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U.S. defense for sale

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by imad, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. #1
    this is another episode in long series, the most famous was Jonathan Pollard, who sold secrets to Israel, and somehow they were able to blame Arabs for it (again) by saying he wanted to give Israel these info in order to prevent another 1973 war, but later, it been found that Israel in its turn sold these secrets to Chinese,

    to whom these new secrets will be sold this time? to Chinese again? Russia? or maybe Iran? who knows..

    in another case Israeli agents recorded a phone sex calls between Monica Lewinsky and ex-President Bill Clinton,

    was Israel trying to blackmail US president here?

    these are two cases of so many detected cases, who knows how many went undetected, I wonder, Why is Israel so interested in spying on U.S.? both are supposed to be allies, but it looks it is only U.S. who consider Israel as an ally, while Israel actions towards U.S. are much like the former USSR actions towards U.S. if not worse, at least USSR did not spy on US to trade their defense secrets, or blackmail them, but more to enhance it's own defenses.

    imad, Oct 19, 2009 IP
  2. george.UK

    george.UK Active Member

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    Israel are not the well wisher of any country, including US/UK, they are just taking care of their own interest, leaving all the world in a hell of fire.
    US is going down and down by following Israel pressure, i can bet the US currency will go down significantly in near future. (May be go down like USSR)
    george.UK, Oct 19, 2009 IP
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  3. browntwn

    browntwn Illustrious Member

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    There is a little something I am going to point out. It says a lot about the two posters above me.

    So a story comes out about a US citizen who is trying to sell secrets. The FBI is running a sting and pretending to be from Mossad. He gets arrested.

    imad and the next moron of the month come along and gleefully post about it. They are both so excited to start railing against Israel and Jews. They seem to forget the little part where Israel wasn't actually involved, that it was a sting, the FBI was pretending to be the Mossad. Facts, no worry, an opportunity to try and spew hate toward Jews and Israel - we're there - lol at imad and the other bigots.

    p.s. This guy sounds like traitor scum. And, if Israel was involved, then they should be condemned and appropriate response should be taken as well.

    p.s.s. imad, the hate is making you stupid.


    WASHINGTON -- A top U.S. space researcher was arrested in a Federal Bureau of Investigation sting Monday and charged with attempting to spy for Israel.

    Stewart Nozette, 52 years old, of Chevy Chase, Md., is a former government physicist who worked for agencies ranging from the Defense Department to the White House.

    In exchange for thousands of dollars in cash and an Israeli passport, Mr. Nozette allegedly attempted to pass on U.S. top-secret nuclear and space secrets to an FBI agent who was posing as an Israeli intelligence operative, according to an FBI affidavit filed with the criminal complaint in the case.

    An attorney for Mr. Nozette didn't immediately respond to a call seeking comment. Mr. Nozette is expected to make his first appearance Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Washington. If convicted, Mr. Nozette faces up to life in prison.

    Other alleged spy cases in recent years involving Israel include one that collapsed in May against two former lobbyists for a pro-Israel group. U.S. officials said the Nozette case doesn't include allegations that Israel or its agents were involved.

    The FBI affidavit doesn't explain how Mr. Nozette came to the attention of U.S. investigators. However, the affidavit describes Mr. Nozette's work over the past decade for an Israeli aerospace company that is wholly owned by the Israeli government. During a security search as he departed on a foreign trip in January, a security officer noted he was traveling with two small portable hard drives, which another government officer couldn't locate in a subsequent search as Mr. Nozette re-entered the U.S.

    A spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Washington didn't respond to a request for comment.

    "Those who would put our nation's defense secrets up for sale can expect to be vigorously prosecuted," said Channing D. Phillips, acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia.

    FBI wiretaps cited in the government affidavit quote Mr. Nozette telling the undercover federal agent that his former top-secret security clearances allowed him access to sensitive nuclear and intelligence secrets.

    "I don't get recruited by Mossad every day. I knew this day would come," Mr. Nozette allegedly is heard on wiretaps telling the FBI agent, according to the affidavit.

    The FBI agent arranged for Mr. Nozette to use a location previously set up -- a "dead-drop" -- at a post-office box in Washington, provided him a cellphone to send text messages, and set up an alias for use in his new Israeli identification documents, according to the affidavit. In a post-office box dead-drop last month, Mr. Nozette left a sealed manila envelope containing an encrypted portable hard drive, the affidavit says. The drive contained classified information on satellite programs supporting U.S. military and intelligence operations.

