Why Free Linkbuilding is dead as a Dodo

Discussion in 'Link Development' started by Web_Shark, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. #1
    SEO = the freeloading ride on others property.

    Problem with this is the seo agents don't control anything - the webmaster/site owner does! There has always been freeloaders, or spam is a more accurate word..... Fortunately, stamping it out is easy for the publishers, making cash is harder and must be forced from the freeloader, and the SEOs client always loses ultimately from the deal

    How it began and how it works:

    It used to be great, everything online was free and links exchanged like running water, every day was exciting gaining new links and success was pretty easy. Then people realised the value of what they built up over time, and began charging fees, this together with poorly designed sites sparked underhand ways to get free links and webspace theft was born. Welcome to the world of crime on the web.

    There are thousands of SEO freelancers, who are basically criminals, no other word for it, they accept a fee from their client, lets call it £800 to 'build' a handful of links, when infact any building wont take place, instead, the SEO agent likely has a list of some size and uses this to spam all their clients to that list of sites. Problem is, the agent's client actually pays out twice – once to the agent, and again when their invoiced by the publisher/webmaster's site – so thus the client always loses more due to extra costs, and the client under British law must pay fees in return for something of value,so the so- called free ride isnt free at all and actually costs far more than first anticipated.

    Technology to the rescue and why linkbuilding will die

    Fortunately, websites evolved over the years using Content Management Systems (CMS) that block out user accounts and stop spamming by holding all new posters in pending slots where it awaits manual moderation.

    So now spam has been reduced, and link building in such a manner is now a pointless activity, as it only takes a few minutes or seconds to be zapped/deleted by web software.
    Web_Shark, Jan 3, 2017 IP
  2. Tedel

    Tedel Well-Known Member

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    Well, if you think that link-building can only be done by spamming, yes, "link-building will die."

    Fortunately, there is still people who know how to do it and will disagree with you.
    Tedel, Jan 13, 2017 IP
  3. Web_Shark

    Web_Shark Greenhorn

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    I've yet to meet any SEO that can match what I've succeeded at within a 3 years period. Ive been watching these charlatans on forums for years (even used to own a forum myself, so am more than familiar with the thieves and pretenders) - their bs hasn't changed since I began online 14 years ago - its still the same lies and basic tricks of link building (spamming).

    If their all so great (and its impossible they all can be the best... like they all claim) - then it would be greater advantage to them 'revenue-wise' to come up with a good idea, then simply SEO it to heaven, then get rich surely. Instead they pretend they prefer being a consultant etc, when the truth is they are so inept they couldn't string 2 good keywords together, never mind get traffic.

    The fact their work doesn't stay in place (rankings-wise), is the best testament
    of their lies, simply as the client's keywords are the same as the next guy's etc etc - they all use the same tactics per client sector.

    Their constant claims are well, lunacy... but consist of some of the following (there are loads more):

    1. They are the best around - genius level infact, possibly untouchable and ofcourse, always in constant demand.
    2. Nobody does it better. Apparantly, there isn't a mortal alive that can get 4000 visitors per month to a website..... and they are the only ones who could possibly do such work.

    3 They all possess super human negotiation skills - required to acquire totally free links of such quality - that Google would snap them up
    and they'd be sitting on their own personal Island.

    4. Their so successful infact, they must spend their lives posting on every forum in existence, most likely to see what sucker they
    can scam. With such skill, the use of forums would be a waste of time to anyone with the talents they all seem to share.

    Ofcourse we all know their full of it, as how can everyone of about 50k of Uk SEO's all be genius level, rich as a millionaire and no morals as they all preach 'our work is guaranteed' and based on effort only (not results based) - nice.... I suppose it gets them out of the frying pan when it all goes tits up - "by the way, we get paid for our effort" just in-case we screw up, that way we cant be blamed if it goes wrong. And they never, ever admit that their amazing 'link placement' (spam),
    skilful results is actually done by the many directories, engines and portals owned not by them, but far greater skilled people....

    Theres too much competition, all trying to out-do each other to get the next £7000 per client mug, who's either too stupid to know their about to be conned or too stupid to not work out SEO is actually easy. But ofcourse the SEO charlatans and clients don't realise SEO is about innovation of an idea, the right technology and free one-way votes (not link stealing).

    And before anyone says 'I got stung' - nope, as I don't need the services of any SEO, as I get too much traffic to be worried what anyone says.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
    Web_Shark, Jan 13, 2017 IP
  4. LinkGenie

    LinkGenie Active Member

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    I disagree. Free link building is still lives and it will be there for future years to come.
    For example, when you post your article directory, you will get a free backlink. You will able to building link articles in future years to come.
    LinkGenie, Jan 26, 2017 IP
  5. Web_Shark

    Web_Shark Greenhorn

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    Does article posting get you a million visitors per year.... I seriously doubt it.
    Web_Shark, Jan 26, 2017 IP
  6. degreubiwa

    degreubiwa Banned

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    I have observed that official brands website for popular keywords are now ranking high along with affiliate websites that built quality back links over certain period of time.
    degreubiwa, Jan 29, 2017 IP
  7. WeArrestTheStress.com

    WeArrestTheStress.com Peon

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    I get both sides of the argument. To be fair most SEO companies are worthless. Unless you start to navigate and master the marketing waters yourself, failure will come. Take my Website It has only been up for a few months, but just from backlinks I average around 100 visitors a day.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
    WeArrestTheStress.com, Feb 2, 2017 IP
  8. Sherlyn Shah

    Sherlyn Shah Member

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    Its true free link buildings do still exist but the quality of back-link's it delivers is a low quality back-link. Hence, most of the time free link building approach is not preferred specially by websites owners of high brand value or E commerce or Affiliate Websites.

