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Where to learn affiliate marketing from scratch?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by Deepak Kumar Pandey, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. #1
    Hi Guys,
    I want to learn affiliate marketing from scratch. Where I can get all the stuff related to affiliate marketing?
    Please help...thanks in advance.
    Deepak Kumar Pandey, Dec 30, 2019 IP
  2. Spartan14

    Spartan14 Well-Known Member

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    Everywhere ,lerning affiliate marketing its not hard the hard thing its to be consistent and work hard throught hard times .Because when you dont see result you will want to stop working and maybe to quit .In this field its no place of giving up no matter how hard it is
    Spartan14, Dec 30, 2019 IP
  3. thedge77

    thedge77 Greenhorn

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    Have you looked on Udemy? I believe they have a big sale going on now too.
    thedge77, Dec 30, 2019 IP
  4. Chris Riviera

    Chris Riviera Peon

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    If you don't want to spend any money in the learning phase, you can find a lot of free resources on the internet, Youtube channels, and blogs.
    Otherwise, there is some quality program out there that provide quality product and quality courses to help you build a sustainable online business.
    Chris Riviera, Dec 30, 2019 IP
  5. jaguar34

    jaguar34 Notable Member

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    First beware of fake degree holders in India. and John Chow blog is the place to start learning affiliate marketing. And Udemy.com is also nice website.
    jaguar34, Jan 1, 2020 IP
  6. Marissa D

    Marissa D Peon

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    Udemy if you want to pay, otherwise just watch youtube videos. There are tons of free videos on youtube describing affiliate marketing to beginners.
    Marissa D, Jan 3, 2020 IP
  7. kb24

    kb24 Well-Known Member

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    Affiliate Marketing is such a broad term. What area do you want to focus on? Is it building a site from scratch creating content and getting ranked in the search engines? Is it paid traffic (Pay per click advertising) Find out what area you want to focus on and find training on it or find a mentor. It will cut down the learning curve.
    kb24, Jan 6, 2020 IP
  8. marvinC

    marvinC Greenhorn

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    I totally agree,

    Affiliate marketing is a broad term.

    Do you want to build a list--learn how to put up your first blog--or learn how to market in sites like instagram.

    One place you may want to try is your local library--I know mine has a ton of books on facebook marketing--and youube marketing, and podcasting.

    Hope this Helps!
    marvinC, Jan 6, 2020 IP
  9. ellisenwang

    ellisenwang Peon

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    You can literally search on Google or Youtube, "How to start an affiliate marketing business from scratch."

    The more free content you watch, you'll notice that people will tell you the similar, if not the same, basic things which are:

    Starting a website/Youtube channel
    Get traffic from either blog posts, videos, paid ads, etc.
    Promote affiliate products to your visitors/viewers
    Get them on your email list
    Send promotional emails

    It's a lot of upfront work in terms of building up your content and other assets and it'll pay off in the backend. Then again, that's how it's like with starting any kind of business.
    ellisenwang, Apr 22, 2020 IP
  10. tareqjhe1

    tareqjhe1 Well-Known Member

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    I think udemy is the best. There are so many courses you can find about affialiate marketing. And their price also not so high. So try it. I think you can be a better marketer.
    tareqjhe1, Apr 22, 2020 IP
  11. ellisenwang

    ellisenwang Peon

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    I agree with this. If you find "gurus" online, and you will, selling their affiliate marketing courses for 3 or 4 figures, don't bother. They teach you the same things you can find in a $10 Udemy course. but if it comes with some coaching benefit, then it might be worth it.
    ellisenwang, Apr 24, 2020 IP
  12. CesarMeniaud

    CesarMeniaud Banned

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    The number one thing to know when it comes to affiliate marketing is as much as people say its easy it will take time. so be consistent and never stop but I would really recommend having a mentor to guide you and speed up that process. having a mentor is honestly the best way to learn and learn fast as a beginner when I started I was lost and over the years I've tried lots of programs and I can honestly proudly tell you that its because of my mentor that I got so far and earn 5k+ each month. Send me a message back and ill arrange to personally send you something that will benefit you greatly.
    CesarMeniaud, Apr 29, 2020 IP
  13. IMDaniel

    IMDaniel Greenhorn

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    You can just google it and start reading blogs to learn the basics.

    You can also go to Clickbank and look for affiliate products with high "gravity", then look at the "affiliate resources" of bestselling products.

