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Where can i sell my PHP scripts ?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by coldcoder, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. #1
    Hello dear friends,

    I'm PHP coder and have no idea about marketing which indeed found to be 90% of any business cause what is the use if i code scripts and can't sell it cause i don't know where to promot it.

    For example :-

    - i've study all other recipes scripts in marketing
    - i've coded one with new options and i'm sure it is the best in compare
    - i've got domain with keywords name related to my script
    - i've created website with instant download after payment very easy and attractive

    at : recipesscript (dot) info

    Now where i promot my script ? :(

    thank you all
    coldcoder, Dec 11, 2010 IP
  2. namduong8889

    namduong8889 Peon

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    namduong8889, Dec 11, 2010 IP
  3. jeremyhowell

    jeremyhowell Member

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    Why not sell them here on Digital Point? Try the BST section. Also google "sell PHP scripts", you will find a lot of useful resources.
    jeremyhowell, Dec 11, 2010 IP
  4. luigi777

    luigi777 Active Member

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    Selling scripts isn't easy. The market isn't that big. It isn't really a consumer good. And people want to buy this to do somehtig with it and make money out of it. The main keywords for this site/script aren't giving any results in google adword keyword tool. It means not many people are searching for it.
    So like Jeremy said selling here on DP is already a good way. Or submit to script websites.
    However it might be better for you to work as a freelancer and get paid creating/modifiyng scripts for customers. Or do some market research first and make a script where there is a lot demand.
    luigi777, Dec 11, 2010 IP