What is the Best Way for getting traffic for a New Blog?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by Amadish, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. #1
    I have started a blog on investment and online earning..Please suggest me what is the best for getting traffic for a new blog...Shud i get traffic from paid source or SEO or forums. Please suggest me..
    Amadish, Mar 29, 2014 IP
  2. garmahis

    garmahis Greenhorn

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    You need to choose and stick to one strategy until you get the results with it. Paid or free traffic strategy depends on your monetization strategy and your patience. As a rule of thumb, paid methods give quick results but cost you. For example, if you hope to monetize your blog by premium affiliate offers it might be worthwhile to master PPC. The major mistake newbies are making is to jump all over dozens of promotional methods without mastering any specific one.
    garmahis, Mar 29, 2014 IP
  3. R-david

    R-david Peon

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    If you are looking to have long term Blog business, I would say to go for the organic traffic "free traffic" it will be more benefits in future !

    well as the friend above mentioned that many people go for immediate results by paid traffic but to have successful business you should build up good relationship with your audience.

    and according to the strategy of your traffic it depends on the skills and times..

    Forums also take a bit time but they are always good, you have to use seo too even with on page issues

    I suggest two things:

    Blog article marketing submission and social media for shorter times to get traffic.

    For Your Success !
    R-david, Mar 29, 2014 IP
  4. BoostSoftware

    BoostSoftware Active Member

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    You might want to deploy at least one or two good social media and search engine marketing strategies. @garmahis is right. You have to not spread yourself too thin -- at least not until you can hire everyone to cover every aspect of promotion, or unless you don't mind never having any free time. :)
    BoostSoftware, Mar 29, 2014 IP
  5. garmahis

    garmahis Greenhorn

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    I will list a few free effective long term organic methods:
    1. Post high quality content on your blog and then do social media outreach - Twitter power users, Facebook niche pages, Google+ communities, Pinterest.
    You can also reach out to the bloggers in your niche if you really have an outstanding piece.
    2. Guest blogging on high authority sites - high authority sites and high quality content it's what matters, don't bother with spun articles and all posts accepting websites.
    3. High quality visually appealing infographics - again the quality of the researched data and design matters. Make sure the infographic will resonate with your audience.
    4. Youtube videos - if you can produce great videos on your topic.
    This should be enough to keep you busy for at least 6 months and if you follow these strategies properly you'll have tons of traffic.
    garmahis, Mar 29, 2014 IP
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  6. BoostSoftware

    BoostSoftware Active Member

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    Everyone on this threat posted awesome ideas, and this short list sums up quite well everything related to getting traffic on a new blog. I think infographics are especially important right now.
    BoostSoftware, Mar 29, 2014 IP
  7. kb24

    kb24 Well-Known Member

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    Stick to one strategy. Their is no such thing as "free" traffic if you are going to do it the seo way its going to cost you time. Obviously paid traffic is faster. If you are going to produce content is has to be fresh unique content. This is what google is looking for. Over time your content will get shared through social mediums. Giving you traffic to your site.
    kb24, Mar 29, 2014 IP
  8. new-swan-stone.eu

    new-swan-stone.eu Greenhorn

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    Youtube videos highly recommended
    new-swan-stone.eu, Mar 29, 2014 IP
  9. DylanC

    DylanC Member

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    Use a variety of traffic sources, such as forum marketing, blog commenting, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube etc.
    DylanC, Mar 30, 2014 IP
  10. dejaone

    dejaone Well-Known Member

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    I assume you're more interested in getting instant and free traffic. Organic search traffic converts well, but it's a long-term solution with uncertainties. For a new blog, you probably don't want to spend any on PPC.

    There're many sources to get instant free traffic to your websites.

    1) Forum posting is one of the best ways to drive large amount of free and instant traffic to any website. Just find finance or investment forums and participate in the conversations. Engaging in online conversations could drive more and better traffic at a lower cost in a shorter time.

    2) Social media is another source for instant free traffic. It takes a while to build a large fan/audience base, so a better option is to join social sharing communities to reach more followers.

    3) Blog commenting, article submission, content syndication are other sources for instant free traffic.
    dejaone, Mar 30, 2014 IP
  11. AaronHarris

    AaronHarris Member

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    Generating blog traffic is not a simple task. But for long term traffic result, always remember Content Marketing. You created your Blog to to inform, share knowledge and provide learning to your readers.

    1. You should continuously and constantly update your blog with the most relevant information available. You will gain organic followers if you have relevant info all the time.
    2. Create user engaging content. Make a content that will surely make them move.
    3. Build your VIRTUAL IMAGE. Create an image that is be of help to them. If you aim to teach, be their teacher, if you are to inform, be their messenger.

