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[Video] Change Facebook fan page name more than 200 likes – Tested

Discussion in 'Facebook' started by supermmo, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. #1
    This Video will show you How to change Change facebook fan page name with more than 200 likes 02/2014. This method was Tested by http://youadz.com

    Let's see our video guide

    Step by step to Change Facebook Fan Page Name

    1. Change Proxy to Associate Country : Find Korean's Proxy here http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/
    2. Edit Page, Change to Local Business
    3. Add new Address. Save.
    4. Translate Names, using Google Translate English to Korean. Put a Korean name into box.
    5. Change Facebook Language to Korean
    6. Delete Jordan. Save, Page Load.
    7. Click Address, Turnoff check in, page will load
    8. Click Address, Type address again . Save
    9. View Page, then Edit. Type new page's name.
    10. Back to US
    11. Do setp 7 & 8 again
    Enjoy your new name

    Below Fan Page had old name : Buy FB Coupons - Adword Vouchers
    supermmo, Feb 6, 2014 IP