Which is the best SSL provider at present? [I am looking Free/Cheap Options]

Discussion in 'Security' started by full_time_writer, May 25, 2017.

  1. #1
    I need some suggestions...U seem to be a techie..so can u suggest me any good SSL service.preferably free or cheap...If this is a paid it would be good if it accepts Indian Rupees.
    full_time_writer, May 25, 2017 IP
  2. pavv

    pavv Well-Known Member

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    Use letsencrypt.org certificates. Also, cPanel offers free certificates. Ask your host.
    pavv, May 25, 2017 IP
  3. full_time_writer

    full_time_writer Active Member

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    I am using webhostingpad..should I ask them for free SSL?
    full_time_writer, May 25, 2017 IP
  4. pavv

    pavv Well-Known Member

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    Yes, ask them.
    pavv, May 25, 2017 IP
  5. full_time_writer

    full_time_writer Active Member

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    full_time_writer, May 25, 2017 IP
  6. full_time_writer

    full_time_writer Active Member

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    they are saying...

    Thank you for writing back to us. If you want to install a third-party SSL certificate on your domain there is an installation fee one-time charge 19.99 per domain. You can purchase the "Third Party SSL Installation" add-on from your client area.

    We would require the Cert, Ca bundle, and Private Key to perform the installation.

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us, we will be happy to answer them. Please feel free to contact us for further help.

    pls tell me how I can get the free offer.. I mean I have seen various tutorial where siteowner is directly setting up free SSL without paying anything to hosting provider. This is really confusing
    full_time_writer, May 26, 2017 IP
  7. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    If you want to set up, say LetsEncrypt, you will need SSH-access and ability to install / update / patch content on your server - LetsEncrypt is usually available in most package managers, or elsewise possible to install regardless, but you WILL need to have direct access to the server - hence the SSH access. If you're on a shared server, forget about it - then you will have to use whatever the host provides (in this case the third-party SSL-installer).
    PoPSiCLe, May 26, 2017 IP
  8. full_time_writer

    full_time_writer Active Member

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    so in that case they may not allow me to use letsencrypt? I have set up cloudflare free flexible SSL on one of my site hosted on their server...this was an addon domain..the main domain is running on still http...the support team did not answer me anything on lesencrypt when I asked them I want to install free SSL. I am still confused
    full_time_writer, May 27, 2017 IP
  9. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    Letsencrypt needs either a module for installing via whatever web-interface you have to control the hosting account. OR you need to have access to the server via SSH, so you can run the install yourself - which you will never get to do on a shared host.
    PoPSiCLe, May 27, 2017 IP
  10. Rado_ch

    Rado_ch Well-Known Member

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    Hello, I see that the topic is a bit old, but after reading all posts I noticed that there might still be some confusion on what to do:

    I understand you need a cheap (free) SSL certificate.

    Here is what you need to do :

    1. If you still do not have a hosting company, find a hosting provider that offer free SSL certificates. Let`s encrypt is the best option as it gives you the needed security, it is free and if the host is good, they will offer one click installation using the cPanel (the control panel to manage your hosting). This means you simply need to find the right host, get the Lets encrypt SSL certificate installed using the cPanel and all your issues will be gone.

    if you use WordPress, there are easy to use plugins to fix to fix the mixed content (if you have some content that is not secured by the SSL) and will also help forward your site to https, so every visitors sees the SSL version of your site.

    (the only negative of the lets encrypt is that it is issued for 3 months - after this it will automatically renew for another 3 months - so basically there is no negative for your site)

    2. If you do not have a hosting provider, the best will be to ask you current if they offer the lets encrypt free SSL certificate installations. If not, move to a better host and they will compensate you.

    Our company offers both free lets encrypt installation, website transfer from your previous host, and as for the rupee payment, it will be automatically converted from USD to Rupee by your bank.

