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Where do you buy your CDR supplies online (UK People)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by pipes, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. #1
    The usual place that i buy CDR as a 100 pack currently are not ideal, where do you buy yours online in the UK? any recommendations?

    I usually buy Infiniti, cheap places please :)
    pipes, Jan 30, 2008 IP
  2. pedigreechump6

    pedigreechump6 Active Member

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    I usually just get them off ebay since they generally have the biggest range (thanks to the many suppliers) and cheap prices. Be wary of high P&P as some sellers like to up the total price sneakily using over-priced P&P.
    pedigreechump6, Jan 30, 2008 IP
    pipes likes this.
  3. mightyb

    mightyb Banned

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    I found a whole bunch of bargain CDs, DVDs in Aldi or whatever its called. Apart from that i buy on ebay.
    mightyb, Jan 30, 2008 IP
    pipes likes this.
  4. pipes

    pipes Prominent Member

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    Ebay yes i think il have a look on there later today, yeah ive seen that old trick they use on ebay listings where the product is cheap but their using the p+p to get the profit.

    You know i forget about places like that, i think we still have a Aldi store nearby, i will check it out too, thanks guy.
    pipes, Jan 30, 2008 IP