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SOPA insanity

Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by reelstuff, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. #1
    While this may, seem like an over rated topic the truth is that if SOPA passes, many websites, that are legal now, will not be in the very near future, even linking to a download that is accused of being copyright infringement or piracy, could be a crime.

    Entire websites could be shut down, and there are some that would be happy to see this happen to websites, like the warrior forum, but it may not be the best thing for anyone allowing for anyone to just point a finger and say hey they used my graphic in a video, shut it down.

    Or they might say, that is my piano music that is combined with some other looped music, take down that website.

    The bad thing is that not only can they take your website down but they can put you in jail, if you life in the US that is, and if you don't, then they can just take your website.

    Imagine all the websites out there that play music using a script that plays youtube videos, with SOPA, even if you did not upload the video playing the music you could still go to jail or your website taken down or both.

    Plus, once your website gets taken down, (even if its an accident) Google will most likely never index your website again. . .

    It is alarming, and it is scary, because it is wrong, what they are talking about doing is EVIL, and for the most part, this SOPA law will not stop anything, it will only put a hurting on those of us that are doing our best to do the right thing.

    If you value your website, and you value the freedom to make money online, you need to do everything you can do to stop these people from passing these laws.

    Publish it on your website, post on the large blogs, voice your opinion.

    If you live in the US, contact your senators, your congressman, tell them if they vote for this trash you will vote against them in the 2012 election.

    They would like to take everything that you have worked so hard to build and if you are not paying attention, you might end up regretting not doing everything you could to stop this bit of insanity from ever becoming law.
    reelstuff, Jan 9, 2012 IP
  2. thsadmin

    thsadmin Notable Member

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    It'll be on like DonkeyKong - every web master will turn evil and start crashing sites, joining an online revolution against greed and those that support it - look at all the sites that were in support - like Godaddy - Godaddy took a stance and said that they'd support the SOPA and then Wikipedia started a campaign against Godaddy and within days 50k plus domains and accounts bailed from them and this caused Godaddy to do a back flip and they stopped supporting SOPA... fcuk them - if they want to play hard ball - lets give it back to them!! Twice as hard.
    thsadmin, Jan 9, 2012 IP
  3. _ContentCreator_

    _ContentCreator_ Peon

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    SOPA will never pass. Congress is only using this legislation to force the big internet companies like google,facebook,twitter...etc to spend lobbying dollars in Washington.
    _ContentCreator_, Jan 13, 2012 IP
  4. Chronus

    Chronus Peon

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    Time magazine is already referring to it as the great internet blackout of 2012.

    I'll be blacking out almost 100 of my sites.
    Chronus, Jan 13, 2012 IP
  5. halfdata

    halfdata Active Member

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    halfdata, Jan 13, 2012 IP
  6. ajborrego

    ajborrego Guest

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    Yeah sopa won't pass at all. Too many people are against it and I doubt congress will pass it if that much are against it.
    ajborrego, Jan 13, 2012 IP
  7. averyz

    averyz Well-Known Member

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    You guys that say "sopa won't pass"? Do you remember the Patriot Act and NDAA ? they were rammed through with mass public disapproval. big money and big government does not care what the people think they only care about control and money.
    averyz, Jan 18, 2012 IP
  8. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    My thoughts exactly. If you folks want to actually help make a difference head here and let them know what you think. I have been hazing those folks for months.

    http://www.facebook.com/creativeamerica like the page and let them have it. You can also change your facebook image to something from here https://www.google.com/search?tbm=i....2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1&biw=1280&bih=884

    Don't sit around talking about it. Voice your disapproval.

    Nigel Lew, Jan 18, 2012 IP
  9. draxima

    draxima Active Member

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    I agree with everything you say and if it passes it will hurt more than do any good. I have done my small contribution though.

    I know about the patriot act and NDAA and yes who would have guessed they would pass - but on the web the balance of power is different that's why sites like google and wikipedia can actually make a difference. Time will tell....
    draxima, Jan 18, 2012 IP
  10. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    Big Govt, and Big Companies want to control and run the internet as they want to run it.
    Websites will be closing left and right, and everyone else will just get sued for no real reason if
    they do not shut down because someone made a link to another website that offended them....
    dscurlock, Jan 20, 2012 IP
  11. ceekeigh

    ceekeigh Peon

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    Hopefully SOPA won't pass in the U.S. Congress. It will be a big mess for the internet if ever.
    ceekeigh, Jan 20, 2012 IP
  12. Chronus

    Chronus Peon

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    With so few people believing what is really happening, I'm starting to feel thankful for all the services that are already being made available to defeat SOPA/PIPA. However, these services won't protect my clients if they get caught with a movie poster in the background of a NYC street photo.

    Maybe I should just develop a better plan B and stop trying to convince the sheep that they are being lead to the slaughter.
    Chronus, Jan 21, 2012 IP