Sheepy - new cryptocurrency payment gateway with fiat withdrawal

Discussion in 'Payment Processing' started by Sheepy_crypto, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. #1
    Introducing Sheepy, a pioneering platform designed to make cryptocurrency transactions efficient and business-friendly.

    At Sheepy, we're simplifying crypto payments for businesses of all sizes. Register with us and gain immediate access to our innovative crypto payment solutions, designed for seamless transactions and growth. Accept major digital assets and manage fiat conversion with our powerful dashboards. You can convert, keep or request payouts at your own decision.

    Advantages of Using Sheepy:

    Mass Payouts: Need to manage payroll or disburse payments to a large number of recipients? With's mass payout feature, businesses can efficiently distribute funds to numerous beneficiaries in a single go, saving both time and transaction costs.

    Deposit Addresses: Every transaction demands security and ease. ensures that users get a unique deposit address for every transaction, simplifying the process and adding an extra layer of security.

    Fiat Auto and Manual Conversion: Embrace the best of both worlds. Merchants can opt for automatic conversion of cryptocurrencies into fiat currencies or, if they prefer, manage conversions manually. This flexibility ensures businesses can manage their liquidity in a manner that suits their operations.

    Customizable Invoice Settings: With businesses having diverse needs, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't always cut it.'s platform allows merchants to customize their invoice settings, offering a personalized experience tailored to suit specific business requirements.

    In a nutshell, Sheepy isn't just another cryptocurrency payment gateway. It's a comprehensive solution designed to make the world of cryptocurrencies accessible, secure, and business-friendly.

    Explore the power of Sheepy - interactive demo page. Hands-on experience with our unique features and tools.

    As always, feedback, questions, and suggestions are highly appreciated. Let's embrace the future of finance together!

    Best regards,
    Sheepy Team
    Sheepy_crypto, Oct 25, 2023 IP
  2. Sheepy_crypto

    Sheepy_crypto Peon

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    Sheepy introduces a crypto onramp for iGaming merchants, enabling easy cryptocurrency purchases with credit cards. This streamlined process deposits digital currencies directly into merchants' wallets, enhancing payment simplicity.

    How It Works
    The process is straightforward:
    • Players select the desired amount of cryptocurrency they wish to purchase
    • A regular fiat payment is completed using a credit card
    • Players instantly get the cryptocurrency and deposit funds to their accounts
    • iGaming operators receive the cryptocurrency directly to their deposit addresses accessible here:
    Key Benefits
    • The one-click purchase and deposit process reduces any conversion killers and simplifies the payment flow
    • Deposit address feature allows to reduce the volume of mistakes while the player enters details: wrong addresses and networks
    • Sheepy's onramp opens doors to customers from over 190 countries, even if you never had any prior payment experience in those countries
    • iGaming companies can effortlessly integrate Sheepy's solution into existing payment systems without the need for technical adjustments
    Ready to simplify payments and expand your reach? Explore Sheepy's onramp today and enhance your iGaming platform's payment experience.
    Sheepy_crypto, Mar 5, 2024 IP
  3. FarrisFahad

    FarrisFahad Well-Known Member

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    Digital Goods:
    Great website. Seems legit. But why should I use your website instead of Binance for crypto transactions?
    I have bookmarked the website just incase I need it in the future.
    I want to sign up buy I am a bit skeptical. Why should I trust you with my money?
    FarrisFahad, Mar 16, 2024 IP