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Discussion in 'Services' started by mdvaldosta, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. techlh

    techlh Peon

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    Thank God, because we care!
    techlh, Jan 21, 2006 IP
  2. Crazy_Zap

    Crazy_Zap Well-Known Member

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    What are your "usual warnings"? Does this mean we will receive unusual warnings?
    Crazy_Zap, Jan 21, 2006 IP
  3. techlh

    techlh Peon

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    techlh, Jan 21, 2006 IP
  4. wrmineo

    wrmineo Peon

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    I'm probably one of the most easy going people you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting. Regardless of others' opinions and one's own actions, I am generally very open-minded and have no problem taking the middle road for the sake of objectivity.

    However ...

    Your attitude and public display of unprofessionalism must be a great asset to any website.

    ShoutWire gets lots of free traffic from this and other forums as members have been made aware of it by one another.

    I'm assuming that would be the same type of shameless promotion you're talking about?

    All of that extra traffic can't be hurting your SERP, linking campaigns, and no doubt the Ad revenue you're obviously trying to generate with ads you run on every single page.

    Granted, when someone writes an article, they want other people to read it and be aware of it. The same reason that

    is at the top of the filters on the right side of every page on the site.

    This is one of the most popular, populated, ranked, searched, and active forum on the Internet, and rather than come here and post a tactful, polite and professional message about the proper, intended use of the aforementioned site, you alienated and offended.

    I think if you weren't too busy smoking dope, bragging about sex exploits, how to build the perfect bong, how to deal with the cops and all of the other crap found on your website/forum, you might be able to see that there is a more objective and even symbiotic way to look at this situation.

    Kudos to ZaWolven for taking a more mature, professional approach in expressing thoughts on the subject.

    Free Lesson of the Day: It's not what you say, but how you say it.

    Flaming a forum and its members with a blanket threat, defamatory cursing, and a self-serving, egotistical tone does not accomplish you goals; but no doubt, it probably enhanced your buzz.

    Don't worry, my user name there is the same as it appears here, so if you choose to maintain an abrasive, closed, and subjective point of view, it'll be easy to ban me, remove my article et al.

    Also not to worry, if ShoutWire readily endorses and condones behavior such as yours from its staff, I'm happy to remove links on my websites that promote it, send it traffic, and generally help its boost in SERP and PR.

    W. R. Mineo
    Resident Bastard
    wrmineo, Jan 21, 2006 IP
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  5. xxoozero

    xxoozero Peon

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    I apologize for my earlier comments, as I did not mean them to point to everyone here, just a few. I work hours and hours a day on that site trying to make it decent and it kind of irked me that people were cheating the system. We welcome anyone here who wants to fairly contribute to the site.
    xxoozero, Jan 21, 2006 IP
  6. Dekker

    Dekker Peon

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    I don't think it's fair to delete all blog posts. And I do notice that you agree with that sentiment as well.

    However I do agree with removing self promotional "news" that isn't really news at all...
    Dekker, Jan 21, 2006 IP
  7. xxoozero

    xxoozero Peon

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    You are right, SVZ, any piece of good writing should be given a chance. My position is simple, its not fair to other writers to practice this type of self promotion. You have to see it from my side of the fence, I want the site to be decent for all users, not just the ones who want traffic to thier site, so that means deleting links. If you have read this thread, you should get a scope of exactly how many I have to remove and change a day.

    All the decent writers on this thread should be as outraged as I am about this situation. Good stories get pushed down due to this type of shameless self promotion.

    Before anyone here decides to flame my position, remember, I'm a writer just like you. I am just trying to make things fair for those of us who work at our art.
    xxoozero, Jan 21, 2006 IP
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  8. Crazy_Zap

    Crazy_Zap Well-Known Member

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    I'll echo what the bastard said.
    Crazy_Zap, Jan 21, 2006 IP
  9. Crazy_Zap

    Crazy_Zap Well-Known Member

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    I understand your position. I think you're overlooking the fact that many posts that originated out of this thread have since gone on with a life of their own on your site. That "energy" isn't all coming from this thread.
    Crazy_Zap, Jan 21, 2006 IP
  10. xxoozero

    xxoozero Peon

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    Im not here for a flame war. I just want you all to follow our rules.

    Is that too much to ask?
    xxoozero, Jan 21, 2006 IP
  11. Shoemoney

    Shoemoney $

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    Your not here for a flame war? re-read your first comment to the users of this forum.

    Your pissing on people that make your site what it is.

