Which is best to build an eCommerce website, a theme or coding?

Discussion in 'eCommerce' started by Johnathanji, Feb 16, 2024.

  1. #1
    Hi All,

    I am planning to build a website where products are Bamboo and wooden kitchenware. I am curious to know when i build a website to sell online (eCommerce website) . Which one is better: using a ready-made theme or using a customized website with coding? for coding which coding language is best for security and features. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
    Johnathanji, Feb 16, 2024 IP
  2. dawid997420

    dawid997420 Peon

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    I think if you are working lonely the best option is to build website with Wordpress. Building good website with programming will take over half a year of your life and probably
    it will be worse.

    Attached Files:

    dawid997420, Mar 10, 2024 IP
  3. Sumit_Singh

    Sumit_Singh Well-Known Member

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    It depends on you, for security purpose the best option is custom code. Magento CMS is also a good option but it also required technical background to build website and I'll suggest it only if you have 1000s of products.
    Custom coded websites are always best because you've total control over the website and can change anything according to your needs. But in CMS there are some limitations.
    Sumit_Singh, Mar 14, 2024 IP
  4. gdl

    gdl Peon

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    There is a lot to take into consideration, so let me break down the parts a bit to help you decide between a pre-made theme or a custom-coded website for your website:

    Pre-made Theme:
    - Pros:
    Faster and more affordable to set up
    A wide variety of themes is available to match your desired look and feel
    Often more straightforward to manage and update without coding knowledge
    Many themes come with built-in e-commerce functionality
    Cheaper than building your own

    - Cons:
    Less customization compared to a custom-coded site
    You might be limited by the theme's features and functionalities
    The design might be similar to other websites using the same theme

    Custom Coded Website:
    - Pros:
    Completely unique design and functionalities tailored to your specific needs
    More flexibility to integrate advanced features and functionalities
    Greater control over security measures

    - Cons:
    Significantly higher cost
    Requires a developer with experience in e-commerce website development
    Longer development time
    Choosing the right option depends on your budget, technical skills, and the complexity of your vision.

    A premade theme can be a great option if you're starting out and have a limited budget. Many high-quality themes are available specifically designed for e-commerce websites. You can still achieve a professional look and feel, and most themes offer great customization.

    However, if you have a unique vision for your website or require specific functionalities that aren't available in pre-made themes, a custom-coded website might be the better option. This is especially true if you plan to scale your business significantly.

    Security and Coding Languages:

    Some popular coding languages are used for secure e-commerce websites: PHP, Python, and Java.

    Remember, security is an ongoing process, regardless of the coding language. It is important to choose a reputable developer who stays updated on security vulnerabilities and implements best practices.

    Additional Tips:

    Consider using a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress with a pre-made e-commerce theme. This offers a good balance between customization and ease of use.
    If you choose a pre-made theme, ensure it's compatible with a reputable e-commerce plugin like WooCommerce (for WordPress) or Shopify.

    I hope this helps, and good luck.
    gdl, Mar 18, 2024 IP
  5. cfjdjd

    cfjdjd Peon

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    cfjdjd, Mar 21, 2024 IP
  6. anastasiastefanyuk

    anastasiastefanyuk Peon

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    If you want something quick and straightforward, going with a theme is your best bet. It's like choosing a ready-to-wear outfit; you pick what looks good, maybe tweak it a bit, and you're ready to roll. On the flip side, if you're after something unique or have specific needs, coding your site from scratch is the way to go. It's like getting a custom-tailored suit—takes more time and effort, but the fit is just right. So, quick and easy? Theme. Custom and specific? Coding.
    anastasiastefanyuk, Mar 27, 2024 IP
  7. GreenHost.Cloud

    GreenHost.Cloud Member

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    By using a customized website with coding, you can have more control and add unique features that fit your needs. To make sure your website is secure and has advanced features, think about using languages like PHP or Python for the backend development. It's also important to include strong encryption protocols and keep your software updated regularly to improve security on your eCommerce site.
    GreenHost.Cloud, Apr 2, 2024 IP
  8. Mark Elijah

    Mark Elijah Banned

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    For a beautiful bamboo kitchenware store, a pre-made theme can be a great start! Themes are easy to use and come in gorgeous designs. If you crave a super unique site or highly specific features, custom coding gives more control. Security is built into most platforms, so focus on choosing a reputable theme provider. Good luck with your online store!
    Mark Elijah, Apr 3, 2024 IP
  9. MargoFarrel

    MargoFarrel Member

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    Creating an e-commerce website for bamboo and wooden kitchenware involves strategic decisions. You can choose between ready-made themes or a customized website. Ready-made themes offer quick setup and budget-friendliness, but may lack uniqueness and require adjustments. Customized websites, while more time-consuming and costly upfront, provide tailored solutions, scalability, and long-term fit. As for programming languages, consider Python (with Django) for simplicity and versatility, JavaScript for front-end interactivity, and Java for robust security and scalability.
    MargoFarrel, Apr 3, 2024 IP
  10. Ortessimple

    Ortessimple Peon

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    While coding from scratch gives you ultimate control, it feels like building a house from scratch – super impressive, but time-consuming and requires serious expertise. Themes, on the other hand, are like pre-fab houses – they get you up and running fast, but with some limitations on customization.
    Ortessimple, Apr 5, 2024 IP
  11. Luke5000

