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What are the top web design trends in 2017?

Discussion in 'HTML & Website Design' started by eFusion World, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. #1
    Hello Friends,

    Web Design is what visitors see on a website first. Therefore, when it comes to user engagement & user-experience, web design plays a key role. Every year web design trends keep changing due to change in technology & customer behavior. The year 2017 is not an exception to this fact. Can anyone help me know the best trends of web design in 2017?
    eFusion World, Jul 8, 2017 IP
  2. glodium

    glodium Active Member

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    slight animations on the image
    glodium, Jul 8, 2017 IP
  3. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    The moment you see the word "trend" -- Run. Hot and trendy is bullshit used by scam artists that fades over time, ages poorly, and is more trap than fact. It's the same type of artsy-fartsy nonsense that lets scam artist PSD jockeys under the DELUSION that they are designers take advantage of poor sods who just don't know any better. "ooh shiny" is the FASTEST road to failure in web development possible.... well short of "but this framework will do it for me".

    Stick with what's important, has been important, and looks to remain important -- CONTENT OF VALUE marked up semantically for graceful degradation accessibility, progressively enhanced following accessibility guidelines and at no point compromising accessibility for "gee ain't it neat" flashy presentational images or goofy half-wit scripttard animated nonsense!

    Anything more than that is typically just a sign of the developers having to dump a can of shellac on a pile. No matter how much they buff it to a fine shine, it's still just bug excrement on horse manure.

    The BEST design is one that does NOT draw the users attention away from the CONTENT. One that does not get in the way of ALL users getting to the content. Keep it lean, keep it trim, keep it simple, and focus on the reason people came to your site in the first bloody place -- CONTENT!!!

    Anything else is a bunch of tights wearing merry men circle-jerking each-other in the forest.

    Rabbi Tuckman: Faygelahs?

    Robin: "No, Just merry."
    deathshadow, Jul 8, 2017 IP
    randall1022 likes this.
  4. Jared Goss

    Jared Goss Greenhorn

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    Haha. I love your comments deathshadow! Contrary to his beliefs however, design plays a big factor in even gaining a user's attention in the first place. Take social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, that continue to grow at such a quick rate, as an example. People want their content quick, to the point, and with media. People's attention spans are shrinking and they want to be impressed constantly. People buy with feeling. How & where content, call to action, images, video, etc. layout on your page all play a factor in someone buying something from you or bouncing to your competitor. And to top it all off, the speed at which all this loads up needs to be quick. In today's market, you can't ignore what your user wants and expect to make an impact on them. Know your demographic and design a site around what they want.
    Jared Goss, Jul 11, 2017 IP
  5. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    So, Jared, you believe that Craigslist should be shit canned because it is not flashy and trendy. Fads come and go, but the REAL sites last forever as evidenced by Craigslist.
    mmerlinn, Jul 11, 2017 IP
  6. Jared Goss

    Jared Goss Greenhorn

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    No, that isn't in reference to what I was talking about. I build websites for clients that own small businesses. Their sites need to be more enticing than their competition. Craigslist is an aggregate site. Different types of websites all together. Craigslist built a huge business and stand alone in that space for the most part, so they can do what ever they want and not loose any users. But I bet you if someone built a site to challenge Craigslist with a better UI/UX and the same level of activity, Craigslist would be forced to modernize theirs or they would go away.
    Jared Goss, Jul 31, 2017 IP
  7. alfieindesigns

    alfieindesigns Well-Known Member

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    I agree with mmerlinn "REAL sites last forever as evidenced by Craigslist."

    Many designers now a days are just going to the said "Trending" design and then later on they sacrifices the real purpose of a website.
    They're adding lots of effect and applying designs' trend (as they believe) w/o much focusing on the purpose of the site.

    So yeah, "REAL sites last forever as evidenced by Craigslist."
    alfieindesigns, Aug 3, 2017 IP
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  8. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    In other words, they are slapping lipstick on a pig.
    mmerlinn, Aug 3, 2017 IP
  9. alfieindesigns

    alfieindesigns Well-Known Member

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    We must be updated what are the trends (as they said or internet have) but make it sure that your very sensitive and aware in proper UI/UX to implement and or build a website. It's good to be updated but please be conscious.

    Do not follow the trends just to be in. But get inspired and build a better UI/UX.

    "Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works." - Steve Jobs
    alfieindesigns, Aug 3, 2017 IP
  10. Eesha

    Eesha Greenhorn

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    Design are mostly like in 2017
    Eesha, Aug 4, 2017 IP
  11. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Conscientious even.

    It also depends on WHO you listen to for trends -- these artsy fartsy types who sit there spanking it in photoshop and slop together crap any old way with turdpress have a nasty echo chamber effect on each-other, and really aren't who one should be listening to... since much like a lot of the pseudo-science quackery that's hot and trendy right now like stuffing jade eggs up steamed clams, ranting and raging about the evils of vaccines, evils of baby formula, etc, etc -- it's all bullshit propagated by slick pre-packaged sleaze meant to speak more to how one feels or invoke a "ooh shiny" response instead of say... ACTUAL usability studies, ACTUAL accessibility guidelines, ACTUAL user interaction studies using things like bounce rate or heat maps...

    Unlike say, the Neilsen Norman Group who ACTUALLY put research into this stuff.

    Which is why the people promoting the artsy fartsy trends TALK about it, and hold up examples, but don't have any FACTS to back it other than "but it's shiny" -- whereas I can link endlessly to specifications, guides, and articles flat out saying that what such "designers" are peddling ISN'T DESIGN!

    Like Baymard Group, like NNGroup, like the WCAG, like the HTML and CSS specifications...

    Which is funny since everything Jobbo the clown ever did was form over function -- that's kind of what crApple does.