    Hope this helps.
    AaronHarris, Mar 30, 2014 IP
  12. EdenAndrej

    EdenAndrej Greenhorn

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    You should post blog posts every day, create an appealing interface and it is good that you use some paid traffic at first. You can find good sellers on SEOClerks that can help you with that!
    EdenAndrej, Mar 31, 2014 IP
  13. Smartlink Solutions

    Smartlink Solutions Member

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    Go whitehat seo. Outsource your SEO but make sure all the tier 1 links are manually made. There's a manual way and a churn/burn way.
    Smartlink Solutions, Mar 31, 2014 IP
  14. SouravGeek

    SouravGeek Guest

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    Generating traffic to new blog isn't so easy. I just launched my new blog today and happily I was able to grab good social presence :)
    What I did is :
    1. Blog Commenting ... Don't just simply comment and leave them.Also reply to the further response from them :)
    2. Advertise on other blogs
    3. Write amazing content
    4. Awesome professional Design
    5. Have a solid plan before launching it :)

    You can hire me for low price and I'll help you in setting your new blog :) . - www.geekengage.com
    SouravGeek, Apr 1, 2014 IP
  15. Dionne Taylor

    Dionne Taylor Active Member

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    Blog commenting and forum posting with a signature to your blog. You have to get the word out. Be sure to focus on blogs and forums in your niche.
    Dionne Taylor, Apr 3, 2014 IP
  16. Helge Sverre

    Helge Sverre Prominent Member Affiliate Manager

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    For short term traffic:
    Post one of your posts in a relevant Subreddit, be sure that the subreddit has a decent amount of people online.
    Helge Sverre, Apr 4, 2014 IP
  17. Joseph Villanueva

    Joseph Villanueva Member

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    A Blog aka money site is a great start. This is your audiences portal for your current and future mediums.

    Of course traffic will only be good if you can rank your contents on Serps(Search engines). You can have the most epic content that can save all of humanity, but if you dont know how to network it for the world's eyes to see, all is in vain.

    The best, fastest and safest way to rank on Google is to have a mindset like a farmer.

    Every content you create are seeds that in the future will become your harvest.

    You can use different types of "seeds" like youtube seeds since its the second to Google as a search engine and you can rank pretty quickly on youtube even without any backlinks.

    You just have to optimize your youtube videos step by step:

    Step 1: keyword must be in title. Having a researched keyword on your title that you are trying to rank for. Same thing applies with your blog post title.

    Step 2: have a good description with your link to your blog post and blog site. Eg.
    http://www.yourname.com - visit my site to learn more about how to increase google ranking - http://www.yourname.com/rank-google-tips

    Step 3:Next create a mini blog on description with jeywords and lsi keyword.

    Step 4: put time stamps on key points on your vids at the beginning of your paragraph
    00:10 - i discuss about video marketing
    01:20 - i discuss about email marketing

    Step 5: create a bright image for your video

    Step 6: transcript. I know its hard work but to be on top you must do captions on your videos.

    Step 7: embed your youtube video on your blog.

    Step 8: optimize your blog post On page by using seopressor plugin

    Step 9: publish

    Step 10: create pyramid backlinks
    Low tier backlinks like comments ==> high tier links like web 2.0 ==> to your blog Aka money site.

    Step 11: post your blog link to your social mediums like facebook and youtube.

    While you wait for your content to rank on Google(may take a few weeks even Optimized), this is where you can invest on paid ads like, solo ads, ppv or ppc.

    This is by far the best way to scale your business and exposure. Your ATM is in your targeted responsive hungry list whatever niche it is so do your research on good solo ads and ppv providers.

    Once you get profit from sales, keep 30% for yourself and 70% reinvest back for your business and paid traffic to keep scaling and building your list.

    Finally, you must take care of your list like flowers. Watering them with inspirational and motivational stories of your own or others.

    Never shove your affiliate products down your list's throat all the time. There is time and place for everything.

    You should really build your relationship first by asking them what they need help with, what problems they may have or ask them for their opinion on topics.

    This is the best way I find to get people to convert. Making sales is important and without it your business dies but people never join business affiliates or buy products. People join people.

    People will join and buy from people they can trust because its a natural human reaction from relations.

    Hope this helps you out to get ranking on top, building your list and have converting traffic!

    Joseph Villanueva, Apr 4, 2014 IP
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  18. Lynn C

    Lynn C Active Member

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    I would say that you may want to use a multifaceted approach. Meaning, use several things and monitor them and see what works best. The three I would suggest are: Paid SEO; original content; and limited paid advertising in places your customers might be located.

    Lynn C, Apr 6, 2014 IP
  19. Hamza Huzaifa

    Hamza Huzaifa Member

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    You can do SEO for your blogs or you can do social media marketing. Make friends on social media and ask your friends to read and forward as well.
    Ask you friends to share it as well. And make a template for them to copy the whole thing, and they would all copy your status and share it with the same status. Then even the next person would copy the same thing. Write some instructions on the status
    Hamza Huzaifa, Apr 6, 2014 IP
  20. dini patel

    dini patel Banned

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    It is The best way to create traffic is by social-networking sites.
    dini patel, Apr 7, 2014 IP