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The world is going crazy

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by Rebecca, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. #1
    Oh my goodness, every day I read the news and it's just more craziness. What the world needs most of all right now, is love. Like the song says, it's the only thing that there's just too little of. I wish I had the money to go somewhere and hideout for a good while. Just disconnect from the daily world - maybe become a hermit.

    In this thread you need to: Guess what the headlines will read in the news next week.

    Just take a guess. It could be anything. No right or wrong answers here...

    My guess: There is a lot of anger towards Trump, some unbalanced individual will probably make some attempt to assassinate him. Disclaimer - That's definitely not something I would want or in any way support. Just basing that speculation from the level of raging going on right now.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
    Rebecca, Jan 31, 2017 IP
  2. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Next week's headline - Darwin's theory busted! - God did it all.
    Bushranger, Jan 31, 2017 IP
  3. robyries

    robyries Notable Member

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    Waiting for US country collaps...And banned all USA citizen to came in other country..I think trump too arogant about his policy...
    robyries, Jan 31, 2017 IP
  4. Rebecca

    Rebecca Prominent Member

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    I know, right? Science is stupid. It's obviously, obvious, God did it all.

    I have some mixed feelings about the whole immigration thing. People from other countries do not have some inherent "right" to come here. Especially from many of the countries he listed and if they're likely to be a drain on our society. I guess the bottom line is, those countries listed do not provide enough information that we can properly vet them. Therefore, we'd be letting people in from places where terrorism is rampant without any real vetting. Trump couldn't care less about pleasing people in other countries or being PC, he's totally America first and somewhat of an isolationist. So naturally, he's just doing what he feels is appropriate. On the other hand, I think the weakness of it is that it's probably not going to stop someone coming in with malicious intent. It would just make it harder. Still, they could fly in from the UK if they had the means. I guess the list of the countries currently banned is where there is state supported terrorism, so now we're not letting them in until they come up with a way to vet them better. Also, this list of countries may expand and may be extended longer until they think it over more.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
    Rebecca, Feb 1, 2017 IP
  5. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    There's no much anger towards Trump. The media makes it look like the entire US is rioting. It is not. Isolated incidents. Keep in mind, Trump won big time. Millions and millions of Americans are 100% behind Trump and his actions.

    qwikad.com, Feb 2, 2017 IP
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  6. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    Didn't Darwin deny his own theory towards the end of his life? Seems to me he lived and taught a lie only to say "Oops!" on his deathbed.
    qwikad.com, Feb 2, 2017 IP
  7. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    No. Absolutely false. One zealous lady claimed he did but everyone around him when he died said her story was just that, a story.
    Bushranger, Feb 3, 2017 IP
  8. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    Next week's headline (will be buried by the lamestream press, of course)

    U.S. economy continues to grow; small business confidence still way up; consumer confidence still way up.
    jrbiz, Feb 4, 2017 IP
  9. degreubiwa

    degreubiwa Banned

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    If Insurance companies are fined really for their frauds which Trump's organization is believed to be involved in for raising money towards real estate projects then millions of Aliens in America who has come under the threat of being thrown out will keep their employment.
    degreubiwa, Feb 5, 2017 IP
  10. Furquan Ahmed

    Furquan Ahmed Well-Known Member

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    Furquan Ahmed, Feb 5, 2017 IP
  11. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    As someone once said, there are lies, damn lies, and then statistics. Polls in the U.S. are now used by political groups as weapons as was done throughout the presidential campaign in which all of the polls said Hillary would win by a landslide right up until the very end. Most polls are now part of the fake news industry, as a result. Salon is a wildly leftwing publication so this "poll" is exactly what they want to publish, true or not.
    jrbiz, Feb 5, 2017 IP
    Rebecca likes this.
  12. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    You ain't seen nuttin' yet. Go look at history. Then you can extrapolate where this is all leading. Not just in the U.S., but everywhere around the world. People, groups, nations, etc worldwide continue to make the same mistakes over and over again, and ALWAYS get the same results.

    Humanity has never been able to cope with the concept of 'love' simply because it means putting others ahead of yourself and that is not a natural thing for humans to do.

    Unfortunately, even if you had the money it is no longer possible to hide from the stupidity of man.

    Not going to try guessing what tomorrow's headlines will be. Does not matter. What matters is where this is all heading, and watching the trees instead of the forest will mean you will be blindsided when you least expect it.

