Why do internet marketers charge so much for their money making systems?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by johnnyr860, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. averyz

    averyz Well-Known Member

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    -If someone has a system that will make money hand of fist they sure as hell are not going to sell it. They are going to use it get rich and hope it lasts(no one finds out).
    -If a person makes such awesome money why are they roaming around spamming the internet trying to get someone to give them $10 ? That's like something a homeless bum does not a successful business man.
    averyz, Dec 27, 2013 IP
  2. chriswriter

    chriswriter Greenhorn

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    I think marketers charge for their sales pitch more than for the system itself.

    If you wanna loads of money in no time, you're likely to pay anything they ask for, particularly after reading a well-crafted sales copy that makes you believe they are rich and prosperous. True fact is that people buying those systems contribute with a wealth that doesn't exist until they checkout :D
    chriswriter, Dec 27, 2013 IP
  3. LMCreatives

    LMCreatives Member

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    A bit of common sense will tell you that if someone is selling a "way to make lot's of money" online package, they are not speaking from experience. If they are making tons of money, why would they possibly need to sell the idea? How would they have enough time? They're already making tons of money. It amazes me what they say when confronted with the that question. The answer is usually along the lines of "I just enjoy helping others" or "trying to give back to the community" What a bunch of BS.
    LMCreatives, Dec 29, 2013 IP
    averyz likes this.
  4. Victoria Stone

    Victoria Stone Greenhorn

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    Someone hit the nail on the head: information is valuable.

    Around 20 years ago, when getting started in IM, I read an e-book on this very subject. Using Bill Gates as an example, it explained how you can make something once, like a windows operating system - in essence, a digital product - and sell it a million times. I was captivated by the idea and still am.

    But, to get back to one of your opening remarks . . .

    "If these people are sick and tired of people wasting their hard earned money then why on earth are they charging for their money making systems?"

    Let's use the makers of Rolls-Royce as an example. I expect they adore their cars, and I suspect they think their cars are the best in the world, and I would further suspect that they think everyone should be lucky enough to drive one. Now, whether any of us can agree on what they think, I think we can all agree that whoever makes these fine automobiles probably like them, drive them, and think we would all enjoy owning one. Does this mean they should give them away? The same can be said of almost everything any of us like: Twinkies, Kaptain Kangaroo, Coke, iPads, GTA V. The originators of these products are quite likely very much enthused by them and think we should all own a copy to make life that bit nicer. Should they part with them for free? It might be nice if they did, but ask yourself this: would these products even exist if we, the consumer, weren't willing to pay for them? Would Steve Jobs ever have seen that mouse and decided to make his own? Years later, would I be chatting to friends on Second Life using my iPad and a Splashtop 2 app? Nope.

    Now to cover your other remarks . . .

    I think someone mentioned 95% of the moneymaking e-books online are trash. Whoever said this was being kind. I would venture that it's more like 98 or 99%. In fact, don't even get me started. If I never see another line like, "Simple, push-button cash machine can make you rich overnight!" or "So easy, any idiot can do it!" it will be too soon. It irks me no end. There are literally millions of newbies out there who are looking for real ways to make money, yet thousands of them each year are suckered by "gurus" claiming to have the answers to their dreams. It's cruel.

    So I'm entirely with you in this area.

    However . . .

    We're left with the 1%. If a product can really teach you how to make thousands, is it not worth a little money? I might go out with friends and blow several times the figures you mentioned on drinks alone; and yet by the end of the night, and excuse my crudity, my money is literally flushed away.

    Information will always be valuable. It's futile to argue otherwise. We will always want answers to our questions - how do I make money? how to I quit smoking? how to I find a girlfriend? - and, if someone exists who can give us an answer, we'll happily pay him or her if the price is right.

    That's life.
    Victoria Stone, Dec 29, 2013 IP
  5. Chad Eztraffic

    Chad Eztraffic Member

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    Well, most of the time, it is cheap for a reason. However, I have got a chance to try both cheap and expensive ones - what I can say is that expensive ones are not always the best one and cheap ones are like pain in the a**.

    Long for short, if the method really works, it should never be told to the public because the method will get saturated and become very hard to make money from it again.
    Chad Eztraffic, Jan 3, 2014 IP