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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Laceygirl, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. #1
    Hey, I'm sorry if I seem a fair bit pessimistic or utterly depressing but I have no where else to talk about it.

    Today I got laid off. The story is quiet complex but basically the company I work for is all for the taking if you are a cute teen blonde female. Nothing against a blonde female, but the company promotes them, and also promotes anyone who trys to look good in front of the company by snitching to supervisors and talking bad about everyone else.

    I can't be like this.

    Now since the whole Canadian Gov't econonics is crashing they laid me off today. They kept the 300 butt kissing, manipulating people around but me. All gone.

    I'm having a meltdown here. I'm alone and upset badly. I've got big responsibilites. Online I make around 1/4 the amount of a pay check. My initial plan was to keep taking this crap at work until I can make enough online. I've always been the honest webmaster. I've never overcharged anything. Actually Ever since I've been online I coach people who are new to being a webmaster in a better chance to make it. I don't do Blackhat and I believe that I shuld never take the large piece of the pie in profit. It should be fair.

    I feel upset because this isn't working. I don't know. With all of the things I'm involved with online, maybe I don't even know what I'm doing. Maybe I got it all wrong.

    I'm sorry to dump this onto everyone here, I just don't have anyone to talk to because it's hard for me to get a job. I have this nervious problem where in job interviews I get so freaked out that I unconscious and fall to the ground. When I wake up there is usually people screaming to call the hospital. Obviously its hard to get a job when that happens. Once every 10 years or so something about an off time makes it possible for me to get through an interview. For some reason the stomach sickness isn't too tough for me to handle.

    Regardless that's why I couldn't leave this company, but now I got nothing.

    I'm not asking for anything, or begging. I just need to talk about it.:(
    Laceygirl, Jan 12, 2009 IP
  2. justinlorder

    justinlorder Peon

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    Sorry to hear that .
    laid off workers is happening everywhere of the earth due to the crisis .
    Everyday I am worried if the company I work for will go out of business and laid off workers including me .
    justinlorder, Jan 12, 2009 IP
  3. Ryan6

    Ryan6 Peon

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    Screw the corporate and become your own boss full time. If you truly believe that you can succeed, then you will!
    Ryan6, Jan 12, 2009 IP
  4. RightMan

    RightMan Notable Member

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    First and foremost...Nobody in this world has the power to harm you unless you yourself allow things to hurt you.

    So, have confidence in yourself and treat this as a stepping stone to something big and better in your life.

    Remember, whatever happens in life is always for good.....perhaps there is something more interesting and fruitful waiting to happen in your life....and this lay-off is just a preparation for that....

    So.....never feel bad about you....in fact...search around you positively and you would definitely find something bigger and better...

    Best Of luck........dear.


    RightMan, Jan 12, 2009 IP
  5. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    You make it sound easy, but when I look at my three blogs, webmaster forum, arcade script distributing company, 8 educational MFA sites, along with a slew of newer random sites it can make me wonder if its possible.

    I just don't see a way out of this mess and I doubt I'll be able to step up on the internet enough in the next month.
    Laceygirl, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  6. dairyman

    dairyman Notable Member

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    Recession worldwide casts it shadow in the form of laying off. It would be the worst moment when you are served the pink slip. But there is life beyond the regular job if you have the will to win. What you have to do is to devote your full time for developing and updating your blogs and sites so that the online money earned will support you at this crucial point of time. Of course, dp is there to guide you if you need one...
    dairyman, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  7. Bogardi

    Bogardi Peon

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    You pass out during job interviews? You need to man up dude, seriously. Start practicing in the mirror if you have to, get some friends to help out. Go into the job interview with the attitude that they should be lucky to hire you. Job interviews are not that big of a deal, you need to learn to get over that fear in your life.
    Bogardi, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  8. tiger325

    tiger325 Peon

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    Im sorry to hear about this...You can definetly make a living online but to make it automated income you have to give it your all at first
    tiger325, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  9. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    This is true but there was a lot of scandals, favortism, conspiracy's, corruption, and Revolutions that did go against me in the 4 years that I worked there. I didn't have no choice. And now becuase its a slow month this guys are all going to gang up on me and choose a bunch of 17yr old chicks over my experience (no offense to teen females:)).

