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Selling Weekly Blogging Position - Fashion/Beauty/Entertainment/Tech

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by BellaNightshade, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. #1
    Hi Everyone,

    I haven't been taking on much new work recently but decided that it might be time to take on another weekly blogging job.

    Do bear in mind: I am a professional freelance writer and my rates do reflect this. If you are looking for cheap, mind numbingly boring content at low prices please try elsewhere ;)

    My writing style is fun, passionate yet still informative and I'll guarantee to have your readers hooked and coming back for more every week!

    I can commit to around x5 posts per week (maybe more) with a word count of 200-500 words and images if required. Do feel free to send me a PM to discuss rates and let me know your blog URL!

    I have great experience with wordpress so can add content daily through the week as needed and am used to editing my own images with photoshop to specific sizes etc.

    I prefer to write on the below topics, but give me a shout if you have other requirements not mentioned and I'll let you know if I can help.

    Tech/Gadgets (With a focus on women's gadgets)
    Entertainment - Movies, TV, Music, Celebs etc

    & More...

    Send me a PM if you think I may be able to help you with your work, or write you a one off article on any of the above. I can forward references and samples to those who need them. If you have a specific budget in mind please also mention this in your message! :)

    Look forward to working with a few of you!

    BellaNightshade, Oct 10, 2009 IP