    Thanks & Regards
    Sherlyn Shah

    Shayari Post
    Sherlyn Shah, Feb 3, 2017 IP
  9. terry-j

    terry-j Peon

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    Sounds interesting, care to back that up?!
    terry-j, Feb 3, 2017 IP
  10. terry-j

    terry-j Peon

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    Its also worth noting that 'free-linkbuilding' in the sense of going out and finding links you can place on websites, directories, etc died a long time ago because it was rife with abuse. Paying for links in editorial content, while not perfect, does at least police the system to an extent.

    Of course you can earn free links with great content, but that isn't free either.
    terry-j, Feb 3, 2017 IP
  11. Web_Shark

    Web_Shark Greenhorn

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    Unfortunately yes.. mainly such websites don't get the traffic to call themselves - lead-generation effective. There's a ton of wanabees and pretenders all playing the game, so expect such
    sites like non-niche directories and cheesy blogs to be evaporated, basically any non-authoritative sites will get axed over time. Its a rock and hardplace situation, the good authority (we can call them 'content sites') - verticals will all charge something.... others charge more, but rarely or never will you get listed for free, as why should they spend years building themselves up, just to give away valuable ad-space.

    So there you have it - free is a hopeless dream and you don't make any money by giving your stuff for free.

    The key to why the free ride/dream fails is this:

    Every site owner/trader has the same problem as everyone else on the web - how to stand out above competitors, which isn't the same as en-mass traffic (traffic doesn't always equal sales nor boosts ranking). Since they all complain about their lack of traffic and/or links - this is because they cant get the links, either such free links don't exist eg: they can't find websites that are a match for their site or (and the more likely reason) - is such sites refuse them, they have a big barrier to entry likely protected by their sites niche or by payment, or simply blocked by a content management system.

    That's why the whole free ride fails and must only get worse.
    Web_Shark, Feb 3, 2017 IP
  12. Web_Shark

    Web_Shark Greenhorn

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    Exactly, there's a ton of kids out there, all trying to make easy money. Easy money is self defeating - I've never made easy money - it takes huge effort whatever you do in life.
    Web_Shark, Feb 3, 2017 IP
  13. gracekkk

    gracekkk Greenhorn

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    free link building is still live, just not as before so useful
    gracekkk, Feb 5, 2017 IP
  14. Yusuf Javed

    Yusuf Javed Member

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    Free Link building still working but its not beneficial for your google ranking.By the way, you can not promote your location based keyword in the article. If you try to promote your location based keyword then blogger charged money for it.
    Yusuf Javed, Feb 6, 2017 IP
  15. Web_Shark

    Web_Shark Greenhorn

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    Its called promoting your website - and everything costs either in time/effort or money and in many cases both.

    Why the world thinks they can build the next crappy biz for zero outlay I'll never know. By the way - nobody uses blogs anymore as they've now shifted to putting their crap on their own
    websites - the little good it will do them.
    Web_Shark, Feb 7, 2017 IP
  16. Sherlyn Shah

    Sherlyn Shah Member

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    Yusuf, will suggest you that the same what Web_Shark described indirectly , either you start manually building backlinks or better quit blogging as a whole. Shortcuts as a whole doesn't work this days. However, i do found someone who gives you quality backlink from Amazon,Sony,etc on Fiverr.com. In research phase, lets wait how it works for others in my frnd list.
    Sherlyn Shah, Feb 20, 2017 IP
  17. Web_Shark

    Web_Shark Greenhorn

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    I don't recommend using Fiver - its full of little kids flogging cheap, worthless SEO services for £200 per 300 naff links. I just caught someone doing this with my site, I tracked them down and removed their weblink from my site lol.
    Web_Shark, Feb 20, 2017 IP
  18. Guntzenbach Conrad

    Guntzenbach Conrad Greenhorn

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    Not mean to be rude Web_shark, but what was in your mind when starting this thread?
    Guntzenbach Conrad, Mar 1, 2017 IP
  19. Web_Shark

    Web_Shark Greenhorn

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    The web isn't a free for all link dropping invitation. People think they have some automatic right to free links - let me spell it out, you have no rights whatsoever, what you are allowed is controlled
    to your disadvantage and the web is a place for the few big dogs - somewhere the likes of forum spammers and beggers will never be in 50 lifetimes...
    Web_Shark, Mar 2, 2017 IP