
Discussion in 'Pay Per Click Advertising' started by intoupload, May 28, 2019.

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  1. #1
    Hi everyone,
    we joined infolinks in February this year believing that they are a good PPC ad network, the first moth was great even if we had some low rates, but we have continued using them.
    on 15 march we have received our first payment (409$) then we said this ad network is trusted and we can continue using them.
    After 2 months of using infolinks we have received this message telling us that our account has been closed.
    we have contacted infolinks several times explaining that we are an Xfilesharing site and we always delete files who gets a dmca complaint, we have also described closing our account is against their policy, and They are not liable for dmca but they are just scamming us.
    after 1 week of messaging we got their skype and they said that we should call RIAA and tell them to take the claim they have on infolinks. We did get contact with RIAA and they said they have no claim on infolinks, we contacted infolinks again and they said that the advertiser is not paying, How can we beleive infolinks has just 1 advertiser ? and How is inventory got promote with our traffic ? Due to which he (single Advertiser ) claiming for all promoted inventory ?
    Due to which it is clear that Infolinks is scamming us.
    and now after 1 month of contacting infolinks, today we have decided to expose infolinks, down below you find our earnings which is 2117$.
    intoupload, May 28, 2019 IP
  2. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    As an advertiser, I wouldn't touch a network that allowed file sharing sites. It looks like they gave you the benefit of the doubt, got a complaint that was way scarier than anything you can throw at them and cut you loose.

    Being extremely conservative doesn't make them scammers.
    File sharing sites are usually rife with intellectual property theft which would come under (3) promotion of illegal activities
    sarahk, May 28, 2019 IP
  3. Infolinks Media

    Infolinks Media Greenhorn

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    Mr. Abdellatif, We've communicated privately and transparently with you about the violations brought to our attention by both the Recording Industry Arts of America (RIAA) and TAG. As we stated, we've banned your account due to those violations. As you understand, working with advertisers and publishers is a connection of trust. We review and trust that the publisher will follow our guidelines and that the advertiser can display on a safe and trusted site adhering to those guidelines. When that is called into question, we have to act. We are not passing judgement on how your site is adhering to the copyright laws & processes in an appropriate way as that isn't our role, however we rely on expert institutions like RIAA & TAG to inform us. We are sure you have the best of intentions and as we've said before, If you can provide RIAA confirmation to us that you are adhering to the regulations then we will gladly reinstate your account.

    Lastly, we have several thousands of publishers that we pay routinely each month for 11 years. We are incredibly reliable on payment. In fact, we recently paid all our publishers in full when one of the largest Advertiser sources called Sizmek went out of business in March. We didn't get paid and still chose to pay each publisher in full. I share this because we believe it's important to not compromise on payment unless a material and relevant violation of our agreement, like fraud or copyright violations happens. As we stated to you privately and now publicly, we have held payment until we can confirm that our advertisers will pay for your media. The goal isn't to 'steal' your funds, but to respect our advertisers decision and hold them to confirm. Once confirmation is completed you will be updated privately.

    Customer Support
    Infolinks Media, LLC
    Infolinks Media, May 29, 2019 IP
    Agent000, robyries and sarahk like this.
  4. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    You have exposed nothing other than your own stupidity and ignorance. You deliberately violated the rules that you agreed to. There is consequences for doing that.

    I advertise with a number of agencies. I too would be pretty pissed to see those adverts on a file sharing site.
    Agent000, May 29, 2019 IP
    sarahk likes this.
  5. brighybrighy

    brighybrighy Peon

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    Popads have same things close accounts if receive DMCA notice.
    brighybrighy, May 29, 2019 IP
  6. intoupload

    intoupload Banned

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    Please delete this thread, issue resolved

    Thank you, issue resolved.

    Delete this post
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2019
    intoupload, May 30, 2019 IP
  7. Spoiltdiva

    Spoiltdiva Acclaimed Member

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    Nope...not happening. You made your bed, now you must lie in it.;)
    Spoiltdiva, May 30, 2019 IP
  8. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    Hope they sue your ass of for defamation for what you posted!
    Agent000, May 30, 2019 IP
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