    Luke5000 Peon

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    Having done this a few times now I would recommend just coughing up for Shopify unless you need (not want) specific functionality they can't provide, in that case go with WooCommerce. It's so easy to get caught up thinking "the website is the problem" when in actual fact it's more likely marketing or other areas of the business that will get you a better return on time invested.
    Luke5000, Apr 9, 2024 IP
  12. Wale Jesukoya

    Wale Jesukoya Peon

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    When considering the best approach to build an eCommerce website, the decision between using a pre-designed theme or custom coding depends on various factors, including your specific requirements, budget, timeline, and technical expertise. Here's a professional analysis of both options:

    1. Using a Theme:
      • Efficiency: Pre-designed themes offer a ready-to-use solution that can significantly reduce development time and effort.
      • Cost-effectiveness: Themes are often more cost-effective than custom coding since they eliminate the need for extensive development from scratch.
      • Ease of Implementation: Themes are user-friendly and can be easily implemented by individuals with minimal technical expertise.
      • Features and Customization: Many themes come with built-in features and customization options, allowing you to tailor the design and functionality to some extent.
      • Support and Updates: Reputable theme providers offer ongoing support and updates, ensuring compatibility with the latest web standards and security patches.
    2. Custom Coding:
      • Flexibility and Customization: Custom coding provides unparalleled flexibility and customization options, allowing you to create a bespoke eCommerce solution tailored to your unique requirements and branding.
      • Scalability: Custom-coded websites are often more scalable and adaptable to future growth and evolving business needs.
      • Performance Optimization: Custom coding enables optimization for performance, speed, and SEO, ensuring an optimal user experience and search engine visibility.
      • Unique Design: With custom coding, you have full control over the design and user interface, enabling you to create a truly distinctive and memorable eCommerce website.
      • Technical Expertise Required: Developing a custom eCommerce website requires a higher level of technical expertise and resources compared to using a pre-designed theme.
      • Time and Cost: Custom coding typically involves higher upfront costs and longer development timelines due to the extensive planning, design, and implementation processes involved.
    Ultimately, the decision between using a theme or custom coding depends on your specific project requirements, budget constraints, and long-term goals. While themes offer convenience and cost-effectiveness, custom coding provides unparalleled flexibility and scalability. It's essential to assess your priorities and resources carefully before choosing the approach that best suits your eCommerce needs.
    Wale Jesukoya, Apr 10, 2024 IP
  13. Eric beach

    Eric beach Peon

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    I recommend Pro-Builder, it's professional software with which you can create your online store in less than an hour. In Pro-Builder Cloud, I've seen very valuable tools that will help grow your business day by day. Among them, I describe some of the most prominent:

    Email/SMS Marketing: Boost customer engagement and conversion rates with personalised campaigns tailored to your target audience. Our platform provides automated workflows, A/B testing, and detailed analytics to ensure your messages yield maximum ROI.

    Social Media Scheduler: Streamline social network management by scheduling posts, analysing performance, and enhancing audience engagement. Stay ahead of competitors and build a robust online presence that captivates your followers.

    Unlimited Sales Funnels: Craft customised sales funnels to seamlessly lead prospects through the purchasing journey. Enhance conversions and sales by offering a personalized and compelling experience for potential customers.

    Call Tracking: Gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your phone advertising campaigns. Make informed decisions, optimize your marketing budget, and maximize ROI.

    Surveys and Forms: Gather valuable feedback and opinions from customers through personalised surveys and contact forms. Make data-driven decisions, enhance the customer experience, and drive strategic growth.

    Appointment Booking: Simplify appointment and client meeting scheduling with our convenient online booking tool. Save time, minimize misunderstandings, and provide a seamless booking experience for customers.

    CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Efficiently manage contacts, customers, and sales opportunities. Strengthen customer relationships, boost retention rates, and unleash your business's full potential.

    Analytics: Access detailed reports and key metrics to assess campaign performance. Make data-backed decisions and refine your marketing strategy for exceptional results.

    Reputation Management: Take charge of your online reputation by proactively responding to comments and reviews. Cultivate a positive brand image and foster trust with your audience.

    Website Builder: Effortlessly create a professional website without technical knowledge. Stand out online, attract more leads, and showcase your offerings with an impressive web presence.
    Eric beach, Apr 26, 2024 IP
  14. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    ProBuilder may or may not be great but it's not really a recommendation when you work for them.
    sarahk, Apr 30, 2024 IP
  15. Eric beach

    Eric beach Peon

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    Certainly! Here's a polished version of your message:


    Please refrain from conflating the terms. This statement reflects solely my personal viewpoint, independent of any affiliation with Pro-Builder or otherwise. Thank you for your valuable contribution.

    Best regards.
    Eric beach, May 1, 2024 IP
  16. Silver Crocodile

    Silver Crocodile Greenhorn

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    It all boils down to your level of expertise and what you are willing to invest in the project in terms of time and money.
    In my opinion, it is best to have a custom site, since a custom solution offers enhanced security, scalability, and improved performance.
    Silver Crocodile, May 1, 2024 IP
  17. xxll_martin_llxx

    xxll_martin_llxx Well-Known Member

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    Surely it just makes sense to use Wordpress > WooCommerce plugin.

    Wordpress is pretty customisable. It's free. You can get free or paid for templates. There are plenty of people using Wordpress and can help with themes etc.

    Things like Magento or Shopify you have to pay for.

    Makes sense to go with WooCommerce.
    xxll_martin_llxx, Jun 30, 2024 IP