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WANTED TO HIRE VA - Virtual Assistant

Discussion in 'Services' started by thenewguy639, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. #1
    Virtual Assistant needed wanted. Tasks include:

    posting on craigslist.

    gathering clients/following up with potential clients for my products. Emailing them, talking to them periodically, building relationships with them so they purchase.

    reading books and giving me a summary with the main points.

    doing marketing research.

    Finding, hiring sales people, finding and posting sales person wanted jobs on free job listing websites.

    posting good, quality content on forums, blogs to gather more clients to follow up with.

    reading, editing documents to ensure correct English use, correct spelling, grammar

    thoroughly testing promo software

    analyzing adwords campaign, finding keywords, best keywords

    will have more things for you to do, such as market research, and finding ways to bring money into the company and save money.

    you must be bringing in money to my organization and you will continue to be employed, if you dont you will not be working for us long.

    Must generate sales!
    must help save the company money!
    must work hard, be relentless, be unstoppable!
    I will never tell you to do anything illegal, but you must go all out, do whatever is required!

    Must be focused, driven, self starter, willing to get out there and hustle!

    we will treat you good, pay you right

    I cant figure out how to set the hourly rate. So bid at weekly pay, working 4 hours a day, 5 days a week.
    thenewguy639, Aug 20, 2009 IP
  2. nationhealth

    nationhealth Active Member

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    nationhealth, Aug 21, 2009 IP
  3. terrapin719

    terrapin719 Peon

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    Can you clarify what you mean by must be bringing money into the organization? That's not really what a Virtual Assistant does. A VA saves you time, so that you can focus on the more important things, which in turn brings more money in for you. The actual making of the money isn't really the assistants responsibility there.
    terrapin719, Aug 26, 2009 IP