Starting a new blog after 4 yrs.. need help

Discussion in 'Blogging' started by vickyiori, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. #1
    Hi Guys,

    I've been out of blogging/MMO scene since 2009.

    The worst mistake I made of closing my blog when finally after an year of hard work I was starting to make decent money.

    Now I see that everything has changed quite much. So need a quick starter!!

    Some tips about social marketing, good domain and web host (quality matter, money not), etc.

    Also, what plugins to use for primarily for SEO, security, avoiding spam, increasing visitors's interaction etc.

    Much appreciated!

    vickyiori, Dec 17, 2013 IP
  2. RJCreationzzz

    RJCreationzzz Greenhorn

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    Get active on Google+ and Facebook. These sites rule for traffic generation. Find others on both sites who share your interest and would want to read what your blog is about. On Facebook, you'll want to join groups and on Google+, get yourself included in circles of people who like your niche. So for instance, if your blog is about cats, then get included into circles on Google+ with other cat lovers. That's just an example and can be applied to any niche whether business marketing, online games, etc. Next, establish yourself as an expert on relevant forums that are related to what your blog is about. Don't just make posts and stick up a signature link. Actually take time to get involved in the forum and help others. The traffic will follow once people know and trust you.
    RJCreationzzz, Jan 30, 2014 IP
  3. Vishakha Bajaj

    Vishakha Bajaj Active Member

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    Make your blog site live and generate traffic using different social media sites like facebook,apsense,pinterest,g+ and many more...
    Vishakha Bajaj, Feb 4, 2014 IP