just go into the css code to change it.

    I kinda want it done quickly so asking for help rather than trying to figure out myself. If you are interested, pm me your skype and we'll go from there.

    Gomar, May 23, 2017 IP
  2. 5ervant

    5ervant Active Member

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    Hello OP,

    I'm a WordPress developer.
    If ever you still have any issue related about WordPress, I can serve you and try to solve it as possible.

    I can't find a way to PM you..
    Anyway, I'm now following you, you can try to PM me or reach me directly in my website:

    5ervant, May 31, 2017 IP