    Its a little harder to do than say. Its not something that can be controlled. Its a Medical thing. Its not a fear. Its a reaction my body does. I did spend an hour with a doctor once and told him a lot about what could've caused this, and he figures it was from the lifestyle of having no one to turn to in a hard childhood. I grew up in Toronto (Region Park). The problem with that is I spent most of my time trying to fight off or get away from the harsh violence. I figured that it was from when I was 14yrs old. This one gang stomped on my head a bunch of times over something to do with crossing the railroad tracks on their turf (I don't know).

    I'm not a passive person, I hold grudges, and am revengful. This passing out thing isn't something that I can control.
    I can be calm and relaxed and then I feel this sick feeling and go out cold. I don't think you can beat your brain shutting down.

    I see no way of solving this. I got a month to figure out how its going to work out. here's the thing.

    If I was riding solo then I'd just go to that place and burn it down and see the cops could catch me. But I can't do anything here because I got a wife and house. This royally sucks that these guys basically spit in my face and I couldn't even do anything about it.
    Laceygirl, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  10. RightMan

    RightMan Notable Member

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    I know how frustrating these times are...People everywhere are feeling the pinch....
    We have no choices but to let this time pass...

    All I can say is..do not be too harsh on yourself....Accept the reality that there are many things in life beyond our control...

    In good times....always think good of others....
    but, in bad times....always think good about your own self...

    Develop this attitude.....it will help you live life peacefully.


    RightMan, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  11. Laceygirl

    Laceygirl Notable Member

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    Ok, I'll try to think positive and stay focused.

    But the next person who says "at least you got your health!!!" may get run over.:)
    Laceygirl, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  12. almondj

    almondj Peon

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    I'm scared to enter the real world, so few jobs out there and because of things like this. I feel bad for you, sincerely!
    almondj, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  13. FOX LORE

    FOX LORE Notable Member

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    I to suffer from a medical condition call Agoraphobia. So, i get where you are coming from. And it is good you have a wife. She is able to help you with this problem, its better not to go down that path alone. I did mine alone and it was not easy! But, i got thru it. The Agoraphobia will never really go away, it will always be there but luckly, I have it under control. How did I have it under control? I gave the problem to God and let him worry about it. And I take meds. I know that sounds weird but that was all I had control of. Giving it to him. At times it look at thou I was not going to win the fight. You may go down to the bottom but I guarantee God will raise you back up. Give your problems to Him and keep what your doing , you will have twist and turns but it will work out. Beg and borrow if you have to cus you never know where Blessing are coming from. Just keep this in mind. " God I do not have no more worries cus I give you all my problems". Say this daily. If you can not use your own own self control to get thru the interviews.. then use Gods. I do not fee bad for you cus you have "HOPE". With out "HOPE" then you are dead. God is the hope! I know it is hard but you are going thru this stage for a reason. You are learning and you are doing it for God. Keep up the pace because there is a rainbow at the end.
    FOX LORE, Jan 13, 2009 IP
  14. TrafficPunk

    TrafficPunk Well-Known Member

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    What ryan6 said.. Plus, it didn't sound like you were very happy about what you were doing anyway and might have also been compromising your principles. Most corporate jobs are about kissing ass and being fake anyway, so why bother?
    Do what you love doing, get good at it and give full-time self employment a serious thought.
    Let your past take a big middle finger and move on :)
    TrafficPunk, Jan 15, 2009 IP
  15. EvcRo

    EvcRo Notable Member

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    this is a very hard time for you, but I'm sure you'll find a way to get a job really soon.
    this is how things are for some time...around here people are nervous and scared of loosing their jobs too...a good reason for me to work harder, hoping that things are going to be OK somehow...
    EvcRo, Jan 16, 2009 IP