What challenges do you face as a marketer daily?

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by Lukas#1234, Feb 5, 2022.

  1. #1
    Hello everyone,

    I am really curious about what problems you as a marketing person face on a day-to-day basis. Do you have any struggles that you have every day? If so how do you fix them?

    Best regards Luke
    Lukas#1234, Feb 5, 2022 IP
  2. Anders Larsson

    Anders Larsson Greenhorn

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    Creating content is something I struggle with. I'm in that phase of my business where I have to grind to get new content out.

    Every piece of content returns a little bit of result. The idea is that every little bit helps. So I fixed this because I got a new
    plan on how to get more people interested in my videos.

    I have also joined this forum, and it is time to engage with people and help them out. I have done online marketing as a
    youtube influencer for over three years now and built my skills during that time. It is time to help other people on this forum
    for example.

    What problems do you face Luke?
    Anders Larsson, Feb 6, 2022 IP
  3. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    I can't take computers (screens) for a long time anymore. In the past I could easily spend 4-5 hours doing what needed to be done. Now it's like 40 minutes and I need a break. Some weird screen intolerance.
    qwikad.com, Feb 6, 2022 IP
  4. VortexAlpha

    VortexAlpha Member

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    There are a bunch of different challenges, to be quite honest, as this type of job is pretty demanding and challenging, and you face different types of issues each day. First, the problem is how to set the right strategy, how to organize all your work and daily tasks, how to come up with new ideas and fresh content that could be converting, where to invest the money in advertising and promotion, and a lot of others, really.
    VortexAlpha, Feb 7, 2022 IP
  5. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    I am in a small B2B market in the U.S. The biggest challenge our marketing faces is connecting with prospects in our niche in the post-Great Panic Lockdown era. Phone prospecting is all but dead since March 2020; email response rates continue to plummet; if I hear one more word about Content, I will puke...there is so much content out there that nobody cares about that it is becoming ridiculous; and I could go on but, bottomline, the challenge is to connect and engage with a very small and nonresponsive target market (embedded engineers.) I am about to sign up with a vendor offering Intention Marketing data, but have no idea if that will work.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
    jrbiz, Feb 9, 2022 IP
  6. SEOPearl

    SEOPearl Well-Known Member

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    Customer satisfaction and customer retention are two big challenges we face everyday.

    Apart from the above points listed here, we concur on a lot more,

    1) Gaining a better understanding of the customer.
    2) Build positive and genuine word-of-mouth
    3) Determining the best format to reach the desired audience.
    4) Even if the correct media is discovered, tracking the outcome is difficult.
    5) Patterns. It's more difficult to keep up with trends now as they happen so much faster than previously.

    We're getting through these stumbling blocks by learning new skills and updating our expertise on a daily basis.

    P.S. I believe the aforementioned points are not just appropriate for us. This is for all Marketers that are having this problem!
    SEOPearl, Feb 10, 2022 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  7. solobeton

    solobeton Well-Known Member

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    As a marketer, I face a range of challenges each day. One of the biggest challenges is keeping up with the latest trends and changes in the industry. Marketing is constantly evolving, so staying current is essential. Another challenge is coming up with fresh and innovative ideas. It's important to stand out from the competition, but this can be difficult in a saturated market. Sometimes it's hard to know what's working and what's not. Measuring the effectiveness of campaigns and strategies can be tricky. Finally, budget constraints can be a challenge. It's important to allocate funds wisely and get the most bang for your buck.
    solobeton, Feb 25, 2022 IP