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Tips on staying motivated marketing my first blog

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by Googs, Jul 15, 2014.

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    I just thought I'd share how I'm staying motivated while I'm launching my first ever blog. Hopefully sharing my thoughts might aid others in staying motivated. I had no idea how tough it would be to start a blog (one that hopefully will become successful) until I actually began working on it. During the time I spent searching forums for advice I came across quite a few statistics, naysayers etc... which all started to take a toll on my motivation to keep going. I only just launched my blog a few weeks ago but I'm already finding it difficult to stay motivated to continue. Seems difficult to justify spending a lot of time on something that is giving very little in return. Here is what I focus on to stay motivated:

    -Use negativity as a source for motivation: I've made several posts on several different forums related to internet marketing and blogging. I've shared my blog on some of them in hopes of receiving some help or creative feedback. Often times I was met with negativity or others suggesting I give up on the blog, saying it has no potential. I've also run into the same thing with a few friends and family I've shared my idea with. Don't let someone elses negativity cause you to give up before you ever really get going. Instead, use this as motivation to prove them wrong. This might sound a little nutty, but write down these comments and refer to them whenever you need to get fired up. It sounds repetative, but as I said, use them to fuel your motivation, not to stomp out your flame.

    -Don't listen to the statistics: There's tons of statistics on the internet regarding how many blogs or websites are started and the percentage of them that fail. What do these statistics really mean to you? They mean nothing. You can't assume that just because other people gave up or weren't successful, that your website or blog will fail. Do you know the details of every website or blog in this statistic? Do you know the details of why they failed? Maybe they didn't fail at all, perhaps they just gave up after not seeing any results. From what I see, if you stick with it, you will get somewhere. It may take longer for some, but just stick at it. How many blogs do you see out there that have tons of blog posts and don't have anyone visiting? I haven't come across any. On the other hand, how many blogs do you see with 5 or 6 posts that are insanely popular? I haven't come across any of these either. One thing I have run accross quite often is a blog with 5 or 6 posts that someone has given up on, sometimes even with great content. What if these bloggers would have continued? Who knows what would have happened?

    -Celebrate every success no mater how small: As I mentioned earlier, I just started my blog a few weeks ago. It's been rough as I haven't seen much traffic. I've tried a few different strategies and got some traffic here and there. Initially this was very dissapointing. After thinking about it further, I decided to view these as successes, not disappointments. If I tried a strategy to drive traffic and it resulted in 3 people visiting my site, that's 3 people more that now know about my site that didn't before. If you keep working at your efforts to drive traffic, a few visitors here and there really start to add up. Also, 1 of those 3 people might have really enjoyed your site and perhaps they will share it with others. In other words, every little success gets you closer to your ultimate goal no matter what it might be. Add up enough little successes and you'll be at your goal before you know it.

    That pretty much wraps up the few things I do... I could expand further but I think those are the 3 biggest ways I stay motivated. Anyone else have any advice?
    Googs, Jul 15, 2014 IP
    VukasinI and jrbiz like this.
  2. Gerald Mitchell

    Gerald Mitchell Peon

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    Thank you for this information! I would only add that you make sure that your information is compelling and you're posting often enough for people to truly follow you. If you start slowing down your posts, often times people will find another blog to follow.

    I love the advice about celebrating every victory no matter how small! It's that kind of attitude many potential bloggers forget to have and they give up too soon. There are so many people who may be interested in what you have to say, no matter what it is. Don't give up!
    Gerald Mitchell, Jul 15, 2014 IP
  3. Az Wan

    Az Wan Greenhorn

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    Nice tips. What i can advice you to get lot of traffic is by do the blogwalking (as you are a blogger)
    Start commenting other people blog and link back to your blog.

    One more thing, you should make your blog social media proof. Create a fanpage related to your blog. Nowadays people like to watch facebook more than blog. Create fanpage, promote and whichever blog post you have, post it into your fanpage and give more engagement.

    You know, if you get lot of like, you will be more motivated. Trust me. :)
    Az Wan, Jul 16, 2014 IP
  4. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Great post and I suspect that it will resonate with a lot of people on DP. My favorite quote (not sure whom to attribute it to) on this topic is the following:

    A successful entrepreneur is someone who...

    Is stubborn enough...

    To stick around long enough...

    To get lucky.
    jrbiz, Jul 16, 2014 IP
  5. Googs

    Googs Greenhorn

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    That's a great quote. Another one that I saw on one of the blogs that I follow is from Steve Jobs that I really like:

    “I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
    Googs, Jul 16, 2014 IP
  6. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    OK, I too like the post. But can I be just a little bit negative here?

    When I first started in the IM world I plunged into it without any reservations: giving my all, believing I can do it all.

    Then I hit a low point where I had no money coming in, but I still had to pay my bills. Luckily, I was still single back then, so I had to only take care of myself. I had to find a job and I worked part time to help me stay afloat.

