Santrex Account Termination Issue

Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by FarePak, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. #1
    Hello, I am a ex-customer of services and had my account terminated due to minor verbal abuse.

    I wanted to find out that is there anything I can do to get my money back as Santrex has clearly conned me.

    Basicly, I purchased a UK VPS from them and only had 5 good days of uptime and after that i've been stalled and stalled until 30 days have past then after finally agreeing to move to their France node and also transferring our files to there free of charge, they were unable to do so and blamed it on me because I was unable to upload the backup due to file size and apparently they "lost" the backup.

    So I was requesting a refund but would not refund me because 30 days have gone by, but the problem was that they took 1-2 days to respond to my ticket and promised that the UK VPS would be fixed several times but after promising me several times 30 days have gone by and according to them I was unable to receive a refund due to that ToS that they made.

    So clearly after stalling me for all these days I went crazy and used some verbal abuse which got my account terminated overall.

    I purchased 3 months of VPS time back in August but having around 1 month and 10 days downtime they gave me back like 3 weeks in total.

    So is there anything I can do or is it the end for this?
    FarePak, Oct 9, 2009 IP
  2. browntwn

    browntwn Illustrious Member

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    I can't imagine it is worth your time to pursue this. Cut your loses and work with a different company. That is business advice, not legal advice.
    browntwn, Oct 9, 2009 IP
  3. miketest

    miketest Peon

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    well u really cant do anything other thn spreading bad words for them...
    miketest, Oct 9, 2009 IP
  4. ChrisMiller

    ChrisMiller Prominent Member

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    @farePak Grow-up it is your fault that your services with them were terminated, if you act like a child you will be treated like a child Most hosts have it stated in their Terms of Service or AUP that any verbal abuse of any kind no matter how mild it is will lead to termination.
    ChrisMiller, Oct 9, 2009 IP
  5. FarePak

    FarePak Peon

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    Grow up? You serious? You ain't seen the replies i've had from them.

    Made a ticket in billing section, guy moves it then says i've made ticket in wrong section when it was originally in billing section anyway.

    Also laughs at the fact I wasn't able to upload the files.

    Don't bother trying to act big when you don't know 90% of the story.

    I don't care about the termination, it was a last resort... whats the point? I was left with bad service, bad support and a useless VPS.

    Yet, I must stick up with this guys sarcasm and idiotic support, are you serious?

    Pretty much pointless owning the VPS if it goes down every 24 hours litterally.

    Try to read the whole story before trying to get more posts, Big man.
    FarePak, Oct 9, 2009 IP
  6. ChrisMiller

    ChrisMiller Prominent Member

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    Umm the reason I am tell you to grow up is you made a post in a legal section of a forum looking to sue a company that terminated you for violating their Terms of Service for something that completely your fault.

    I am not sticking up for santrex because there is a half brained idiot like 'Yourself' trying to ruin their reputation for obviously Violating their terms of service. I am sticking up for them because they are one of my biggest business partner and I have never had to wait more then 20 Minutes for a reply to a Ticket of mine at any time of the day or night.
    ChrisMiller, Oct 9, 2009 IP
  7. mjewel

    mjewel Prominent Member

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    Regardless of who is at fault, browntwn gave you good advice. You don't want to pay thousands of dollars to retain an attorney to sue for a few hundred dollars. You would lose money even if you won. Now if you have thousands of dollars to lose, and just want to make a point, find an attorney and retain them - no attorney would take this type of case without money up front. The first thing they would tell you is to stop publicly posting about what happened on a message board. Everything you post can be used against you.
    mjewel, Oct 9, 2009 IP
  8. FarePak

    FarePak Peon

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    Ohh, in that case you have no right to reply to this topic as your partnered with them, therefore would obviously be bias over this discussion, it's like who would cuss their own partner? Comeon now seriously?

    Of course you would get the better support and service as again you are partnered with them, don't even bother dude.

    Also did I mention anywhere that I wanted to sue them? Geez... you call me braindead yet you can't read.

    @mjewel Well, basicly I was not sure where to post this sort of thing, I didn't want to open some sort of case over them neither did want to get an attorney, I just simply wanted to know if it would be able to get my money back, but as it is always after receiving the answer you will always get some bias business crazed idiot to tell you why the company is good, isn't that how America works anyway?
    FarePak, Oct 10, 2009 IP
  9. Wz Network

    Wz Network Peon

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    Regardless of what happened, if you violate TOS, you suffer the consequences. Unless you emailed them your own TOS stating that they must abide by it before accepting your payment, all your arguments are futile and will get you no where. Your best bet is to issue a charge back at PayPal or try and apologize and work something out with someone else at Santrex. From my experience, Khaled Cook is very helpful and the only person working at Santrex with a brain.
    Wz Network, Oct 17, 2009 IP
  10. RBN

    RBN Peon

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    santrex owners are big time scammers plus they offer you a terrible support
    RBN, Oct 17, 2009 IP
  11. ChrisMiller

    ChrisMiller Prominent Member

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    First of all Santrex does not have 'Owners' they are owned by 1 person Khalid Cook. Most if not all complaints I see about Santrex are for people that violated their Terms of Service by running Phishing sites Spamming off their servers or just plain doing something stupid.

    The reason behind Santrex's strit TOS is they trying to protect thier services and their employee's against harm from outside sources. It is YOUR responciblity to have current backups of your websites not Santrex's.
    ChrisMiller, Oct 17, 2009 IP
  12. psilocybin

    psilocybin Peon

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    I was just researching to see if this host was worth using. Seems like there is nothing but bad reviews for them with users complaining about tons of downtime and a lack of support.
    psilocybin, Oct 20, 2009 IP