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Shouldn't post title slugs save as the new version if you change your mind on title?

Discussion in 'WordPress' started by pipes, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. #1
    I only just realised this tonight, and as a result went and edited a couple of title slugs in a couple of my blogs.

    Basically say if you are putting together a post in wordpress, you then publish it, then see that you want to change the title because you want to keep the title all on one line maybe, so you go ahead and change the title and update.

    But the title url slug is not saved with it, so unless you go and edit the slug at the same time you end up with your new title but the slug is the old title.

    I think that you shouldn't have to edit the slug separately this way.

    What do you think about this?
    pipes, Sep 1, 2009 IP
  2. aimtowin

    aimtowin Active Member

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    If your post has already been indexed by google changing the slug wouldn't be a good idea. Why not have a slightly different title anyway with different keywords? I sometimes do.
    aimtowin, Sep 1, 2009 IP
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  3. theapparatus

    theapparatus Peon

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    If the url gets modified, it'll break any links coming into that url. At least with the older versions of wordpress. With the newer versions of wordpress (and sorry but I forget when they made the change) a redirect will go from the old url to the new one. That doesn't work on all installs though.
    theapparatus, Sep 1, 2009 IP
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  4. fish

    fish Well-Known Member

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    If the post has already been published, WordPress isn't going to change the slug for you if you change the title as it could effect your incoming links. Sometimes it is automatically redirected though, as the above poster mentioned, but I wouldn't count on it.

    If you want the slug to be updated to match a new title without having to manually type it out, click "Edit" and delete the contents of the current slug (so it's empty), save it, and update the post.
    fish, Sep 1, 2009 IP
    pipes likes this.
  5. theapparatus

    theapparatus Peon

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    This is a pain. I had a very popular post way back when that I noticed afterwards had a misspelling in it. I corrected it and then corrected it again to get it right. All three urls are out there in the wild. Finally had to create redirects within the .htaccess file to get around the problem.
    theapparatus, Sep 2, 2009 IP
  6. pipes

    pipes Prominent Member

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    Oops :) i already changed it on a couple last night, at least i know not to go tampering with others now.

    Cool, im using the latest version so hopefully will be ok with that at least.

    Thanks for the tip fish.

    I think il have to slow down and try and keep any mistakes or change of mind to a minimum, for me i find sometimes that i like a title that ive used, then see it becomes a 2 liner or a widowed last word in the title if that makes sense then decide that i want to shorten it.
    pipes, Sep 2, 2009 IP
  7. theapparatus

    theapparatus Peon

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    What you can do though is find the pages you;ve changed in google and follow the link to make sure the redirect works. If not, you'll have to do a 301 redirect within your htaccess file.


    Found this plugin as well. Don't know if it works as there's no version number attached to it. If it does, you can make the change within that instead of the htaccess file.


    Thanks for the rep, by the way.
    theapparatus, Sep 2, 2009 IP