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[share] The difference between Valid, Forged, Dropped and Fake PageRank

Discussion in 'Link Development' started by Pin Chung, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. #1
    Good day all :)

    I’ve been asked several times by my friends about PageRank, they asked how to distinguish valid, dropped, and fake domains.

    maybe many of us do not understand about PageRank , here I will write the difference between Valid , Forged , Dropped and Fake PageRank :

    Valid PageRank

    - Domain older than 3 months (based on a minimum sales requirement review)
    - Occupying first place in Google with “name-domain.com”

    Forged PageRank

    - Domain previously having a valid PR before the popularity or index on Google is missing
    - Domains can be any age
    - Not occupying first place in Google with “name-domain.com”
    “name-domain.com“which ranks first in Google PageRank that does not have the same as the domain which we mean
    Conclusion, forged PageRank actually has a value which is almost equal to a valid PageRank

    Dropped PageRank

    - Domain recently registered or aged less than 3 months (based on a minimum sales requirement review)
    - Occupying first place in Google with "name-domain.com"

    Fake PageRank

    - Domains can be any age
    - Not occupying first place in Google with "name-domain.com"
    - Checked in Google by typing " info: name - domain.com " does not show the results of this domain, but the other domain that have the same PR.

    hopefully this post can be useful for those who want to buy domains PageRank.

    thanks :)
    Pin Chung, Feb 6, 2014 IP
    yogadull likes this.
  2. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Overlord of no one Staff

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    digitalpoint, Feb 6, 2014 IP
  3. Pin Chung

    Pin Chung Well-Known Member

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    that's right :D PageRank can be manipulated, like a fake to valid pagerank.
    domain authority show the quality of a domain or website based on the quality of backlink ;)
    Pin Chung, Feb 7, 2014 IP