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What will the republicans do now?

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by jumpboy11jaop, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Zibblu

    Zibblu Guest

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    That would certainly be an interesting experiment but it's obviously not possible.

    Plus it'd be pretty disturbing to be right next door to Jesusland if we've split all of the weapons... Can you imagine how many wars a country full of nothing but Bush/McCain voters would get into? Endless wars.

    Yes. I don't believe states should have the right to make laws which discriminate against people for example. I believe your ideas would lead to such extremes (and did lead there in the past without federal intervention.) I don't believe that personal freedoms, access to public education, health care, or social security (for some lovely examples) should be left up to a state's whims.

    To me being an American is much more important than being a Virginian. I just don't really get it when people are all about the state they live. That mentality is foreign to me. I have lived in many states. But I've always been an American. I find it amusing that the supposed most "pro American" people are those always going on about "states rights."

    To the Governor of Texas: "So what are you? An American? or a Texan?"


    I have no problems with a state wanting to give more civil liberties to people.. I have no problems with states having their own tax laws etc... That's fine and dandy. But I think that this "state's rights" argument is often used for really nefarious purposes such as dumbing down education (ie teaching "creationism" in science class) and forms of restriction (such as making abortion illegal) and prejudice (not allowing gay marriage.)

    If "state's rights" people had their way there'd still be slavery in the south.
    Zibblu, Jul 1, 2009 IP
  2. hostlonestar

    hostlonestar Peon

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    Texas has one of the best educational systems in the country. We are also notorious about being like this guy. But, we were also our own country, and also one of the only states with the economy and ability to succeed as our own country. Things are different in Texas than they are in most any other state. If you aren't from there, you wouldn't understand.

    I get what you're getting at Zibblu, I understand what you're saying. But, the constitution is pretty clear.
    Unfortunately, you are wrong when it comes to states rights. It is clearly spelled out, but, our government is chipping away at it slowly. Unfortunately we may have an open revolt/civil war coming within the next decade if the government keeps up the way they are going.

    When Keller v. Washington D.C. was about to be decided on, Montana's governor issued a press release/statement saying Montana would secede from the Union if the individuals right to bear arms wasn't upheld and the DC gun ban struck down. And guess what, there are about 22 other states that feel the same way, the states that most of the US's military comes from. A Civil War is not in our best interest, but the way things are going, it's becoming more and more of a reality.

    The Federal Government itself is operates EVERY DAY unconstitutionally.
    hostlonestar, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  3. ncz_nate

    ncz_nate Well-Known Member

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    Simple question Zibblu, what's it mean to be American? Last guy I asked was stumped, see how you do.
    ncz_nate, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  4. bogart

    bogart Notable Member

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    Don't let people fool you. Bill Clinton was on a "share the wealth" mission when he came into office. Clinton moved to the center when he stopped listening to Robert Reich Blog to started taking the advise of Dick Morris Blog

    About Dick Morris - Third way policies of triangulation that merged traditional Republican and Democratic proposals, rhetoric, and issues


    About Robert Reich - "Share the Wealth"


    Republicans can try to limit the damage.

    The big issue for the Republicans is to get ready for the 2010 Congressional elections.
    bogart, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  5. TechEvangelist

    TechEvangelist Guest

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    That is the big issue, but a strong leader must emerge who can articulate a strong plan that most people would agree with. The Republicans screwed up when they were in control. The current Democrats in control are screwing up much worse. Support for BO is fading rapidly as people realize that what he is doing is ineffective and dangerous.

    BO has never presented a plan. Everything he talks about is vague and based upon idealism, which appeals to many people. But whatever plan they are working from (if there is one) is being kept secret. Even his fellow Democrats in Congress are increasingly requiring a written plan before they approve his outrageous spending programs.

    The White House is already reneging on BO's pledge to not raise taxes for families making less than $250,000 per year, but anyone who knows anything about economics knew that this was a promise he could never keep. Bill Clinton ran for office with a pledge to reduce taxes for the middle class, but after taking office, he instituted one of the largest middle class tax increases in the history of the country. These are promises that people remember and they will affect the outcome of the 2010 election.