    But that's the thing, art is PART of design, it is NOT by itself DESIGN. I say automotive design, do you picture someone sitting there spanking out pretty pictures in photoshop with ZERO knowledge of how big people are, how wide roads are, what the minimum turn radius to be street legal is, how much the engine is going to weight, the material bearing strengths of what the frame and body will be made of? OF COURSE NOT. Same for electrical design, architectural design, infrastructure design.

    DESIGN is engineering! Specifications, guidelines, accessibility, user experience! Art is just the window dressing you slap on it like the cheap birch veneer Ikea slaps on the same particle board Walmart sells and then charges five times as much for because "Ikea".

    ... and as Scotty would say, a good engineer is always a wee bit conservative, at least on paper.
    deathshadow, Aug 4, 2017 IP
  12. randall1022

    randall1022 Member

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    I have a website that has an early 2000s theme or Trend. Have different companies all the time trying to scare me into revamping, overhauling, and all the other nonsense that goes with it. Here is the trend. Do you get results? Is your phone ringing? Do not get caught up in what is cool. Get caught up in results. Go to ahrefs and check your websites organic results. That is the only trend you should focus on.
    randall1022, Aug 4, 2017 IP
    mmerlinn likes this.
  13. Jared Goss

    Jared Goss Greenhorn

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    Can you site some of these. I am being combative, I love good statistics. I am heavy on analytics and goals with the websites that we build. As I have said before, we build sites to convert. That is our goal. Good image media is a big part of all of our sites as people these days typically steer away from text heavy pages, especially if they are unattractive. Looking "shiny" and getting a "wow" effect is a necessity with some sites, depending on the industry and target demographic. Some sites, that isn't a must, but it still needs to be attractive if you want your user to be engaged.
    Jared Goss, Aug 5, 2017 IP
  14. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    *NOTE* failing to meet WCAG minimums and others set forth by certain governments, agencies, and industries can on many projects result in fines, as well as criminal and/or civil litigation. My specialty is helping sites facing such penalties fix such problems.

    Since xenforo's stupid auto-URL is too ***ing stupid to handle links to Google, we'll code tag this one
    Code (markup):
    If you are working on google related projects, it is expected that you follow the material design methodology. I borrow from it heavily in my own stuff without copying it 1:1 as there are some sections more meant for phone apps than websites, or conflict with the WCAG or concepts put forth by:

    Places that do actual studies:

    Articles I consider a 'must-read':
    Web Developement related:

    General development related

    These will change how you think about your statistics.

    This is an excerpt that gives you an idea the thinking -- that one size fits all fits nobody. We see this in web design with the mouth-breathing idiocy that is using pixels for everything.

    Scam artist whorehouses filled with examples of what NOT to do
    W3schools, ThemeForest, TemplateMonster

    Just plain recommended learning sources

    Whilst this next one is for the older HTML 4 spec, it's one of the few sites that turns the specification into plain English without completely butchering the meaning. Anyhow apart from the new input types and smaller header, one SHOULD mostly be coding to 4 Strict anyways given the pointless garbage the "new" ALLEGEDLY structural tags from HTML 5 are.

    ... and not to toot my own horn, but
    My own views on the topic, mostly formed from experience and the above references

    Really though the 500 pound gorillas in the room are the WCAG and NNGROUP. With the WCAG you HAVE to meet for certain types of sites, and ALL sites should at least TRY to meet the basic concepts of to reach as broad an audience as possible. The other does nothing but real world studies -- it's what they DO:


    ... and why their articles:

    Are far, FAR more insightful than the nonsense your PSD jockey slop it together with turdpress types basically pull out of their arses, or parrot from their silly little echo-chambers like second rate soccer mommies doing their "internet research" about vaccines.
    deathshadow, Aug 5, 2017 IP
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  15. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Side note, that whole "site" vs. "cite" thing still has me laughing just because "we have a tag for that, it's called <cite>"... It's also an attribute on both <blockquote> and short<q>uote for pointing at a URL like an HREF.

    Makes me wonder what in blazes is going on with all these people who don't know the first damned thing about HTML running their mouths in the HTML coding section of the forums.
    deathshadow, Aug 6, 2017 IP
  16. PoPSiCLe

    PoPSiCLe Illustrious Member

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    I sincerely hope that that was a quote from somewhere, because the line "the year of 2016 is near to complete" just begs me to ask: Are you even aware that we're half way through 2017, or are you just plain posting something from somewhere else without attributing it to the source?

    Link to... something... removed due to it looking like a pure spam-link.

    I won't hit my head on the desk, since the desk is harder than my head, but... yeah.
    PoPSiCLe, Aug 9, 2017 IP
  17. deathshadow

    deathshadow Acclaimed Member

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    Whilst I'm hoping it wasn't quoted, given the "Engrish moist goodry me love you long time" of that mess makes my brain hurt.
    deathshadow, Aug 9, 2017 IP
    dwirch likes this.
  18. ractors

    ractors Well-Known Member

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    Yes, what you deliver is the key. Web design can make it better but not at the cost of the quality of the matter you deliver.
    ractors, Aug 14, 2017 IP
  19. Patricia Ann Lee

    Patricia Ann Lee Active Member

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    Yeah, craigslist doesn't need too much design on it. Well I think also because it is established since the word 'trend' trends.
    On the other hand, it is true that design can give an impact on the site audience, that's why it is also considered important.
    Patricia Ann Lee, Aug 14, 2017 IP
  20. Michael Amaral

    Michael Amaral Greenhorn

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    Latest trend of web design
    Layouts that let content shine
    Better collaboration between designers, and between designers and developers
    Big, bold type
    More and brighter color

    Michael Amaral, Sep 1, 2017 IP