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Review Website - Conversion Rate?

Discussion in 'Amazon' started by andrej, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. #1
    I'm going to create an Amazon affiliate website for Samsung TVs. I want to review a product and target a keyword like e.g. "Samsung UN46EH6000 review" with SEO.

    And I wonder if I can get e.g. 100 unique visitors daily from Google coming for the keyword "Samsung UN46EH6000 review", what conversion rate can I expect? How many people out of these 100 will buy the product?

    I know the conversion rate depends on many factors, but assume I have a nice affiliate review website with quality review of the product and my affiliate links in place.

    What conversion rate do you get with Amazon?
    andrej, Feb 21, 2013 IP
  2. hope2life

    hope2life Active Member

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    conversion is only 1 or 2% only. Only 1 will buy out of 100 visitors on your site.
    hope2life, Mar 6, 2013 IP
  3. dess71

    dess71 Well-Known Member

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    I believe your conversion will be somewhere arround 10 percent if you can generate 100 uniques per day. But the problem is I think Amazon will not allow brand domains like SamsungUN46EH6000review.com and if you are not using brand in domain, I believe it will be hard to rank. Just to give an idea.
    dess71, Mar 12, 2013 IP
  4. jack2230

    jack2230 Active Member

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    Yes that kind of domain may have some issues although you should be fine. If you can rank it well and are getting some traffic with 100 unique hits per day then you should have a 1-2% conversion meaning 1-2 sales per day which can mean fairly good money if your commission is $50 or $100.

    jack2230, Mar 14, 2013 IP
  5. suidmach

    suidmach Well-Known Member

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    With a keyword like that, you would need to outperform some really high ranking websites like Amazon and Cnet. If you were able to get a higher ranking keyword, then you would get quite a few click throughs. How many of those clicks would convert into sales?
    I would say that 50% would click through to the product, while big ticket items convert very low.
    I would say 1% to 2% max.
    100 visitors would have a buy rate of 0.5% to 1%.
    Each sale would net $50-$100.
    With this calculation, most likely you would lose money if you don't get traffic organically.
    suidmach, Mar 21, 2013 IP
  6. freshdevelopment

    freshdevelopment Notable Member

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    Your conversion will depend on a number of factors including how well you have created your site, the competitiveness of the price on Amazon, the reviews on Amazon etc.

    Make sure you split test when you start getting the traffic - try different buttons, different links, different images etc.

    Also think about the mindset of the people using that keyword... "Samsung UN46EH6000 review" would suggest your visitors are still researching, so try to push them over the line with a good review and a little bit of urgency ("buy now for the best price" or "buy now before it is out of stock")
    freshdevelopment, Apr 5, 2013 IP
    freelancewebaz and andrej like this.
  7. Michael Leonard

    Michael Leonard Member

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    You make some very good points, some of the things like testing that people dont do.
    Michael Leonard, Apr 8, 2013 IP