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What is the best (preferably free) full stack web development ide? Jason?

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by SoftLink, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. #1
    I'm trying to learn what is the best IDE for a full stack web developer.
    Really, I just what to know what DeathShadow uses.
    Solved! View solution.
    SoftLink, Mar 1, 2024 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    He tells us in a few threads and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like IDEs.

    I'm a recent convert to PHPStorm and VSCode. Both are very similar, pick one and run with it. VSCode is free.

    Here you go!
    sarahk, Mar 1, 2024 IP
  3. comper12

    comper12 Greenhorn

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    Yes, it is best to design and program code without using an IDE. You will do more programming from scratch than using advanced IDEs that disable your logical way of thinking
    comper12, Mar 1, 2024 IP
  4. #4
    For the record, I've switched from Flo's to Notepad++, because the former doesn't support JavaScript template literals for brace-matching -- one of the few "colourization" tools I actually use.

    I still find 99% of the extra junk in IDE's to do more harm than good. There is an over-reliance on tools and under-reliance on skill, care, and simply giving a damn in the industry as a whole, and many of the more "advanced" editors do nothing but mollycoddle the feeble-minded.

    I'm also oft shocked at certain key features I look for in an editor the likes of VS Code lacks. Like on the fly tab to space conversion. Either I can't find it in the caulk-stain poorly laid out interface, or it only seems to allow for it at as a editor-wide configuration that only triggers when you load a file?!?

    It's something a friend of mine said about Atom, VSCode, and the like.

    "They are good IDE's and very bad editors."

    I agree. In terms of "normal stuff" I expect a code editor to have -- stripping trailing blanks, EOL to space, tab to space / space to tab conversion, per window changing of tab depths, regex in search/replace, overriding selection for action scope (like the diff between replace and replace all), lexical line sorting, paste filtering, multi-select... all are either outright missing or buried in the confusing bass-wackard crApple style interface.

    Made all the worse by the garbage UI that favors vague iconography and false simplicity over quality UX. It literally feels like actually acting as a quality text / code editor was at the bottom of their priority list so they could sucker rubes with a bunch of bling-bling nonsense.

    And it just seems to get worse over time. I really don't get where/why anyone would use VSCode or newer editors like it given the sheer volume of basic editor operations flat out missing from it. And for what? Some useless space-wasting zoomed out side-bar on the right where you can't even tell what anything is? some goof-ball space-wasting side bar on the left with crap that you should be handling from your OS? The code folding idiocy hiding code that you might actually want to look at?

    Like so many things, I just don't get the appeal. Bunch of pointless crap I don't need or gets in my damned way, whilst missing basic shit even notepad under windows 3.1 did a better job at. Hell, DOS "edit" (aka a standalone of the editor for QBASIC) was a better text editor in terms of actually editing code!

    WORDSTAR was better. And that's coming from a guy who says you can take Wordstar and get the ^KD
    deathshadow, Mar 1, 2024 IP
  5. SoftLink

    SoftLink Active Member

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    Thanks all.
    I've found all IDEs I tried had exactly the problems you've pointed out.
    I hoped my research just wasn't deep enough on the subject.

    OK, I'll just stick with Notepad++.
    SoftLink, Mar 3, 2024 IP
  6. Flowzai

    Flowzai Greenhorn

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    For full stack web development, popular free IDEs include Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Brackets. They all offer different features, so trying them out will help you find the best fit for your workflow.
    Flowzai, Mar 4, 2024 IP
    SoftLink likes this.
  7. phoenixtropicals

    phoenixtropicals Active Member

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    I am a lover of Eclipse. Eclipse is awesome for java, jsp, classic javascript, html, css. I imagine eclipse is also good for PHP but I haven't tried it. Eclipse also has the best compare editor for Git that I have ever seen. Even when I use other ides I still like to use Eclipse for synching to the repo. Eclipse it is not good for React, Angular, and Typescript. No one seems to have created a good plugin for those in Eclipse. Probably because typescript barely follows logic, ha ha.

    For React and Angular I'd recommend Visual Studio Code. I have paid for Webstorm but it didn't seem much better, except for its ability to run inline Jest tests. I never figured out how to do that in VSC.
    phoenixtropicals, Mar 16, 2024 IP
    SoftLink likes this.
  8. Elisha Hansen

    Elisha Hansen Peon

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    Personally i prefer pycharm
    Elisha Hansen, Mar 17, 2024 IP
  9. phoenixtropicals

    phoenixtropicals Active Member

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    For python only. Interesting.
    phoenixtropicals, Mar 17, 2024 IP
  10. Mark Elijah

    Mark Elijah Greenhorn

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    I can highlight some awesome free options that many full-stack devs swear by:
    VS Code (VS Code): This free and open-source editor is a favorite for its customizability and lightweight feel. It works with tons of languages, and you can add extensions to fit your specific needs.
    NetBeans: Free and open-source as well, NetBeans is a great choice if you work with Java a lot. But it also handles HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Plus, it has built-in features like code completion and debugging to make your life easier.
    It's hard to say for sure what IDE they use. Every developer has their own preferences, so the best choice depends on what works for you!
    Mark Elijah, May 1, 2024 IP
  11. ElenaVital

    ElenaVital Greenhorn

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    JetBrains IDEs are superior. They are so good!

    I use PhpStorm for backend (PHP/Laravel) and WebStorm for frontend (TypeScript/Vue.js), plus DataGrip for managing databases and PyCharm for the occasional python script.

    People who say to not use an IDE are amateurs, sorry!
    ElenaVital, May 17, 2024 IP