    I don't know where you're at in life @Googs, but if you have a family to feed, please, do not quit your day job just yet. Being motivated and fighting negativity is a great thing, but if you're not making enough money to cover your daily expenses you will end up fighting not only your negativity, but also stress, heartburn, sleepless nights, etc.

    I concur with what @jrbiz said. Luck plays a huge role in all of this. Almost just as much as determination and consistency.
    qwikad.com, Jul 16, 2014 IP
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  7. Googs

    Googs Greenhorn

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    I agree, you're not being negative, you're being realistic. While I'd like to believe luck doesn't play as big of a role as dedication and hard work, maybe it does, I don't necessarily have enough experience with this just yet.

    I can relate to what you're saying as I'm actually nearing (or already in) a low point except I do have a family to feed. Not to get overly personal but here's my situation (which is why I'm trying to stay positive). I went through a divorce 3 years ago. Financially, it's wiping me out. My father had passed away several years earlier in which he had left me an inheritance. Not a huge amount of money, but enough for a decent down payment on a house for her and I. We were married for 7 years (together for 12) and all of the sudden she wants a divorce. I later found out she was having an affair. We have 3 children between us (all under 5 years old at the time) and in the divorce she felt entitled to half of the inheritance that was tied up in the house. Needless to say the house had to be sold. I have since bought a foreclosure that I fixed up and is actually very nice. I met a wonderful woman (she's a saint) and actually got married last month. She has a little boy as well. We both work, however I will likely be losing my job in the near future due to the company I work for being acquired by a larger company. They are bringing in kids straight out of college and people like me who have been there a long time are dissapearing.

    Things wouldn't be too terrible except I've been in a custody battle with my ex-wife trying to get more custody of my daughters and it has completely drained us financially. I think what bothers me the most is that it's basically my Dad's money that is allowing her to pay for her attorney. I am currently looking for another job but ideally I'd like to work for myself at some point in the future. This would allow me to stay home with my children and would be a huge advantage in my attempt to get more custody of my daughters. So along with selling on ebay and amazon fba, I'm trying to get into internet marketing in hopes of being able to stay at home and spend more time with my family.

    I'm sorry for the long rant, once I got typing about it I just kept going, I actually had to stop myself, there's so much more to say. Writing a bit did make me feel a little better though, lol. But anyway, the above is really what inspired me to share how I try and stay motivated because I know first hand it's not easy. Expecially when you have other's depending on you. I've got almost everything I want in life, beautiful healthy children, an amazing wife, now if I could just get my finances back on track I could continue to fight and win this custody dispute and get my girls more often. Again, sorry for the rant that was a bit off topic, it did feel good to vent though :)
    Googs, Jul 16, 2014 IP
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  8. Melisa455

    Melisa455 Active Member

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    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    My is a bit different from you. But I do agree with you.. No matter what, stay motivated, keep focus and keep doing until you succeed.
    Melisa455, Jul 16, 2014 IP
  9. Googs

    Googs Greenhorn

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    Would you be interested in sharing what motivates you?
    Googs, Jul 16, 2014 IP
  10. Melisa455

    Melisa455 Active Member

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    I set a goal. When I don't feel like getting to work (which sometimes I do - Have to admit) or bad day. I tell myself. I have a goal. And every time I do something, I am 1 step nearer to my goal.
    This how I motivate myself. See my future.
    Melisa455, Jul 17, 2014 IP
  11. DatingExpert

    DatingExpert Active Member

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    -Celebrate every success no mater how small:

    I like your words above. We should be celebrating all success even if it is a tiny one. Small successes will lead to bigger success.
    Thanks for sharing
    DatingExpert, Jul 17, 2014 IP
  12. Googs

    Googs Greenhorn

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    I actually just came across an article that has some of the same tips but expands a bit. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link, I think reading this might be beneficial if you're starting out: how to stay motivated when your blog is invisible
    Googs, Jul 17, 2014 IP
  13. janinaherz

    janinaherz Active Member

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    Everyone face trouble and critical situation in life when he/she start something new, but stay motivated and overcome from that is the key to success.

    Here are some of the tips that I'd like share.
    Get inspired by your peers: Having a network of entrepreneurs and small business owners to talk to can be an invaluable support system. So join small business meet ups and go to networking events to build your connections. It’s also helpful to read about successful entrepreneurs and hear about the challenges that they have faced while building their business. Check out biographies of success stories like Richard Branson’s or listen to Talks given by famous entrepreneurs.

    Keep a small text file on your computer desktop where you keep a list of inspiring quotes you run across, and then read this list once per week to really stay energized.

    and lastly, Create a wall of positivity: When you are struggling with your worst days, be sure to take a breath and remember that your situation or failure is not a reflection of who you are. You only live once, so live out loud and be proud.
    janinaherz, Jul 17, 2014 IP
    Googs and doktu like this.
  14. doktu

    doktu Active Member

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    These are good ways to stay motivated and focused. Listing down your priorities always works wonders. It helps you improve on your performance and meet your targets more.
    doktu, Jul 18, 2014 IP