Where do I find Celebrity and News Photos for my blog?

Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by nelum8, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. #1
    Hi everyone,

    I run a celebrity/entertainment blog. The blog focuses on Asian countries and Asian celebrities mostly from Korea, Japan, China, and India. I don't want to run into any legal issues with pictures and pictures are very important so does anyone know where I can legally find celebrity pictures? Also, if I'm writing something like a CD review or a movies review, are any pictures of CD/DVD covers fair to use or do I have to pay for those too?

    Occasionally the blog also has general news posts of major events happening in the larger Asian region. Where can I find news photos?

    Thank you for the help.
    nelum8, Oct 11, 2012 IP
  2. omgcats

    omgcats Member

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    As of right now I don't think there is any free source for legal celebrity photos. There used to be a few (I used PicApp), but they were not profitable and shut down. There are some paid sources which can get inexpensive if you are buying lots of photos, such as PR Photos and Shutterstock. I believe (I am not a lawyer) that there is no copyright issue with using a movie cover or album cover on an editorial site as the cover is meant to promote the movie/album. Music artists have press photographs that are available for free use by the press, but they can be hard to find. For example, here is RCA Records' press asset site, which offers album covers and artist photographs: http://www.rcamusicgrouppress.com/
    omgcats, Oct 22, 2012 IP