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Why are Souls not recyclable ?

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by it career, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. #1
    In nature many things are recyclable , like humans inhaling oxygen , exhaling carbon di oxide , trees using carbon di oxide and producing oxygen , without this kind of recycling , there would not have been possible for life to evolve ,

    In that case why is God not recycling the souls ? creating billions of souls just to make them burn in eternal fire in hell does not sound a smart option , he could have easily recycled the souls , that is give those souls not upto mark yet another chance i.e. another life , so that the soul can try once more to become how God wants him to become.
    Your thoughts please.
    it career, Sep 8, 2009 IP
  2. browntwn

    browntwn Illustrious Member

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    You are recycled into worm food.
    browntwn, Sep 8, 2009 IP
  3. pingpong123

    pingpong123 Well-Known Member

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    Some people allready act like wormfood.
    pingpong123, Sep 8, 2009 IP
  4. smile633

    smile633 Peon

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    Our souls are handcrafted by God. No one is like you! You are very precious! So recycling is out of question. You will live for ever! But where?
    God created us to please Him. But as we have a free will, we can choose to please ourselves (and go to hell) or please God (and go to heaven). We cannot choose the consequences of our actions, they are given, but we can choose our actions based on the consequences they have. Have you realized that you choose your destiny based on what you do today?
    smile633, Sep 8, 2009 IP
  5. ChaosTrivia

    ChaosTrivia Active Member

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    There is a religion, called the Druze who believe that every person living today is a reincarnation of a people in his family/village who lived previously. Remarkably, the exact details and teachings of the druze religion is a well kept secret.

    They descended from Islam but kept pace with the progress of the world society. The are not arabs at all. The Israeli Druze are very loyal to Israel and very fierce fighters in the IDF. Their story is also very interesting in the background of the Israel-Arab conflict. Notice the high ranking Israel druze reserve officer, Mohhamed Iz-A-Din, in the beginning of this old video from the Israeli TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP2_nKbuPtM. Saluting is against one of their religious customs, so when they are in the military, they shake hands instead :)

    Unlike arabs, the druze know how to party!
    see the women with hijab in the background? :)

    ChaosTrivia, Sep 8, 2009 IP
  6. Jackuul

    Jackuul Well-Known Member

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    Satan needs souls to stay in business and keep Haliburton running. God, realizing the importance that Haliburton plays in the Heaven economy, with all the manufacturing of halos and the fuel to run the clouds and such, obliges.

    Thus god creates souls, and out of it he gets his energy needs fulfilled.

    Otherwise, the more logical answer is that there are no souls.
    Jackuul, Sep 8, 2009 IP
  7. NiTS.In

    NiTS.In Peon

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    Is there a proof yet?
    It'd be great if we could just click Undo, after we die.
    NiTS.In, Sep 13, 2009 IP
  8. sachin410

    sachin410 Illustrious Member

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    what's "more' or "less" about it.

    it's the only logical answer...;).
    sachin410, Sep 13, 2009 IP
  9. Traditione

    Traditione Well-Known Member

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    Your "soul" started out as the essence of a mineral, a living element, that was ejected from our Christ Sun.

    You hit earth and started out as an element, became conscious of how to arrange your energy and perform works; learned how you must be selfless in order to become the foundation for the universe.

    Then fastfowarding a lot, you became a plant who first nourished the lower animals as you shed your shell of safety for the risk of reaching towards the sky and absorbing the same sunlight energy that you used to be, storing it and transmuting it into food energy for those around you.

    Eventually becoming a tree and understanding how you are the steward and guardian for the life you support and soil you hold together, you are now allowed to move about the world instead of being steadfast and deeply rooted.

    As an animal, first a decomposer, then consumer of plants and finally other animals, you learn what it means to be an advocate and herald for all on the planet. You learn that our "animalistic" nature is only present when our biological bodies are in danger; for when our needs are met we are docile and selfless and serve others as we have grown to understand is our only function in this universe. Belief that we have any other rights or destiny is our ego, and as is the definition of hell in every religion; our attachment to this world, this life that we assume is so final, will be what burns us. This is not permanent, your personality is a collection of demonic and angelic energy you have gathered around your inner core, your true soul, your inner light.

    The being that understands this will progress if proven such. There is no understanding without practice; that is why Philosophy is the only true religion.

    Do not get hung up on terms or dogmas or languages or rituals.

    You are light, you are matterless; everything around you is deception of that.

    You are a pilot of the energy your inner light gathers around you; your form is the result of the four fundamental forces being shaped by the design of your inner light, the "black hole" inside you that is your own personal universe to create and design and do what you Will.

    Total pacifism is compliance with cruelty, torture, and torment; you must defend what your immortal soul knows is true; you must defend the conservation of energy, this is the true religious science of Pythagoras and those that predate and succeed him.

    There is only Will and the protection and perpetuation of the Free Will of that which you see around you.

    That Will is your direct connection with God, it is the one force that can transform entropy into enthalpy.
    Traditione, Sep 14, 2009 IP
  10. NiTS.In

    NiTS.In Peon

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    And how do you put that to daily life?
    NiTS.In, Sep 15, 2009 IP
  11. Jackuul

    Jackuul Well-Known Member

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    Souls are God's fossil fuel. He burns them in hell to keep Heaven warm.

