Time on page vs Last/final click Metrics

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by kjh-08, Dec 26, 2023.

  1. #1
    Time on page is less important than the last/final click user metric.

    Time on page is pretty much self explanatory.

    Last/final click is when someone lands on your SERP result from a query search and doesn't bounce back to view other results of the same query. Which signals to the Search Engine that your page content satisfied the searchers query. Serving the most helpful/satisfactory results are the Search Engine's main goal.

    A page can have a good "time on page" result but also have a high bounce rate and low last/final click percentage. Some queries can be satisfied very quickly, like "average temperature in X-city in June," there's no need for someone to spend 5 minutes digging for this answer.

    A high Time on page doesn't necessarily mean the content is good or that it answered the query. It could be from poor overall site/article structure and they couldn't find the correct information easily/quickly. Last/final click will make no mistake whether the content answered the query or not.

    How to increase the more important last/final click metric?
    Answer the search query as fast as possible within your article, don't bury it at the end.

    Add a "Quick Takeaway" section under your introduction paragraph answering the query in as few words as possible (summary in 2-3 sentences max), for those that don't have time to read your entire article.
    kjh-08, Dec 26, 2023 IP