What is your #1 obstacle as an online marketer?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by uleesgold, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. #1
    mine is that I don't create content on a regular basis... I often times feel stuck on what to write about since there's bound to be a million articles or videos on whatever it is that I'm interested in. re-writing articles is either too tedious or boring.

    Can you recommend any content creating strategies that many people could adopt into their own niches?
    uleesgold, Feb 24, 2013 IP
  2. sharondzouza

    sharondzouza Greenhorn

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    I completely agree that creating unique content is very difficult. But with that I would also like to say that your experience and view point of looking is different so the topic may be the same but if you have the quality and good command on the language it is not very difficult then. Sometimes the same topic can be given a completely new look. The title of the content comes first which should be very catchy and then the content it should be well paragraphed with videos and images and simple text but meaningful. I hope this will help.
    sharondzouza, Feb 24, 2013 IP
  3. ChrisRey

    ChrisRey Greenhorn

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    for me, I am having trouble starting my own blog because i think maybe no one will listen… and if i find myself starting to blog, I don’t know what to blog about and I am confused, stuck or overwhelmed with how to do it correctly.
    ChrisRey, Feb 24, 2013 IP
  4. ArchAxis

    ArchAxis Well-Known Member

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    Mine and all of our #1 obstacle is fear, hands down, bar none. So how do we get past the fear and actually write that blog post or put ourselves out there?

    We Become Linchpins

    I read the masterful book by Seth Godin called Linchpin 2 months ago and since that time I've been on a creative and gift giving tear. If you get a chance to stop by Barnes and Nobel buy the book, it will be the best read of your life and you won't have any hesitation to write and complete work, that is if...

    You Don't Let the Lizard Brain Take Over

    Linchpin introduced me to the part of the brain called the Amygdala that controls fear and takes over all functions of the mind when we venture out into writing blog posts etc. The Resistance chapter starting on page 101 of the book teaches you how to stop the lizard brain from giving you an excuse to bail on writing consistently and thinking you can't create unique content.

    Here's a 50 minute talk Seth Gave that will inspire you and help you understand that the reason we're all scared of failing is because our society and brain are working hand in hand. Break free!

    ArchAxis, Feb 24, 2013 IP
  5. axxil

    axxil Member

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    On the matter of content, I'd look over similar sites to see if that sparks any ideas.

    My number one issue - I think - was jumping from one thing to another. I'm handling that well by just not jumping at the "free gifts" I'm offered. When I see those two words I click away. I've been making lots better progress since.
    axxil, Feb 25, 2013 IP
  6. ninjamtlt1

    ninjamtlt1 Active Member

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    For me it's getting large amount of traffic. I can do it, but it usually takes time to build. Focus is also a big problem, but luckily I'm getting better about it. Once you learn to focus on something until it's done you can literally accomplish anything!
    ninjamtlt1, Feb 25, 2013 IP
  7. VisionzZolution

    VisionzZolution Active Member

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    I feel most of the Internet Marketer's have few distraction that stops them from working effectively.

    The first ever distraction will be Facebook. Most of the Internet Marketers spend hours in Facebook.

    The second obstacle is that they never concentrate in one plan at a time and get everything mixed up which leads to failure!
    VisionzZolution, Feb 25, 2013 IP
    ArchAxis likes this.
  8. bettaone

    bettaone Active Member

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    The only obstacle that you will find is simply yourself. You have to write out your goals, what you want to achieve and by when. Then break this goals into smaller pieces and take action.

    IF you do this and have daily goals written down, you are more likely to stay on track. It is fine to go to social media site but allow time for this and stick to what you have written down. IF you only have an allocation of an hour for social media - stick to it.

    If you are not sure how to do something you can always Google it and I know there will be sites and videos showing you what to do. Just take action and keep moving forward.
    bettaone, Feb 25, 2013 IP
  9. coloma21

    coloma21 Active Member

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    My greatest challenge as an online marketer is "Shiny Toy Syndrome".

    I've always getting caught up in the latest money making hype, fad, or opportunity.

    Sometimes, i have to remind myself to just relax, and master what I already have before moving forward!
    coloma21, Feb 26, 2013 IP