    While the affidavit indicates that Mr. Nozette at first appeared suspicious about the espionage arrangements, it also relates how the undercover agent gained Mr. Nozette's trust and he is heard on a wiretap saying of the post-office drops: "that seems kind of Mossad-like." The FBI affidavit quotes Mr. Nozette offering to provide additional classified information on nuclear and other weapons systems, as well as military spacecraft or satellites. He explained that he would earn his keep, according to affidavit, because some of the information would have to be from memory, since he no longer has the necessary security clearances. "These are among the most sensitive subjects and it will have to be recreated from memory over some time," the FBI affidavit quotes him as saying.

    Mr. Nozette, a Chicago native, was prominent in his field. He helped develop a radar experiment, now displayed at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, that is said to have detected water on the moon's south pole. source
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
    browntwn, Oct 20, 2009 IP
  4. new

    new Peon

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    I don't think they need spies, everything from usa is already at service for the zionist masters

    do we need to remember what obama said at American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC speech


    new, Oct 20, 2009 IP
  5. imad

    imad Peon

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    it looks like Israelis do not take these words heartily and want more, how dare the US hide it's advanced defense technology on them, how antisemitic from US! don't they see it can be of great financial value to their best friend and ally! GEEZ!

    even if Israel sold top military secrets to China before, US should forgive, oops, they already forgave them in some cases, thanks to AIPAC pressure:

    US forgives Israeli spies amid AIPAC heat

    so we don't have a problem here, US top defense secrets can be up for sale, to whomever pay more for them even if it was Satan, and if you do not like it, you are antisemitic.

    but still I really do not know, why Israel is so very interested in spying on US, don't they trust them? or Israel is the best one who knows that the Israelis are not trustworthy, not even by their most close and dear friend & ally?

    browntwn, you are right, Israel (so far) is not directly involved with Stewart Nozette case, but it is obvious that they are indirectly involved in this case, already Stewart Nozette went out to visit "a foreign country" with two computer thumb drives and came back without them, if that "foreign country" was China for example, I think FBI would pretend to be Chinese agents, not Israeli agents, just little common sense, don't forget too that he was the head of 100% Israeli owned organization,

    in Jonathan Pollard case, Israel denied its involvement, but later they took responsibility for it, watch this video from Fox news:

    another very interesting part:

    but even if Stewart Nozette did not sell these drives to Israel, it means Israel is not involved in this particular case, but it does not mean that Israel is not very involved in spying on US from the so many cases before, and from the attitude of FBI in pretending to Israeli agents and not Chinese agents for example.

    Great job FBI, glad to see them being careful now of their best friend.
    imad, Oct 20, 2009 IP
  6. browntwn

    browntwn Illustrious Member

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    You are right imad, we should all distrust the Jews.
    browntwn, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  7. ChaosTrivia

    ChaosTrivia Active Member

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    Imad that was one of your best! you get a + rep from me.

    Well as polite teen said: the Jews are the hypocrite people. There are some bad Christian, there are some bad Muslims, but there are also some good Jews....
    ChaosTrivia, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  8. imad

    imad Peon

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    anything new browntwn to add to the discussion? you already been crying antisemitic since long, at anybody who criticize Israel and it's criminal actions, or who expose their lies and propaganda, here, read the following and think about it, it is written by a Jew, (for some reason I feel he knows you):

    If I were you, I wouldn't have laughed so soon:

    Edit: your rep was gray, but thanks anyway :D
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
    imad, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  9. ChaosTrivia

    ChaosTrivia Active Member

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    btw could anybody explain this to me?
    red are bad, green are good, but what are the gray?
    I picked "I approve" ...

    There is a fundamental fail in your way of thinking Imad.
    This fundamental fail stems from the backward society in which you live in, where you never get to hear the other voice. A non-pluralistic society under dictatorship. Everything you hear, is from the state-run orchestra, pre-filtered, and can be considered to be the official position of the govenment.

    But the mistake you are making is to project this to Israel.
    Israel is a free society where no brain censorship exist. From reading your posts a long time already I know that you simply can not grasp what this means.
    This is best demonstrated by your quotes such as the Tony Judt Ha'aretz article, which you present and by thus you consider your case to be proven beyond any doubt.

    Your quote of Tony Judt's is his opinion and his opinion only, and it is wrong and twisted. Tony Judt is a British university professor, known to hold anti-Israeli opinions. The fact that he's a Jew doesn't matter. Ha'aretz knows that his opinions are wrong and twisted, but publishes it anyway. You see, Ha'aretz have a tendency to include every day in the opinions section at least one very anti-Israeli opinion. This is what freedom of speech means.

