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The Importance of Picking your Primary Keyword for SEO

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by Only1James, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. #1
    Hey guys i thought i'd share with you something what i feel most of my clients and generally people who have websites neglect. The neglection of knowing the importance of how their primary keyword can affect their seo.

    Choosing your primary keywords may be one of the most difficult parts of good SEO. It is also, however, one of the most important. When you begin optimizing your website for search engines, you will need to choose one primary keyword or keyword phrase, and four to six secondary keywords.

    These keywords are going to be essential later on. You won't just use them for a single page on your website. Instead, they should feature prominently on each page of your website, in any website-related blogs, in any website-related newsletters, and in any website-related press releases. SEO goes beyond just a website.

    With that in mind, look for keywords that will stand the test of time. Avoid keywords that are too general; you want targeted keywords for targeted traffic. But don't swerve to the opposite extreme; a keyword is no good if it's something so specific that no one would ever search for it.

    Your secondary keywords can be a little more flexible than your primary keyword or keyword phrase. Pick the words people are most likely to use when searching for your product or information. You should ideally have between four and six secondary keywords, but if necessary, pick as many as ten. Don't go above ten, as too many keywords end up diluting the importance of any of your keywords.

    Look for a blend of general and specific secondary keywords. Better yet, make one or two of them key phrases, such as "handcrafted knit scarves" that blend the specifics of the three words together with the generalness of each individual word.

    Once you have your keywords, don't limit them to just your website. Use your primary keyword phrase every time you link to your website, in blogs, in newsletters, and in RSS feeds. Don't overlook relevant forum signatures! The right keywords, used in the right way, can be invaluable.

    Do share your thoughts. Cheers
    Only1James, Oct 19, 2012 IP
  2. jamesmike1985

    jamesmike1985 Peon

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    Secondary keywords are always best to support primary keywords.
    jamesmike1985, Oct 19, 2012 IP
  3. sandiegotech.net

    sandiegotech.net Greenhorn

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    Well it is important to have a road map of keywords, then do 2 week campaigns, that's how i do it.
    sandiegotech.net, Oct 19, 2012 IP
  4. JRampage

    JRampage Greenhorn

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    80% Focused on the primary keyword 20% on the rest
    JRampage, Oct 22, 2012 IP
  5. Quarite Tim

    Quarite Tim Member

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    Thank you for the article

    I do a similar method. But I keep my primary keyword 60% and 30% to secondary and 10% to third
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012
    Quarite Tim, Oct 23, 2012 IP
  6. alphaomegalady

    alphaomegalady Member

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    Can you share some info on keywords road map?
    alphaomegalady, Oct 24, 2012 IP