    "Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule – and both commonly succeed, and are right." – H. L. Mencken.

    I think the country is ready for a new 3rd party to emerge, but I don't think it will happen any time soon.
    TechEvangelist, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  6. bogart

    bogart Notable Member

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    The Obama stimulus bill was passed in the dead of night without memebers of Congress even having time to read the bill.

    Obama is trying to do the same with "cap and trade", and healthcare.

    People are wondering how we are spending all this money and where it is going.
    bogart, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  7. hostlonestar

    hostlonestar Peon

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    And why the economy isn't fixed yet.
    hostlonestar, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  8. bogart

    bogart Notable Member

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    Who is trying to fix it?

    Haven't you ever heard the dems say never waste a dood crisis.
    bogart, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  9. Zibblu

    Zibblu Guest

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    To me being an American is about being free with an opportunity to prosper. By free I mean free in the civil libertarian sort of way not in the "no taxes" sort of way. I see taxes as a necessary part of a society. As a necessary part of that "opportunity to prosper." Without "socialism" (public education etc) only the very rich would be able to have the things we all take for granted. Those "free market" fanatics forget just how bad the "good old days" were for the majority of people. Or maybe they don't forget - More likely they just don't know. Read some history not told from the rich guys perspectives.
    Zibblu, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  10. Zibblu

    Zibblu Guest

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    Nah. I think most people understand this will likely be a long lasting recession. Getting out of it by 2011 may be optimistic. People understand just how bad George W. Bush & the rest of the Republicans screwed up this country. It will take awhile for things to turn around. But when they do, they'll be giving Obama all the credit (partly because silly folks are trying to blame him now even when it's obviously not his fault - this blame game will back fire on the Hannity/Limbaughs in a big way.)

    Also: Remember that America didn't pull out of the early 80s recession for good until 1983! Things got worse at first under Reagan. But they had turned around by 1984, and guess what - people gave him all the credit (even if he didn't deserve it, which I don't think he did.) Likewise you folks won't want to give Obama credit when the economy turns around by 2012 - but the general population will.
    Zibblu, Jul 2, 2009 IP
  11. bogart

    bogart Notable Member

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    There were two recessions at the time. So turning around things by 1983 was good.
    1) 1980 Recession - Jan-July 1980
    2) 1981-1982 - July 1981 and ended in November 1982

    What flavor kool-aid are you drinking today? ;)

    Things won't start turning around until 2012. :eek:

    What happened to the Obama stimulus of $757 trillion that was supposed to stop unemployment from going higher than 8% :confused:
    bogart, Jul 3, 2009 IP
  12. hostlonestar

    hostlonestar Peon

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    Good question bogart, no one knows the answer to that though unfortunately.

    zibblu, how many times do you have to be told? This recession wasn't caused by Bush. It all started back in the Clinton years. A recession this bad doesn't happen any quicker than about a 10 year period. Quit trying to blame the moron when the retard was the original cause of it.
    hostlonestar, Jul 3, 2009 IP
  13. bogart

    bogart Notable Member

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    Barry Obama was the largest recipient of campaign contributions form Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae.

    Rahm Emanuel served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac at the time of the accounting fraud.

    Congressman Barney Frank's gay boyfriend was a Fannie Mae executive.

    Senator Chris Dodd received a number of sweetheart loans from bankrupt subprime lender Countrywide.

    In the 1990s Bill Clinton, Barry Obama, Hud HUD Secretary Andrew CuomoCuomo Jr. used the Cummunity Reinvestment Act to push Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae into the the subprime market.


    bogart, Jul 4, 2009 IP
  14. TechEvangelist

    TechEvangelist Guest

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    One of the worst parts of the Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac debacle is the these organizations have had a history of getting caught cooking the books about every 5 years or so just to inflate their bonuses, yet none of the government appointed executives have been charged with any crimes, unlike other companies who have been caught cooking the books.

    I suppose if you did prosecute them like any other criminals, then they would not have supported the campaigns of Obama ($126,349), Chris Dodd ($165,400) or John Kerry ($111,000). These are the top 3 recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac political donations. At least they got political protection for their money.
    TechEvangelist, Jul 4, 2009 IP