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Using Facebook Ads to Bring In Local Leads

Discussion in 'Facebook' started by Marlon Hall, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. #1
    Facebook ads are something I've heard is very simple and inexpensive, but for somebody who is very limited in their budget at the moment, I want to know what is the BEST way to get started with it. My market are those looking for financial services.
    I work in insurance and the industry is very heavily regulated, ESPECIALLY the rules regarding the marketing of insurance products. When working in health insurance you pretty much are not allowed to discuss anything involving sales or risk losing your license. But home insurance, and auto insurance are not as regulated. I've read some things that point out Facebook ads as a great and legit resource for home and auto insurance. Since I work in all aspects of insurance, I was considering going this route.

    I guess my question is what is the best first step I should take? The obvious thing to do it seems, is to have a Facebook page. But my job already has a page. The issue is that my boss does not want to use it for advertising AT ALL. He's afraid for legal concerns. Insurance is extremely regulated in the US. But I figure that there must be a way that I myself can bring in some local leads.
    And I don't want to go the route of hiring some lead service because I've experimented with that already and spent a large sum of money doing it. I'd like to experiment with something else.
    Marlon Hall, Aug 17, 2016 IP
    Marko Vuckovic likes this.
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    First up you have to get your boss on board with any decisions you make unless you are able to promote yourself as an independent advisor within the firm.

    You need to get your hands on some decent research showing the influencers for people in your market. I get cold called frequently and I see ads and, quite frankly, would never respond positively to either - but that's me and my family has been burned badly by the financial services industry so (hopefully) I'm not typical.

    Hopefully, the research will show what sources of information are trusted and will allow you to have more confidence in the channels that you choose. Rather than advertising your services you could maybe run a competition (best insurance story?) and advertise the comp?
    sarahk, Aug 17, 2016 IP
    Marko Vuckovic likes this.
  3. Marko Vuckovic

    Marko Vuckovic Active Member

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    FB ads are not so inexpensive solution, however, I think they're worth any cent spent than anything else related to advertising as of the moment. If you're looking for an excellent targeting capabilities FB ads are your way to go. In fact, advertising stands for targeting the people who need the advertised stuff - nothing more.

    Unfortunately I don't have any experience in Insurance areas so I can't give any smart advice...

    Thumbs up for idea! I'd really like to try it this way.
    Marko Vuckovic, Aug 18, 2016 IP