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Tips For Writing Email Marketing Content

Discussion in 'General Marketing' started by marketingtop1, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. #1
    • Make sure call to action is above the fold (and in the preview pane). Even more of a reason to skip to straight to the point. Even simple scrolling effects results. Make it easy for your contact to engage.
    • Your prospects, leads, customers and partners are smart (or you wouldn’t be doing business with them, right?) Be sure your offer or call to action are related to the content. No tricks please.
    • Get to the point – use 1 idea per sentence and make sentences punchy and easy to scan. Bullets, lists and numbers usually drive better results.
    • Do not use catch phrases, clichés – use real data to make key points and don’t forget to reference your source. In fact, link back when you can, link love is appreciated by all.
    • Before you hit send, ask yourself – “So what? “– This will help you get to the real message and the real response you want.

    marketingtop1, Jan 28, 2013 IP