    But will say this. The debt bubble in the U.S. will eventually burst, and when it does, 2008 will look like a cakewalk. And it will not make one iota of difference what Trump does or does not do. The bubble was created years ago, but when it does burst Trump will be blamed no matter what he does. If he does anything, he will be blamed for making it worse or for not doing enough. If he does nothing he will be blamed for allowing it to happen. He cannot win. Based on history the bubble should start popping in the Spring of 2019, and really get crazy in the Fall of 2019.
    mmerlinn, Feb 7, 2017 IP
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  13. mmerlinn

    mmerlinn Prominent Member

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    Around a hundred years ago President Theodore Roosevelt signed a law banning ALL Muslims from immigrating to the U.S. I do not know if that law has been repealed or not.

    Trump has not banned Muslims from coming to the U.S. at all. All he did was suspend ANYONE, whether Muslim, Christian, Atheist, et alia, from seven countries ALREADY on a terrorist watch list, SIX of which countries were added by Democratic Presidents, including Obama.

    No one has ANY RIGHT to enter another country without prior permission of that country just like no one has ANY RIGHT to enter my house without prior permission from me. Further, foreigners of any stripe have NO RIGHTS whatsoever under the Constitution of the United States, although they may have some rights under other laws. The Constitution is for Americans only, whether they have been born here or have become a naturalized citizen after immigrating here.

    Theodore Roosevelt probably summed it up best: Welcome. You have five years to learn the language, adopt our culture, and become a naturalized citizen. If you don't, then you need to leave.
    mmerlinn, Feb 7, 2017 IP
    jrbiz likes this.
  14. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    It is amusing to hear others from around the world criticizing the U.S. for not blindly accepting anyone and everyone into the country without any restrictions, whatsoever. Can anyone point to another country with as diverse a population as we already have here? It is hilarious to hear countries in which 90% or more of their population is homogenous (as most are) complain that we are unfairly keeping people out. :rolleyes:
    jrbiz, Feb 7, 2017 IP
    Rebecca likes this.
  15. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Theodore Roosevelt wrote in 1901 that he had “not been able to think out any solution to the terrible problem offered by the presence of the Negro on this continent.” As for Indians, he once said, “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are the dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t inquire too closely into the health of the tenth.”
    Bushranger, Feb 7, 2017 IP
  16. degreubiwa

    degreubiwa Banned

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    The India are one of the most hard working in the world but I have seen families who migrated to USA and Canada from India has rarely contributed to improving life and environment back in their town/city where they were born in India. They have just forgotten the people here face with low paying jobs, bad quality food, polygamy problem, littling time for old friends etc.
    degreubiwa, Feb 7, 2017 IP
  17. jrbiz

    jrbiz Acclaimed Member

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    FYI, the Teddy Roosevelt quote you referenced in your post was referring to Native Americans ("Indians") and not people from India.
    jrbiz, Feb 7, 2017 IP
  18. melprise

    melprise Well-Known Member

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    No, not 'absolutely false,' just under-documented, such that we can't confirm or know for sure if the 'zealous' Lady Hope (born Elizabeth Reid Stapleton-Cotton) is accurate in her account of Darwin's deathbed reversal. The "everyone around him" who discounted her story had a vested interest in protecting the theory that had given Darwin fame, as it affected their residual notoriety as associates of his. So the account lacks further confirmation, which is a different kettle of fish than is 'absolutely false.'
    melprise, Feb 7, 2017 IP
    qwikad.com likes this.
  19. degreubiwa

    degreubiwa Banned

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    Just throw out the Indian Women from jobs back to bed-ridden. These have the biggest asses in the world and now took the job of taking interviews as HR in every company. Going to such places and companies is just waste of time. Even more the women even started doing Sergocracy and keeping the other women as step-mom in house for years disturbing everyone's life.
    degreubiwa, Feb 7, 2017 IP
  20. qwikad.com

    qwikad.com Illustrious Member Affiliate Manager

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    My education, for the most part, took place in the Soviet Union. I still remember in 3d or 4th grade a teacher snickering while she was telling us that, according to Darwin, humans and apes shared the same ancestry. Neither her, nor the students, nor my parents, nor millions of Russians believed that hogwash. But that was what the government wanted to be taught at the schools. It's amusing to see how almost 40 years later in the 21st century US, Canada, Australia, Europe, etc. people swallow that theory like candy. Why does anyone want to believe something so inaccurate and unprovable as Darwinism?

    qwikad.com, Feb 7, 2017 IP
    mmerlinn and Rebecca like this.