    Image that every day in the mindly retarded newspaper for arabs that you read, there will be everyday an Article by zionists like me. Can you imagine that?
    Imagine that in the newspaper of parrots that you read every day, there will be every day an article that says that the King and the Jordanian government system is from the middle ages? can you imagine that?
    or that it is highly injustice that the Palestinians of Jordan, which are the majority of the country are not given citizenship and equal rights although they're there for dozens of years? Can you imagine that?
    Or maybe that children should not be forced to read the quran until they are able to think for themselves? can you imagine that?
    Or that the palestinian Hamas is a terrorist organization? can you imagine that?

    you can't imagine all of the above. And this leads to the fail where you quote Israeli newspaper opinions and think that you have proven a point.

    Ha'aretz is not the quran. It is just a newspaper where people express opinions. Unlike in your backward society, it is a place where all opinions are excepted.
    Quoting stupid opinions or says instead of making your own arguments to prove a point proves
    1) your lack of intellect and inability to comprehend what pluralism and freedom of speech means.
    2) your incredible ignorance on what Israel is all about
    3) and in the Tony Judt cast, it is another illustration of your jew-hatred which flows deep in your blood.
    ChaosTrivia, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  10. imad

    imad Peon

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    if you do not agree with an opinion made by somebody, say why you do not agree, and say your own opinion about the issue this person is talking about, not about this person whom neither you or me know except from his works, this is better than saying:

    "Tony Judt known to hold anti-Israeli opinions"
    "vanunu is not even a Jew"
    "Imad's way of thinking"

    it all falls under what Tony is speaking about, trying to silence criticism by playing the "antisemitism" card, you are giving a great value to Tony's opinion because it can be seen in your posts and since longer in browntwn's posts.

    so far, neither you or browntwn did actually discuss the issue of the so many detected cases where Israel was spying on US, in case you or browntwn decided to actually participate in this discussion, you can answer the question of: why Israel is so interested in spying on their best friend and ally?
    imad, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  11. ziya

    ziya Well-Known Member

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    ziya, Oct 21, 2009 IP
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  12. ChaosTrivia

    ChaosTrivia Active Member

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    I read the whole article: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/711997.html which you quoted out-of-context in a typical manner. I actually agree with everything said in the article, expect for the paragraph you quoted. It will make no good to say why: because you won't understand.

    Now this is funny.
    Too bad there isn't a single Arab intellectual on this forum with whom I can discuss this nice things......

    p.s. looks like the Hamas as a jew-hatred fail as well.... http://www.qassam.ps/update-2956-US_arrests_former_NASA_scientist_for_attempting_to.html LOL! :)

    Hey Imad, my Arabic is not that good. How about you give us an exact translation of the interesting pages on this great site? for example, http://www.alqassam.ps/arabic/news1.php?id=12631 this one?
    ChaosTrivia, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  13. ThraXed

    ThraXed Peon

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    Browntwn aiming to supress free and open political debate by whining? Nothing new there then...:eek:
    ThraXed, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  14. browntwn

    browntwn Illustrious Member

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    I'm sorry, did you have a point you were trying to make? Nobody gives a shit what you think ThraXed. You have made it clear how you think of non-Muslims. Why are we supposed to care what some bigot thinks?
    browntwn, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  15. ThraXed

    ThraXed Peon

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    You keep whining browntwn :)
    ThraXed, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  16. new

    new Peon

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    yes, that is like biting the hand that feeds you
    or more like shitting at the place where you eat
    new, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  17. Mia


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    Imad, I really wonder if you actually read the entire story. Israel was not buying anything. The US agent posed as an Israeli attempting to purchase secrets. What exactly is your point here?
    Mia, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  18. ChaosTrivia

    ChaosTrivia Active Member

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    Good question. He seems to be too embarrassed to say for himself after he realized how ridiculous he is...
    Anyway, this thread earned Imad a place on honor in the Axis of Comedy
    ChaosTrivia, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  19. browntwn

    browntwn Illustrious Member

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    Sadly, no, he is not the least bit embarrassed. That is okay, I lost all patience for the Islamic extremists on this forum. I will continue to expose their unmitigated hate.
    browntwn, Oct 21, 2009 IP
  20. imad

    imad Peon

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    Chaos and browntwn, one always ridiculing, the other is always crying antisemitic, but neither of them actually discussing the issue,

    the man himself admitted that he was spying for Israel, which means, he sold them some top US defense secrets, Israel from past experience, has sold US top military secrets to Chinese,

    anything to comment about Israeli spying activities on their best friend and ally, here is the question again: Why is Israel so interested in spying on US?

    are you saying Israel is not spying on US?
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
    imad, Oct 21, 2009 IP