Should I ban this IP address?

Discussion in 'Google AdWords' started by darkmessiah, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. #1
    I noticed someone for the past 3 days has clicked on an ad, and is clicking on just about every damn link (ebay auctions) on my page.

    Is there anything Google can do about this, refunds or something?

    If Google can't, should I just ban the persons ip address or craft a page just for him?

    Granted, if this person is buying everything that would be great, but I highly dought this. I could only imagine if I was running adsense, this person would probably hit that up as well.
    darkmessiah, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  2. artarmon42

    artarmon42 Guest

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    Probably a bot...
    Are you sure that it's not the Adwords bot?
    Or maybe indexing for a search engine.
    If it's a legit bot, then you probably don't want to be banning the IP ;)
    artarmon42, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  3. johnny1

    johnny1 Peon

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    Artarmon42, You can ban the IP address from your Adwords campaign without banning it from your site.
    johnny1, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  4. darkmessiah

    darkmessiah Peon

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    I just did a reverse ip lookup, it's someone on the verizon network, so it's a user thinking he's screwing me some how. I've banned the ip through adwords. In any case, I hope he buys something really expensive in the next 7 days :)
    darkmessiah, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  5. promomanagers

    promomanagers Peon

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    It's really funny you posted this as I was about to ask a similar question. How many clicks is enough for a user before you ban them? Google now seems to tag most as spam and doesn't charge for them anyway but the principle is still there.

    We had one user a few weeks back on a major ISP that wasn't tied back to a competitor. I think they clicked 9 times over 7 days. Searching further there was a web posting during that period from this person that google indexed - it was a competitor. Checking the adwords logs Google charged for the first but not the other 8. I have no idea how they figured out it was not valid but they did. Either way it went into the IP exclusion list.

    Google should make it easier to apply the exclusion filter to ALL campaigns instead of having to go through each one.

    I don't think users have any idea how much these ads can cost. Legitimate customers may just search a few days in a row instead of bookmarking your site etc. A few weeks back we did exclude someone that eventually ordered from our promo items site. It turns out it was just as we'd suspected - he was just searching and had no idea it was costing us money each time.
    promomanagers, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  6. darkmessiah

    darkmessiah Peon

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    I am thinking the same thing. I couldn't see any real pattern on the stuff he was clicking on either. Honestly, it's only costing me 11 cents per, so I might let it go and see where it leads. If I get anything good out of it, it will at least make sure things are working right on the site.

    Anyone ever put up a message for a spcific IP address?
    darkmessiah, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  7. melbel

    melbel Notable Member

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    I've done that before. I got a whole bunch of fishy clicks from my parents IP. I guess my sister mentioned AdSense to my dad and he wanted to "help." I contacted Google about it and it wasn't a problem. I also gave my dad the lowdown on the whole click fraud thing. If you let Google know there is something fishy going on, they'll look into it for you and then give you the benefit of the doubt over you not telling them at all that something is fishy.
    melbel, Feb 24, 2008 IP
  8. robertpriolo

    robertpriolo Peon

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    careful banning IP's with lots of clicks, they may be doing research on your product, especially if they continually visit many times over multiple days. Google has control over the whole multiple click thing, and its common for people to visit and revisit and click lots of links before committing to your product or service.
    robertpriolo, Feb 24, 2008 IP