    Because your god is a loving god...
    Jackuul, Sep 15, 2009 IP
    sachin410 likes this.
  12. darkvivi

    darkvivi Peon

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    Every person on the face of the earth is unique, thus every soul is unique too, If GOD recycled the soul of one person and put it in another body then that person wouldn't be an unique creation it would just be the same as the last person, So thats why you will not find 2 people on earth exactly the same and i mean physically and/or psychologically.

    And about the thing about GOD creating billions of souls just to go to hell isnt a smart option: Imagine you are GOD for a sec, time or space does not affect you and you dont have any limits, so why should billions sound like a big number if you could make not billions but trillions or zillions of souls.

    And even if GOD recycled the souls and let them live again just so they can change their life they wouldn't, Read Romans 7:15 and you´ll see that people always do bad things, always, it doesn't even matter that they dont want to do them they just do, it comes naturally, so if you think that by doing good things you will be saved and will go to heaven then thats a mistake because YOU by YOU alone couldn't never be saved, GOD is the one who saves people, nobody else can...

    and BTW this is was really funny :D
    and also sorry for my bad english
    darkvivi, Sep 16, 2009 IP
  13. GeorgeB.

    GeorgeB. Notable Member

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    One of these days mankind is gonna look back at religion and laugh.
    GeorgeB., Sep 16, 2009 IP
  14. Traditione

    Traditione Well-Known Member

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    Man's doing that now; the world sure is great, eh?


    Again, it's children trying to disprove Mickey Mouse isn't real by using Disney movies as evidence.

    You can't even grasp that the Merkaba, the vehicle that carried up Elijah, is our solar system...It isn't a fiery chariot that carried him up in a whirlwind...Believing that a magical chariot exists would be insane (scientific chariot on the other hand...).

    I'd wish the critics of religion could at least try to be academic and not make their arguments so unsophisticated :\

    It's like you guys think that only rednecks are religious, your egos are out of f***ing out of control.

    Wake up and realize just by countering religion blindly that you have no idea WHAT it is you are arguing for or against and are kin to a child just yelling for attention.
    Traditione, Sep 17, 2009 IP
  15. GeorgeB.

    GeorgeB. Notable Member

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    Ok let's put aside trying to figure out what nonsense you could have possibly read that has you believing that what someone described as a "four-wheeled vehicle driven by four living creatures" was really meant to describe the solar system.... Let's put that completely aside for sec.... Because it was all meant to be "metaphorical" right? :rolleyes:

    Let's have you explain for the class how a "solar system" "carries" one up... anywhere.

    You see you're traveling down a dangerous road here friend. You're trying to come on here arrogantly proclaiming what we "can't grasp" while trying to get religion to make sense. As if you have facts and logic to back it up. When the reality is that your own religious scholars will tell you that the Kabbalah is subjective metaphor at best.... You want us to believe that your version of the TONS of ways passages in that work could be interpreted is the answer?

    You need to just fall in line with the rest of the believers and admit you can't prove a damn thing and "take it on faith".

    Is that a joke?

    It's because we are debating with people who's beliefs are so ancient and primitive having truly philosophical, meaningful debates ends up going in circles. A discussion where one side can simply claim it is "beyond our grasp to understand" anytime they get backed into a corner is an exercise in futility. So instead we entertain ourselves running around in circles with you.

    I don't have time at the moment to go grab the links but I'm sure there is an atheist or 2 on this forum that would love to provide you links to studys that show the intellect gap between believers and non believers.

    Actually, and ironically, those of us arguing against religion in particular (not the idea of a God but religion) know exactly what we are arguing for. It's called, progress.

    A.K.A Freedom from bronze age superstitions.
    A.K.A. Removing religious obstructions from scientific discovery.

    etc. etc. etc.

    Wanna know what's really funny? You're a person who still believes fairy tale dogma from the bronze age trying to pretend you're more enlightened than the other millions of followers who believe the same absurdities....

    All you've done is listened to some modern day evangelists take the teachings in scripture and try to match them up with what we know today using patchwork faulty logic and the fact that you people will believe anything if you are told it is divine.

    You're actually worse than all those other believers out there who are just taking it on faith because you've actually been convinced that nonsense makes logical sense... At least the others know when to stop trying to definitively prove the gospel and just take it on faith.
    GeorgeB., Sep 18, 2009 IP
  16. pubdomainshost.com

    pubdomainshost.com Peon

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    Law of conservation states "Matter can neither be created, nor destroyed" so perhaps someone does recycle souls, only that we don't know, or we can't put it through scientific tests and verify soul recycling to be true or false.

    My Law of Conversation states - "It is perfectly fine to have healthy soul stirring discussions, but rather poor taste to have arguments."
    pubdomainshost.com, Sep 18, 2009 IP
  17. Traditione

    Traditione Well-Known Member

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    It is true that you cannot have a conversation of adepts with someone who cannot understand what an initiate, a neophyte, does.

    More to come in a bit; I'll try to make it more accessible for the common reader.
    Traditione, Sep 18, 2009 IP