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Tag Cloud Site

Discussion in 'Link Development' started by sputera, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. #1
    Refer to adsensearena.com and 1000tag.com, I saw that they did a good marketing for us to boost a traffic... hopefully...

    I try to create site lke them and already have www.1001keyword.com which will only list 1001 keyword/tag...

    My question is... if I make it like "milliondollartag" where each tag cost only 1 dollar, is there any effect on search engine???

    Imagine the site will have 1 million link....
    sputera, Nov 22, 2006 IP
  2. Camay123

    Camay123 Well-Known Member

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    The more outgoing link there is, the less is value links on the page
    Camay123, Nov 22, 2006 IP
  3. rzvagelsky

    rzvagelsky Well-Known Member

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    Imagine if you won the lottery...pretty much the same odds. The million dollar home page was successful because it was the first of its kind. All these sites that are following it are offering no real benefit to anyone listing a keyword on their site. Let me explain:

    1. 1001 Keywords on the page (especially when its a PR0) dilutes any value you will ever be able to pass on.

    2. There is no way to provide targetted traffic to the people that purchase a keyword. Why? Because your average person will never search through a glob of keywords to find a site that interests them.

    Now I will try to give you some pointers on the logo. That Beta Ribbon has to go. Why you ask?

    1. Your site is not Web 2.0

    2. Your site is not in Beta. In order for your site to be considered beta, you have to be in a testing phase and constantly innovating.

    3. I will never take a website seriously that uses a Web 2.0 logo generator tool that was meant as a joke. I know that my $1 will go in your pocket rather than being re-invested to create a more valuable site. When you use a free logo along with a free script to create a website...that's the impression you give off.

    Regardless, best of luck with your endeavor.
    rzvagelsky, Nov 22, 2006 IP
  4. Mong

    Mong ↓↘→ horsePower

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    give value only to those links which can actually send you visitors. search engines also know what is going on those site ;)

    be careful.
    Mong, Nov 24, 2006 IP
  5. samsam

    samsam Peon

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    I agree wth Mong, and would say that 1001 links is too much specially whenyou have them all on the same page.
    samsam, Nov 24, 2006 IP
  6. iloveseo

    iloveseo Guest

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    iloveseo, Jan 7, 2007 IP