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Tea Bagging Protests

Discussion in 'Politics & Religion' started by Zibblu, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. Zibblu

    Zibblu Guest

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    Absolutely these networks are not against Republicans. Are certain people on those channels against Republicans? Obviously Keith Olbermann & Rachel Maddow dislike Republicans but that's different than saying the entire channel is one way or another. Show me where Fox News has a former Democratic congressman on the air for three hours every morning (vs. Morning Joe on MSNBC.)

    CNN isn't for or against anything in particular except for making more money. They sensationalize everything. That's what cable news is about. Hell when it comes down to it sensationalizing news and making money is even more important than being GOP spokesmen for Fox News.

    All of these news networks were there beating the drum for war heading into Iraq. All of these networks had folks apologizing for George W. Bush until he became too unpopular to apologize for anymore.

    None of these news networks is really for civil liberties.

    There's lag time... people have to show through grass roots that they care about issues and then eventually those in power may notice if there's enough people involved.
    Zibblu, May 2, 2009 IP
  2. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Unless you are a tea bagger, in which case your roots are astro-turf and we could care less about you opinions on issues.

    Sadly, I have to take issue with you on the issue of the other media outlets Zibblu. We do own them all. CNN we own pretty much outright, except for maybe John King, who was riding around with McCain for so long I think he got brainwashed. Oh and Lou Dobbs. Our champions are Jeffery Toobin, Wolf Blitzer, Ronald Martin, Jack Cafferty, Christane Amonpour, and Anderson Cooper. This are just the people CNN advertises as being unbiased and does not include people declared as partisans such as Paul Begala, James Carville. It always makes me laugh when I think about Anderson Cooper bringing the "Gay General" physically into the auditorium of the CNN hosted 2008 Republican Primary debates, so he could grill the Republican candidates on gays in the military, an issue obviously near and dear to Republican voters hearts. Its too bad the general was on LBGT staff for the Hillary Clinton campaign, or I think nobody would have been able to officially call them out on it.

    MSNBC I don't even have to talk about because of the latitude they allow Olbermann. I love that such an unabashed hater of all things right is given airtime every single day to blast the airwaves without pulling any punches. Watching he and Chris Mathews cover the election as journalists was hilarious. I was growing a little concerned that ABC may be loosing their left wing credentials as they seem to be more honestly trying to tow the center of the line, but they came through like champs on the tea baggers.
    Obamanation, May 2, 2009 IP
  3. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    i wish the sheep would stop crying. one would think that one fox would be enough for them
    pizzaman, May 2, 2009 IP
  4. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    True. After all Fox does have the viewership of the others combined. The one difference, and where we may get the advantage perhaps is that, regardless of viewership, fox is only one collective voice versus our many, so we can always frame them up as the minority.
    Obamanation, May 3, 2009 IP
  5. pizzaman

    pizzaman Active Member

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    liberals are not looking for one voice but are interested in a lot of different points of view. pugs on the otherhand need guidance and assistance. tjhey do not want to think and can not think abut so many different things at the same time. they also want to stay on the message. after all they are the ditto heads.
    people have voted and the vote shows how people feel about the parties and who they want t run the country. at this moment of time and with this set of ideas, pugs look pretty bad.
    pizzaman, May 3, 2009 IP
  6. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    I've heard for many years now that Fox is one-sided Republican but not heard how popular their partisan programs actually are.

    Where can I find ratings proofs to back up this claim? The only thing i've found so far is that American Idol (yes on Fox) attracts the most viewers, but that's hardly popular for its Republican stance.
    Bushranger, May 3, 2009 IP
  7. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    I think Nate was referring to the news programs only. You can get all the information you want from the Neilson reports who monitor this type of thing in the states.
    Obamanation, May 3, 2009 IP
  8. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Bushranger, May 3, 2009 IP
  9. Obamanation

    Obamanation Well-Known Member

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    Obamanation, May 3, 2009 IP
  10. GeorgeB.

    GeorgeB. Notable Member

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    Fox news has high ratings because it's the only mainstream conservative news outlet on cable.

    The rest of the viewers are shared amongst the other non-conservative networks.

    Everyone who is not a conservative republican is not a liberal.... So people who say every other network besides Fox is caters to the liberal left are just spouting nonsense.

    MSNBC and Fox are the left/right leaning media outlets on cable respectively. They both flat out have shows dedicated to being liberal/conservative. The truth is the rest of the media falls somewhere in between.

    Just because the rest of the media reported on Bush's constant fuckups the past 8 years while Fox News was the only one trying to make excuses for him doesn't make them all liberal media. It makes them being real, whether they had agendas supporting their reporting like MSNBC or it was about reporting what they knew people wanted to know (for the money).

    Fox News' ratings don't mean nearly as much to the conservative movement as they try to make them out. They can tout high ratings all they want but 2 facts ring loud and clear:

    1) They had those high ratings during the entire downward spiral of Bush's approval ratings, the Republican routing in 2006, and the landslide victory of Barack Obama.

    2) Let's face it, conservative republicans (older white males) are more likely to watch news or political discussion programming daily than progressive liberal democrats (usually minorities, women, and younger white males).
    GeorgeB., May 3, 2009 IP
  11. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Here in Australia, cable is called Pay TV and less than 15% of us have it, preferring free-to-air channels, is that the same there in the USA?

    P2+ Total Day
    FNC – 1,416,000 viewers
    CNN – 668,000 viewers
    MSNBC –407,000 viewers
    CNBC – 242,000 viewers
    HLN – 331,000 viewers

    From a population of over 300 million those numbers don't look impressive to me. Certainly not numbers you would call decisive.
    Bushranger, May 3, 2009 IP
  12. Zibblu

    Zibblu Guest

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    Bushranger - I believe a much higher % (than 15%) of Americans have cable or satellite TV.

    And you're right. Those numbers aren't really that impressive. The people that watch these cable news networks (and I am one of them) tend to be the people who are really into politics and probably already have very strong opinions (unlikely to be persuaded one way or another by what they see on TV.)

    In reality the influence of channels like Fox News & MSNBC probably aren't anywhere near what we sometimes think they are.

    In a lot of ways I think CNN is probably still the most influential network just because I think they are more likely to draw independent voters (the type of people who may go one way or the other...)
    Zibblu, May 3, 2009 IP
  13. Bushranger

    Bushranger Notable Member

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    Thanks Zibblu, I'd have to add I think ABC would also be influential as even we get Good Morning America every morning, albeit 24 hours later. I imagine that goes around the world?
    Many of our free-to-air (FTA) news programs also contain stories ripped directly from ABC as you often see the ABC animated logo blurred out in the corner.

    Is GMA on FTA there or just on cable?

    How many FTA channels do you guys get?
    Bushranger, May 3, 2009 IP
  14. Zibblu

    Zibblu Guest

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    Good Morning America is on regular ABC which is free over the air. Basically the free channels available in most locations are NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, & PBS.

    I don't know what the numbers are actually, but most people I know have cable or satellite TV - it's very common here... we just love our TV. Actually I kind of hate my TV and I didn't have cable/sat TV for any of the 6 years I lived in NYC. But I have it now. I kind of wish I didn't. It's much easier to waste time watching TV when you have so many channels to choose from. I must have hundreds of channels (literally) on our satellite.
    Zibblu, May 4, 2009 IP