    BTW Im still on the frontpage... am I blacklisted yet?
    Shoemoney, Jan 22, 2006 IP
  12. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    If you're calling most stories from here "lame-ass", then why don't you tell members what you are looking for. Be a little more postive and try to inspire coming up with material that would be more entertaining to your visitors.

    Blogmaster, Jan 22, 2006 IP
  13. SEbasic

    SEbasic Peon

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    Guys, I've gotta say this guy is pretty rightly pissed off...

    Afterall, you're all spammin his site (What else could you call it).

    I'm not taking the high road here, (I've used shoutwire too), but you've gotta admit, his anger is pretty justified...

    Don't just hunt him down - Their site provides a service, and you're all jumping on him because he's pissed you're abusing it. :|

    I'd say that's pretty low.
    SEbasic, Jan 22, 2006 IP
  14. Blogmaster

    Blogmaster Blood Type Dating Affiliate Manager

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    Oliver, you are taking the high road. Have you ever abused the search engines? ;)
    I'm saying: he could communicate a lot better. Yes, we have lowered the quality of his site to some extent ... but please: let's not start lashing out.
    I'm sure that if he took the time to explained, some of the members here will be able to come up with some cool things that are actually going to make shoutwire a lot more interesting :)
    Blogmaster, Jan 22, 2006 IP
  15. wrmineo

    wrmineo Peon

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    Sorry, but I don't think making people aware of that site, asking for people to read and vote an article is spamming the site. In fact, it is sending the site more traffic and building awareness.

    I've yet to see a "lame" article from a DP member get promoted. However, in the last 48 hours, you could read such gems as: A man pregnant with kittens; why not to shave your ass; an exposè on Scarlett Johansson's breast; and how women are turned on by monkey sex.

    No where on their site can I find the "rules" he references. Digg and others encourage you to "invite your friends" to read and vote on your stories. Why? They want the traffic and exposure.

    Finally, despite the fact that these rules are coming from a volunteer admin of the site, not Wesley Parker (owner), and verbal at that, the presentation was way off-base.

    And in case you missed it in my excercise in tautology of the earlier response, this guy's too worried about telling people how to grow dope, make bongs, share porn and more on his website ... how is he going to be a voice of reason?

    If you want to take the high road, you can't yourself be in the gutter.

    If you want to recite rules, regulations and guidelines, you can't make them up on the fly; publish them and have them there to back you up.

    You can't walk into someone else's house, curse and make threats and expect to get welcomed with open arms.

    Anger and frustration is understandable - irrational behavior is unacceptable.
    wrmineo, Jan 22, 2006 IP
  16. Canadianbacon

    Canadianbacon Well-Known Member

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    Making people aware of the site???

    come on.

    The articles would most likely never get the attention if people didn't ask for it to be shouted or dugg or whatever.

    that's the bottom line.

    you can sugarcoat it all you want
    Canadianbacon, Jan 22, 2006 IP
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  17. SEbasic

    SEbasic Peon

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    Do you honestly think that shoutwire wouldn't have had a chance if it weren't for dp members?


    The fact that the news was being shown on high traffic sites regardless of dp, says to me that it would most likely have done well regardless.
    No MIKE. I'm not...

    Yeah I may have spammed search engines, but does that mean I verbally abuse them? No.
    SEbasic, Jan 22, 2006 IP
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  18. Crazy_Zap

    Crazy_Zap Well-Known Member

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    I don't think it's fair to characterize all of the submissions that came from DP members as SPAM. Some of them are STILL on the front page of Shoutwire after 2 weeks and many of them have a lot of comments attached to them. That speaks directly to the relevancy of the articles submitted.
    Crazy_Zap, Jan 22, 2006 IP
  19. wrmineo

    wrmineo Peon

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    Many people from DP and other forums, including me, signed up there because it was brought to their attention by other members; so yes, making people aware of the site. All of that additional traffic isn't hurting them one iota I"m guessing.

    SEBasic points out they their stories appear on other high-traffic sites. I am only aware of one and it's owned by the same person.

    The person who came to DP for the sole purpose of venting writes his own stories, which could be subjectively labeled as "lame ass" - "The 86 Rules of Boozing" which he promotes on his sites ... this is like the pot calling the kettle black.
    wrmineo, Jan 22, 2006 IP
  20. SEbasic

    SEbasic Peon

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    I don't see what difference that makes.

    Whether or not the site is owned by him makes no difference.

    It still recieves hundreds of thousands of views a day - a hell of a lot more than members from here have produced for them.

    Sorry, I just don't agree that 'dp made it what it is'.
    SEbasic, Jan 22, 2006 IP