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Want To Hire a Coder For MMORPG Fixing

Discussion in 'Programming' started by JustCause, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. #1
    I need a coder who is good with turn based mmorpg games and can code AJAX, PHP and MySQL.

    Basically i have most of the script all fixed up but am having a few problems and have gone through endless coders lol

    So i need someone reliable and someone who can start as soon as possible.
    JustCause, Sep 4, 2010 IP
  2. lowridertj

    lowridertj Well-Known Member

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    What exactly in detail are you needing done?

    I have been working moer with ajax and many other formats like jquery php/mysql etc.

    let me know more details on what needs done and budget for fixes.
    lowridertj, Sep 5, 2010 IP