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What is happening with Digital Point???

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by webseo, Feb 19, 2020.

  1. #1
    I haven't been to Digital Point for quite a while and it certainly has changed. In fact I think I might have been one of the originals, but I can't be sure. I used DP to start my now very successful business and it was all the fantastic guys and gals in here that offered their help and advice without any meanness or disrespect.

    However a couple of days ago, I asked a simple question about RSS Validation and I wasn't quite sure if I was posting in the right forum. In the past an admin would PM us and let us know what would be a better choice and move the post for us.

    But to my surprise, that is no longer the case. Today I was threatened that my honest mistake could end up having my much prised DP account being taken away from me.

    I posted a request in the wrong forum and my post was deleted as well as any replies or alerts from other members. Even a reply with the answer to my request was deleted. All the alerts in my inbox where deleted as well. W-- is going on guys?

    I posted in the wrong forum, I agree with that, so I posted in another forum which someone else suggested. I didn't realise that this was a no, no as well. Duplicate posts are frowned upon as well.

    I still love DP but guys cool down a bit and instead of deleting everything. Give the poster a chance like you used to do and one of the reasons I loved the forum. Instead of deleting the post and all the replies giving us no chance of getting a result. Do what you used to do, PM us and suggest a thread that would be better suited. If someone like me ends up duplicating a post let them fix the issue first before deleting the post and any replies we have been waiting days for.

    Apart from getting this off my chest, the forum is still fantastic and great work. To make amends how about giving me access to my post and a suggestion of where you think I might get a chance of getting a decent answer??? :)

    webseo, Feb 19, 2020 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    Chill out. Nobody threatened you, but we're flattered that your account is much prized.
    You received two warnings for posting in the wrong area - you've been around long enough to know that this forum has 2 distinct sections - discussion and business (Buy/Sell/Trade).

    Now when you post that obviously you're happy to pay, and you're not trying to learn how to DIY, then the thread belongs in Buy/Sell/Trade.

    Most of the mods are happy to move a thread to another category within the same section but we're a bit leery of moving posts into or out of Buy/Sell/Trade. You're "established" so there's no reason why you didn't post in https://forums.digitalpoint.com/forums/programming.103/.


    As for the threats... you've been around since 2005 and previously had the same type of warning in 2008 so you know how it works. Warnings come with points and a lifespan. If you get to 10 points then you're out until a warning expires and your points drop down to below 10. Most warnings never make it to 10 points, some users are only gone for hours before their oldest warning expires. Very few people get a permanent ban unless they're selling Nikes or flooding the forum with the same spam.

    Back in the day, we had 10 point, 7 day warnings/infractions - I miss them sometimes.

    A useful rule of thumb - if a moderator has to do something with your content you'll get a warning.
    sarahk, Feb 19, 2020 IP
  3. webseo

    webseo Well-Known Member

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    Hiya SarahK, I am chilled. I'm and Australian we are always chilled. The way I wrote the post may sound like I was angry but that is certainly not the case. I am a bit pissed the admin who deleted/moved the post did not tell me they had moved it. They may have told me, but when I went to my alerts they too where deleted and all I had was error alerts. So yeh I will as little peeved, but I am a web developer and I know shit like this happens. And I am even happier that you have responded and even gave me directions on where I can now find my post. You are right, I have been around long enough to know. I know that if I complain, something happens :)

    I didn't post in Buy sell trade because everytime I wanted to post it asked how much I want to sell my services for. I don't want to sell anything I wanted experts to contact me and sell to me, not the other way around. But, I have got what I wanted from my reply. I know know where my post is. Thankyou.

    webseo, Feb 19, 2020 IP
  4. webseo

    webseo Well-Known Member

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    Actually I just thought I would respond again to this post because I actually thought the admin had moved my original post. But that is not the case. The post was actually deleted and when I go to my account all my posts have been removed. I don't know why, it is probably a bug in the system today. But I got a threatening email telling me off from DP (In Australia the words threaten or threatening are simple words that means "warning". It does not mean that my life is in danger or anything. Nothing I would need to arm myself with hahahaha) for posting in the wrong forum and now all my content has gone. I guess I should check again and see if the glitch has passed.

    But Sarah, can you tell me if infact my post is still alive somewhere and if not, can I post in Buy, sll or trade as a buyer?

    webseo, Feb 19, 2020 IP
  5. webseo

    webseo Well-Known Member

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    Guys, I love DP. Let me be clear.... I love it and I always have. I think the admins are great. All I am saying is I think it was a bit mean to delete my post when all that was needed is a PM sent to my from the admin with some instructions. Sure is should have known better because I have been around here for years. But I am a 60plus year old memory affected web developer that has also grown lazy in his old age. I know if I had put my post in the wrong forum I would have an admin up my ass. But that is okay with me because at least the admin would tell me what category would be best for me. Then I got 2 or three emails from DP threatening/warning me if I mess up again my account might be removed. So what I thought might happen didn't. The opposite happened. I did post in the wrong category and an admin did contact me, but instead of suggesting a category they deleted my post instead. That never used to happen guys and I was a bit peeved but not life threatening... I am only concerned on whether i can add a thread to buy, sell or trade now that i have had these warnings?
    webseo, Feb 19, 2020 IP
  6. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    That might be your male privilege showing because I'm in New Zealand and I can't believe our use of language is that different. If someone threatens me it's a big f'ing deal and things get nasty very quickly.

    That's exactly what used to happen in the old days.

    Have you got 10 points?
    sarahk, Feb 19, 2020 IP
  7. webseo

    webseo Well-Known Member

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    OMG are you for real. What is this male privilege you talk about. I have heard people talk about it and as far as I know, New Zealand is a totally different country. You guys don't even speak Queens English...Bro hahahaha
    I have no idea if I have 10 points. Is that a male thing too? Where do i look for these mysterious 10 points?

    Seriously Sarah.. thank you for your help...it has been educational LOL

    webseo, Feb 19, 2020 IP