    You can learn a lot about affiliate marketing and how to get sales there, because the vendors will provide you with effective tools and tips on how to sell their products for them.
    IMDaniel, Apr 30, 2020 IP
  14. eMonetize

    eMonetize Member

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    I've been promoting affiliate / CPA offers for over 19 years. However, I do things differently than most.

    I heavily promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require a sale to be made.

    I favor offers that have a make, get, or save money benefit to them, as they have overall worked the best. They also tend to have the greatest mass appeal (will be of interest to a large general audience), so the potential exists to produce high volume and they are fairly easy to cross-promote on the back-end.

    Some of the verticals (niches) I have done extremely well with are: education, insurance, loans, debt, credit, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

    The bulk of the PPL offers that I promote pay $15-$40 per lead, but I also promote offers that pay more and less. You don't want to get too caught up on what an offer pays because how well it converts is just as important. For example, if you have an offer that pays $9, but if it converts at 2X or more of a $20 offer, then it will perform about the same or possibly better. At the same time, if you have an offer that pays $90 and it converts poorly, it may not even be worth promoting.

    I have also done just as good with dating website sign-ups and pretty good with free trial + S/H offers. I also promote a very limited number of offers that are straight sales. For them, mass appeal is still the number one thing I look for and I also look for one of the following...

    1) The product is new and/or novel-unique and you can't purchase it locally or even something similar. I don't waste my time with it once something similar shows up in Walmart.

    2) The buyer can truly get what is being offered at a decent discount.

    3) Solves a house is on fire type problem.

    However, I mainly promote non-PPL offers on the backend.

    Bottom line, it's far easier to get someone fill out a short form than to get them to pull out their credit card and make a purchase. So why struggle with trying to sell this or that, when you can provide free information that users want/need and get paid well doing it.

    Something to think about.
    eMonetize, May 12, 2020 IP
  15. LewisH95

    LewisH95 Greenhorn

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    Here's a quick recap of what you need to do:
    Choose your niche.
    Research different affiliate programs and products.
    Build a site.
    Produce excellent content.
    Build an audience.
    Promote your affiliate product(s).
    Repeat steps #4–7 on a continual basis!
    LewisH95, May 16, 2020 IP
  16. WINstore

    WINstore Peon

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    Use Udemy for simply learning the affiliate marketing techniques but if you want to implement and learn simultaneously, you can use a tool called "Berush" by SEMrush to achieve your goals and improve your skills.
    WINstore, Aug 22, 2020 IP
  17. Andy Dao

    Andy Dao Member

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    There are a lot of affiliate marketing courses out there.
    It all begins with choosing a niche
    Here's a list that helped me get started:
    My Online Startup <- I began here and made my commission within 30 days
    Legendary Marketer <-I Recommend This The Most
    Easy1up <- Great product for people who wants to work from home
    Wealthy Affiliate <- I don't recommend this. However, it does teaches you the basic skills for blogging and choosing a niche

    The ones I listed affiliate programs and products itself, but it teaches you how to skills you need to do affiliate marketing
    some are more advance than others. In other words, building up your email list so you can start making passive income online

    Overall, Google is your best friend

    Let me know which works for you.

    Good luck!
    Andy Dao, Aug 26, 2020 IP
  18. miniexpert

    miniexpert Peon

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    it's said that the course by makingsenseofcents is one of the best. I have not done it, I learn by myself, although I can't say I am an expert
    miniexpert, Aug 30, 2020 IP
  19. jijigren

    jijigren Well-Known Member

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    You can start from this very forum. There are many webmasters here that would love to share their knowledge. Other webmaster forums like v7n etc etc. Udemy for free or paid. There are online marketing on youtubes too. the sources are endless
    jijigren, Sep 7, 2020 IP
  20. JEET

    JEET Notable Member

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    First of all, the question is wrong.
    You should not think about learning "affiliate marketing".
    You should think about learning "marketing" itself.
    Affiliate is just a way of capitalizing on your marketing efforts.

    Its simply "promoting someone elses product", instead of your own, either on your own website, or in direct ads.
    Rest everything remains same.

    You will have to put the same amount of work in building the website, and also building traffic for the website.
    Once people are on your website, you can choose to pitch a product of your own, or someone elses product.

    What product you choose to promote, which affiliate network you use, those are some other questions.
    JEET, Sep 7, 2020 IP