    Hope this reply sheds some light to your current SSL questions
    Rado_ch, Jun 21, 2017 IP
  11. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    That's nonsense. Let's Encrypt sucks. It has a ridiculously low 90 day expiration, it requires you to download and install software to "automate" the creation and installation of certificates, and one of the rationales for installing their software is because the expiration of the cert is only 90 days, a number arbitrarily set low to encourage the installation of software. Biggest dumb scam ever. And no web host should have to "integrate" their entire system with a lousy cert provider with a 90 day expiration. The SSL racket has been gouging the internet community for far too long and Let's Encrypt is so stupid its beyond words. The only free option is a pile of crap.

    Somebody at Let's Encrypt is making a big pile of money from this scam and all their "corporate sponsorships". A REAL free SSL cert provider that is accepted by browsers is needed. And that pile of crap that is Let's Encrypt isn't it.
    billzo, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  12. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    What, exactly, IS the problem with Let's Encrypt? Apart from a 90day expiration (which I thougth they were gonna get rid of, but haven't bothered looking into it)? Yes, you need to install a little bit of software on your server (normally available via package manager), and then you need to set up a one-line cron-job to auto-renew. I really don't see the problem, nor do I see how this is a scam.
    PoPSiCLe, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  13. billzo

    billzo Well-Known Member

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    You just stated the problems with Let's Encrypt. A simple web interface would be more than sufficient (like zerossl.com which I have not used yet), but instead they want you to install software to your server/computer (which is stupid beyond words) and one of the reasons for installing that idiotic software is the 90-day expiration. And why a 90-day expiration? Well because your cert might get stolen they say. And if hackers ever got into your server then you have bigger problems than that. If you think I'm the only one who has complained about that stupid 90-day expiration on Let's Encrypt certs you are mistaken. No, they are not getting rid of that 90-day expiration any time soon because if they had any intention of not encouraging the installation of software or other motives, they would have never put a ridiculous 90-day expiration on their certs in the first place.

    And why is spending 5 - 10 minutes once a year to renew an SSL cert such a burden anyway? Installing the software is much more of a burden than that. Let's Encrypt sucks, the entire SSL cert thing is a scam. Browsers outputting a scary message for self-signed certs is part of the scam because having to pay for basic encryption to prevent that scary message is a money-making portion of that scam.

    Behind each and every "free" thing on the net there is a revenue stream and Let's Encrypt is part of it. As is that scary browser message for self-signed certs, as is that worthless "warranty" provided with paid certs, as is having to pay money for basic encryption in the first place, as is browsers only allowing certain paid cert providers to be included in browsers.
    billzo, Aug 1, 2017 IP
  14. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    It takes about 5-10 minutes to set up LetsEncrypt too, ONCE, and then you can forget about it. Also, most free online cert-providers don't offer multiple domains on the same certificate, which LetsEncrypt does. I agree that the 90day limit is stupid, but again, it's a no-hassle fix to set up an auto-renew. And you still need to install the certificates, regardless, so... again, I fail to see why installing a little bit of software on your server is a problem. Are you afraid that the software has a backdoor into your server, or something? If so, you might wanna tone down on the paranoia :D

    As for the "scam" bit... you sound overly excited. Currently, there is nothing to say this is a scam, in any way. Given that one of the bigger PAID FOR cert-provider now gets beaten down (Norton), and there is no real problem using self-signed certs, since you get no warning or any other indication, unless you go into the cert and look at in detail. HTTPS is a good thing, and getting it for free makes it easier for people to start using it.
    PoPSiCLe, Aug 2, 2017 IP
  15. KingViper

    KingViper Member

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    I have to agree with @PoPSiCLe .
    We issue certificates for our customers automatically, and renew them the same way. They love it. I would personally never touch anything that requires me to use a web interface manually for a job that can easily be automated and should never even be done by a human.
    KingViper, Aug 12, 2017 IP
  16. SmileServe

    SmileServe Well-Known Member

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    We use this plugin for cPanel on all of our servers and we've had nothing but positive feedback from our clients.
    SmileServe, Aug 15, 2017 IP